
Mission to Planets Orange ©2011GaryCGibson (poem)

With a classification of the worlds
according to the color
planets that were orange belonged to no other
clusters of angstroms measured in time
with or without magnetic fields
deflecting charged particle from stars
of waves through curved spaces time
unto Mars, Europa and Tethys read
as green and blue
selected with vision determing locality
visions interpreted in reactive spectral concise renormality
chords of sharp and major frequencies
shifted from infrared to ultraviolet
with biological thought receptors
changing brown to yellow
when paint pots of possibility write
for Mercury becomes white
in the meaning of first light
the speed of gravitons faster
erasing color with terminator night
overcome by surfing quantum packets
interpreted with God given reasoning of right
ever the colors flow
signals, data, of no classification inchoate
lifting event processes to vector then
for timing direction to planets orange.

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