
Apparent Realism and Non-Locality (version 2.0)

Apparent Realism and Non-Locality

Popular physics books by experts let non-scientific fans follow the play by play efforts of cosmologists and quantum mechanical researchers in the sport of conquering ignorance. We watch a thoughtful new guard get a sudden insight on a new theory, steal the ball and race down the court with momentum for a polarized, spin, angled jump theory off the glass for three quarks just as time for teleportation runs out.

Philosophers and theologians too may regard developments in the field and offer their opinions of the game's meaning and progress, how it affects the weather and on the meaning of life for the saved.

We can enjoy learning about random numbers generated from quantum state measurements, or compare the rapture of God to quantum teleporation believing that God could get it done much better than the seemingly poor prospects of scientists for lifting fossil fuel burning vehicle voters to distant worlds and galaxies in a teleportation beam.

The topics of realism and non-locality in quantum mechanical experimental physics have practical consequences and apparent proofs. Entanglement and super-positioning of properties of quantum particles are subject to experiments developing along lines producing qubits useful for quantum computing.

Philosophical explanations for the deeper, underlying reasons why quantum mechanics has what seems to be Einstein's 'spooky action at a distance' tend to be secondary to applied physics research that allows investigation of how given particles may be made to be entangled and share their properties of spin angle or etc. through permutations of measurement and teleported to an entangled blank quantum far away faster than light speed.

Philosophically one wonders about the entire nature of the quantum field, yet of course as it is, the conjecture needs to develop fundamentally extrapolated from the data generated by the experimenters.

In reading 'Dance of the Photons' by Anton Zeigler, one discovers some of the methodology and developments of researchers in the field of what may lead to one-way quantum computers.

That is a fascinating idea; quantum computers with every possible answer already existing- that a librarian must somehow elicit an answer from through measurements that determine an answer.

Philosophically one wonders if the logic of randomly generated qubits may disregard an equally extended generation of definition of randomicity and order produced by experimenters in sending quanta into one of two equally accessible conditions.

What is random in one number system may seem orderly within others. Order can appear within one set and disappear within other simultaneously.
There may be more powerful energy as a kind of micro unified field perhaps wrapping up extra, smaller dimensions, or as a non-specific field of super-positioning with or without innate intelligence that is a meta-criterion supporting the reduction into the particles-wave probability packets of the standard model of quantum mechanics, who can say?

These generated series of random numbers, or apparent random numbers, may be a kind of window into the super-positioned structure of the realm of all-possible wave-states from which the measured quanta collapsed to become a qubit. One would expect that all-possible potential wave-packet states realm has a far more subtle internal coherence than its external, decohered states might indicate. Perhaps in generating apparently random series of qubits one can discern structures of flux and echoes of influence shaping subtly that sublime universe-for-itself.

There may be a balance or 50-50 split of individual photons to equal channels for physical experiments entangling and superpositioning quanta when measured in some cases of each collapsed state of measurement, or channel equally valid for the disposition of momentum of the photon. Of course over time the statistics balance out the equal validity of the channels. Given an infinite series of numbers that are 0's or 1's produced by the qubit state measured one must assume that some distribution patterns emerge. Like the cosmic microwave background obsrvation data, the random number generations of collapsed quntum states may provide data about deeper structures.

In an infinite series the first trillion bits could be 0's, for one has infinity to balance the account, yet one must more reasonably assume that there must be some sort of locality in the distribution of the qubit so at any given time, or in any given section of the series the total allocation is not to lop-sided or out of balance. A pattern of unpatterned allocation of distribution of quantum location measurement may indicate balanced forces acting upon quantum that must then select a course with more subtly determination criteria.

One might wonder if there is some cause for that statistical balance based upon distribution of a qubit to one of two equally valid channels. A prior or meta-causal criteria for distribution of quanta or anything else is fairly basic. In attributing quantum allocations to random distribution it seems that one may simply lack the knowledge of what patterns or causes exist that let quanta assume various states.

A cloud of quanta in super-positions probably has a physics and physical causal order mostly unknown today in this era where discovery of how to affect, entangle and measure individual quanta is the standard. It seems apparent that the cloud of super-positioned, all-possible worldlines quantum uncertainty from which measurements of individual quanta are made and determined has a kind of memory or regulatory function for itself that coordinates, balances or selects the quantum states that appear to observers to occur with information exchanged faster than light.

One get the notion that like the 'Library of Babel' Zeigler mentions (Jorge Luis Borges' short story) the realm of non-collapsed all possible locations of quanta is a field unmeasurable by present observer tools that has its own accounting system. Maybe some of the unused potential wave-states shared by an entangled particle collapse withdraw support from an entangled particle compelling it to use the only one remaining for it, and that is the same state as that occupied by the collapsed, entangled particle.The withdrawl of an extended pre-observation wave from the realm of all possible wave locations cancels the potential for all entangled particles sharing that wave momentum to develop alternate characteristics if measured in a similar way.

Zeilgler summarized The Copenhagen Interpretation of quantum mechanics made by Neils Bohr in his book. He also provided a quote from Bohr by way of Aage Petersen. "There is no quantum world. There is only an abstract quantum physical description. It is wrong to think that the task of physics is to find out how nature is. Physics concerns what we can say about nature."

That opinion would seem to summarize a pragmatic approach to the methods of quantum mechanics. Theory, observation and experiment move along together. What works is a basic criteria for physical theorists.

Philosophical inquiries into the nature of the Universe and the quantum realm of all possible forms in metaphysics should continue so long as people think; on occasion stimulated by data from scientific, logical investigations.

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