
Obama Administration Sees Arab Spring As Eqv. of Reagan-Gorbachev Ending of Cold War

Reportedly members of the Obama adminsitration view the Arab Spring as a great event comparable to the end of the cold war. The comparison seems rather inept. Reagan asked the Saudis to increase oil production in order to drive down the world price of oil in order to stimulate the west's economy and ruin the Soviet's economy that was reliant upon foreign oil sales for cash. That was a good idea in its time as were temporary tax cuts and deficit spending to stimulate the U.S. economy. Today the U.S.A. is paying more than a hundred bucks a barrel and the Arab Spring is forcing Americans to pay more at the pump. There economy is springing while our's is flopping-some for the administration to cheer about. Maybe the Boston Empath Club will give him the key to the city.

Perhaps the administration's people making the comparison believe the United States is like the former Soviet Union and the Moslem world is breaking it's economic power a little at a time-progressively. Osama Bin Laden and the 9-11 killers viewed the Soviet Union as one super-power they defeated (in Afghanistan) and that the U.S.A. would be the next.

In Tunisia a government fell and was replaced. In Egypt an old authoritarian President was forced out yet what will follow is hard to anticipate. In Libya we are making a war on the Libyan strong man and former terror plotter Khaddaffi through N.A.T.O. and an ad hoc insurgent army, in Yemen uprisers have about forced the government to leave-maybe the administration supports someone else perhaps from Dhamar Province to lead, in Syria the Muslim Brotherhood seeks to force the harsh Alawite Government of Assad from power-this is compared to the ending of communist authoritarianism in Eastern Europe and Russia by the administration.

I am not of the opinion that U.S. foreign policy is increasing world security. While we spend a lot on foreign military ventures we can displace a lot of potential terrorists from attacking the U.S.A. What is not evident is the opportunity cost of spending several trillion abroad in antipathetic to ecological economic and full employment abroad in military ventures still unconcluded after a decade.

For several decades analysts have predicted the eventual rise of populism to overthrow authoritarian governments in the Moslem world. With an unsustainable economic infrastructure for human and ecological development in much of the Moslem world the implicit social instability will likely lead to more liberal conditions for the waging of ad hoc jihad upon Europe, the United States and possibly Israel from democracies in North Africa and elsewhere in the Middle east. The administration may be unintentionally helping to support the Caliphate of Osama bin Laden's and Saddam Hussein's dreams with twittering pseudo-democratic innovations.

If the administration was half as enthusiastic about finding ways to defend the U.S. borders from illegal alien cheap labor migrants and creating full employment and a recovery of the nation's ecology that would be 'An American Spring' he could write home about (from Paris or wherever The President was today).

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