Why would a chess champion cheat at the game? Would high pay and the quest for prestige drive a genius to murder for an illusion of profit?
I could think of no immediate motive for the possible crimes devastating the player’s ranks. Most players have what they need, though nothing is certain to prevent anyone from creating collateral damage for pay in some unknown way.
Power is a goal for-itself. Political power’s coefficient is a function decreasing intelligent, socially benefiting objectives.
Game players under covert contract may model strategies of implicit power development for political corruption. Government surveys are supposed to prevent unfair gaming of competition, yet even macro-economic game winnings of the early 21st century have been corrupted.
There are two players on the stage that we look upon. One Neglon Bacalar is the benighted genius resembling a heavy jowled clone of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. The other is a tall, thin man with a dark two-day beard. A holographic timer floating above in air indicates the limits of time in one direction with standard, non-relativistic units.
The players are set apart a few dozen paces. The interval is filled in by a vortex of uncertain, discontinuous dimensions. Dimensions known and unknown warp the visible universe represented there in grotesqueries and complexities of surreality transcending themselves like the whimsy of forgetful multi-dimensional time.
Time-space and the meaning of that which might be experienced or understood differs for observers qualitatively within and without the game. Functions of constructions of things perceived vary in character between individuals as they do in the cascade of continua moved through eleven dimensional chess actions.
If the chess championship is to continue to remain competitively afloat somehow the fatality rate for players must be renormalized to social average from its present high of ten per cent.
My friend Ortiagon says something sotto voce to break my reflection; ‘So why it is the brains extrude wrongly, before their time? Not everything has been packed well enough into the right space-time, even with streets named after the best looking of the ruling elite’.
I look at Ortiagon’s neighbor, my chess watching second Maruos who said; ‘I ain’t wit ya on that Orti. They was always smarter en they should da been. Took the proplits of the east side and da west side and shuffled em together like so many cabbage piled up. It was da place wheyuh they all felt they was best, in front uh da cameras with the political gods on their side. That punches up the proud of human sacrifice through multi-dimensional crunch.’
Ortiagon without turning away from the mess in the space-box says ‘The cameras. Nothing like that anymore. Not since Shape Chicago phased out optic chips for oprichina. Every surface captures quantum impressions. Can’t fake the past without changing reality-make new local material reality precipitate through amputation integrators.’
I listen to Maruos and Ortiagon, smiling a little when I need to. I may slightly nod my head or making an interested uh huh sound while I study the flow of extra-dimensional chess displacement on-stage. The eleven dimensional chess championship season I subscribe to brings us Friday afternoons to watch space-time chess games unpack dimensional strings in temporal order. The dominant strategies emerge unscripted conclusively only scene by scene.
Following the constructions of extra-dimensional intrusions into our three-dimensions of space we experience virtual realities; real to them and us, yet temporal apparitions destined to disappear as suddenly as they arrive after becoming muscled out. Time, normally enough a linear sequence of events, is in the presentation often restructured with interpolated downloads from future and past.
Echoes from higher dimensional membranes are extracted and placed into the championship arena one at a time in no set temporal order beyond the gestalt of experience.
‘What ya think of the 2012 termination series Orti?’
Ortiagon has a bias toward the past; ‘It was the greatest election since 1066. Garbage collectors arrived to deplete every sort of anomaly harmful to human development, bagged it and stuffed it into six extra dimension chutes. It was the most economical use of extra micro-sized dimensional energy for space-time mosaic reallocating yet. The void left vacuum intensity currents increasing probability fields.’
‘Yeah, that’s how I feel about it too Orti.’
The summer championship series beginning in Ja June has depleted the chess teams in predictable ordinal increase. It is statistically predictable and inexplicable. Quantum computer aided strategies are allowed, yet of limited value with the higher temporal dimensional cutting and pasting displacing time and intention.
Certainly no player plans his own destruction as a part of winning strategy-they are not Jesus Christ-who required a fully God yet fully human nature simultaneously in order that at crucifixion and death someone remained alive to resurrect Him.
What use is a plan to build particular space-time content when the context in which the space-time is connected no longer exists? Uncertainty may be an aspect of the quantum world providing an appearance of space-time interval in given object dimensions, yet it may be quite certain in other dimensions. Substance can seem comparatively solid because of the lack of uncertainty and interval or spacing and timing.
Players use an encyclopedia of strategies to gain strategic and tactical advantages over the other side. That may mean trying to move the winning strategy from extra dimensions back to the very start of the game so it ends before the opponent can reply.
The game moves on for a few hours or days before the temporal history becomes rewritten as strategies in extra dimensions building up to retro-write a new past.
I am not of the opinion that it’s all a con-that the games just seem to last for hours when instead they end as soon as one walks in and the deleted temporal experience becomes like some kind of pharmaceutically engineered delusion-in other words, a cheap trick for a fast buck. It would be easy to believe if it weren’t for the things go on offstage in the more real world.
Dead reckoning calculations based on the best available physics theory give no better than a small probability of emerging with the winning time at the beginning of the game’s space-time alive. It is difficult to split time so fine when it may be wrapped on super-strings comprising a Universe in-itself. Time can resemble a context of mass energy construction irreducible from its position as a mass phenomenon.
