
Ideas for Expeditious Financial Withdrawal from Afghanistan and Pakistan

The world historian Arnold Toynbee once noted that a foreign culture will resist perceived or real attack on their religion more than any other attack that might otherwise leave them without a will to resist. We know that cultural adaptations follow economic change positively and economic changes follow cultural changes generally negatively or destructively. In seeking to permanently change the economic causes of comparative poverty and Moslem terrorism on the United States from Afghanistan or Pakistan it is improvident to implement policy goals primarily through military means. Military changes radicalize a culture stimulating its culture toward violent catastrophe based transitions rather than stability without asymmetric condign state oppression-state dictatorship of clerics, bureaucrats or families.

The U.S. political policy should be to design highly adaptive steady-state green economic procedures for second and third world countries that can be transfered and implemented at comparatively low cost for the United States. It would be far more cost effective compared to the highly inefficient largely military approach of American occupation relying on building sycophants of the global corporatist economic infrastructure. That costs hundreds of billions per year versus two or three billion development costs for a steady-state economy in Afghanistan or Pakistan. The trouble is of course that the U.S. Government hasn't got a clue about how to develop a steady-state economy in a second or third world country. Instead it employees hundreds of thousands in the war industries with extremely high tech and costs wrecking the opportunities for life development of millions of American citizens.

More efficient, less costly military procedures to arrest foreign terrorist need to be innovated along with readily transferable solid-state economic and energy packages for second and third world countries that need help. A trickle down of further high tech tools of modernization will inevitably follow over time bring an evolution of culture as the people themselves find their new balance.

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Sartre, Determinism, Experience/Existence and Essents

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