The players that stay alive in the game are survivors of an existential cull. I might have said a process of natural selection, yet there is very little that is natural about it. It’s become a war game of intelligent design.
Neglon Bacalar is regarded as the brightest chess player of our time. He is nevertheless a remix specialist sampling fragments of winning tactics and sending them en mass with drone denial of extra-dimensional probability attacks on the beginning of the game until something drops through into place. Neglon sometimes seems to have a physical change on-stage as part of his strategy. Fans of the player’s passion for the game explain that by saying it brings him to commit his entire self to winning-maybe in a philosophical sense that means increasing his winnings in the form of extra-quark credits or social power.
Bacalar exploited the expansion of micro-dimensions in the game-field to change his being allowing the field to expand a little beyond its levies like swollen super-dimensional water. If he is entirely immersed in the game-field, perhaps even becoming one with partial fields of dimensions he might be considered to be cheating. Altering the dimensions to suit himself, deleting the competition with evil, placing himself in the position of being the god of eleven dimensional chess-these things are illegal.
Some believe Bacalar is addicted to the game like an oil spill on water gradually soaking deeply into the sand. Making itself one with the game even if poisoning it is an existential thing-to-do, an important thing to a trans-dimensional uncertainty as he may be, have been or become. His opponents and even teammates suffer high depletion.
I have been of a mind to believe that Bacalar was rigging the game and murdering his rivals. To some, winning is everything, even if the metaphysical footing is insubstantial, fleeting and of unknown purpose.
Bacalar may be a genius or a villain, I cannot be sure. Evidence might be simply the extra-dimensional deposition of the odd and unusual things; corpses in chaotic repose arriving suddenly like a Biblical plague of frogs even unto the halls and desks of government, the end of the world November 7, 2012 overturned after the fact with retro-time reassembly, inexplicable global atmospheric warming and melting of the ice sheets of the planet for which no scientific explanation could be advanced. No, if Bacalar has engineered the high unemployment rate and national debt he is an evil genius.
In a game theory for eleven dimensional chess that has beauty, one would think that construction of the best possible temporal order for living, sentient beings would be the object. The pursuit of the ultimate good should be a transcending goal materializing even within the game field as it might in the Universe or any possible Universe.
Minimizing the good would be antipathetic to reason, and we assume that reason for itself would be regarded as the good. Why then would good chess players move to create temporal evil?
Could an answer be that collateral damage is just an aspect of the actualizing of means to bring the best possible end? Or might it be held that the end is not universally regarded as inevitable or unique, and that the end goal of the game is not to secure the good-even if it is winning? For then the idea of what the good is, is lost for some players who bring collateral damage through extra-dimensions to the streets of the city outside the game arena?
We anticipated that soon, a player would make an ex-temporal move.
And it seemed a predictable, almost amateur move- Darwin’s Gambit; a series of ordinal permutations with random prime number permutations leading through functions of base pairs and local clumps of space atoms from extra-micro dimensions generating sinusoidal, corkscrew wave patterns tapering off to subtle yet interesting infinities. Proliferation of infinities in permutating functions is a technique to let the design of unlimited increase be an implicit element unfunded by energy. Patterns are illimitable, energy and mass are not.
We were led to believe the perspective of origins evolving through base pair constructions providing redundant temporal lines of computation.
Darwin’s gambit was a fair enough move against players without double, simultaneous tensors of quantum calculating holisms. Bacalar, if he expressed emotion, might express bemused incredulity at the move. He invested solely in hyper-dimensional constructions. I wondered if he had any ethics or moral beliefs that could let him infer the transcendent nature of the good. Perhaps it isn’t possible.
On stage Darwin’s Gambit was attempting envelopment. The progression assembled seven dimensional surges moving time to flicker backwards and fizzle against the reinforced walls of entropy Bacalar had placed within his unknown, unrecognized strategy. For the moment we remained to watch the game.
Ortiagon said ‘This is an exciting match don’t ya think? Balacar’s opponent ran a series of complex functions incompletely redefining the past and lost his place in the game.’
Ortiagon don’t you believe yourself that human life is a product of Darwin’s Gambit in an undefined finite series?
If a finite sinusoidal wave generating life exists it occurs phenomenally within a space-time continuum-a line within a hyper-cube. Its temporal dimensions are as apparent as they are surreal, as contingent upon hyper-reality as sub-dimensions are within meta-space.
If we are to observe reality, we need be limited to three spatial dimensions and of time. The spatial line of travel in more than three dimensions doesn’t allow coherent statistical ordering of atoms and larger structures in forms able to support carbon based life.
“Or any other form of biological life I would think. Still, hyper-dimensional life might exist in other forms’ said Ortiagon.
Yes Ortiagon, it’s an interesting thought.
Walking in the crowd through the lobby I thought that this should be an interesting game. Balacar’s opponent might survive a few rounds.
American issues of Christianity, cosmology, politics, ecosphere, philosophy, contemporary history etc
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