
The Role of Locality and Non-Locality in the 3rd Reich’s Development of the ‘Final Solution’

In reading through a fine history book on the week leading to the signing of the Armistice 11-11-11-1918 ending World War One I have reflected upon not only this work, but that of others on the role and reaction of Imperial powers and other elements of European and global history to political and economic presence of Jews leading to the Reich’s adoption of the final solution to end the political ‘problem’ of Jews existing in a local polity. The infamous term developed perhaps applicable to a broader context of economic and political issues that made Germany politically unstable.

Yes, there may be more interesting, contemporary topics to write on. For instance there may be a question of was Osama Bin Laden read his Miranda rights before being shot by U.S. Navy Seals in Abadabad (a place in Pakistan where bad guys sometimes go to hide out). This essay isn’t intended to be a deep, comprehensive thesis on the causes of the decision of the Reich’s leadership to concentrate the German and European Jewish population and liquidate them in the death camps.

I am presenting several ideas on the topic stimulated by a recent reading of a history of part of the First World War. As one encounters novel ideas approaching the age of sixty, it is difficult to persuade oneself that the choice to procrastinate would lead to anything beyond annihilating the prospect for writing down the thought.

The German imperial state had existed for only about forty years near the start of the First World War. The King of Prussia was the Emperor-the Kaiser, of the German military and state that lost to the allies during the four years of the First World War. Jews were not Prussian officers loyal to their warlord, and as international and sometimes brilliant members of a Jewish Diaspora were scattered throughout the European nations as a somewhat restive commercial and intellectual class with little prospect for becoming ethnic insiders within a hotly contested political environment over history. They could easily become regarded as politically antipathetic members of an internal proletariat during a time of national stress. Political leaders could view them like rich cherry pies cooling in windows ripe for harvest. Humanity may have the heart of a thief in some of its political establishment sometimes. Our Lord was crucified hanging on a cross between two thieves.

European history it should be recalled was not invariably sweetness and light with liberty and justice for all. Those were real Huns that flanked the Roman Army too swiftly, real Mongols invading Russia and on to Novgorod, actual thirty years and hundred years wars, actual hundreds of years of British-Spanish naval battles, actual thousand years of war to drive the Moors back to Africa. Much of European political history developed along tribal lines loyal to racial leadership through feudalism that itself was capable of producing or politically evolving democratic institutions such as England during the event-processes of the Magna Charta. Jews were extraneous to the process in many respects, and following the tremendous losses of German established human, social and economic capital during the first world war, the rise of scapegoating of Jews for causal explanations of failures to win the war were easy to develop.

The Jews as a people in a society yet not of it was not unique to Germany. In Russia the tsar had a history of stimulating pogroms against Jews in various towns when the economy was bad to take the popular heat of himself and blame the Jews for a recession. European Jews of the Diaspora were politically outsiders in many respects both in religion and politics-two of the primary cultural avenues to power in local politics. Some Jewish thinkers desired a land of their own where they might also be a local people. Herzog and Zionism would take some time to arise, during the late 19th century many Jews opted for some new European state-perhaps a class neutral Bolshevik state or a nation for itself perhaps beyond the Pale of Poland. Jewish participation in the Underground red political organizations such as the Bolshevik Party (e.g. Trotsky) and widespread leadership in German revolutionary communist actions leading to the formation of the first German Republic including three Jews in charge in Bavaria ending the monarchy of King Ludwig’s 900 year family tradition were loud political opponents of German conservatives thereafter-especially during the post war decade the near creation of a German Bolshevik state at the end of the war would become an apparent obstruction to a reformation of a loyal German militarism.

During European history there was an ongoing process of local and non-local powers in politics. I have started to regard that problem of local political control versus non-local as something like that of non-locality and locality in quantum mechanics; each are necessary if one wishes to have material planets and stars exist.

In global politics today the advantage tends to be with non-localists sometimes appearing s a plague of locusts to the locals observing their resources being taken. The United States may have its Jews such as Solomon Brothers to participate in globalism and non-locality, yet they can hardly be said to be leading over Americans who have become more Jewish than Jews at business non-locality, since the Jews have created their own locality in Israel achieving a kind of balance although sometimes trained in the locality and non-locality phenomena that the United States is in error moving away from.

Locality is a necessary precondition for political self-determination in politics. It is also a requirement for non-monolithic governments and its multiplicity of nations that locality is not erased by non-local political and economic power.

The Jews in Germany became victims of the historical evolution of simultaneous local and non-local political, religious and economic powers. They were originally unwilling victims of a local Diaspora flinging them outward non-locally. One finds the absurdity of the genius son of the richest man in Europe-Ludwig Wittgenstein, enlisting in the Austrian Army to experience non-intellectual danger during the four years of the First World War where he writes the Tractatus Logico Philosophicus and pines away after his deceased British pilot. The non-locality of Jews in the early 20th century of Europe versus the local sometimes reached even more absurd levels.

Albert Einstein his friendship with a mentor who was the inventor of the chemical war agent GB. Eventually he left Germany with his family who manufactured electrical generators in Switzerland. After years of education and work in Germany fled to the United States developing an atomic bomb on the way. Locality and non-locality in politics and social experience created a vast range of conflicting waves of turbulent social change. Simple reactionaries such as Adolph Hitler developed economic and political methods in response to the existential challenges they encountered with means that were hyperbolized expressions of human historical tradition.

Perhaps human beings in this era are capable of only two absolute forms of governance-absolutism as a totalized state or local neo-democracy. Because human life exist in a physical continuum of perpetual time progression political balances have a tendency to escalate or reduce to absolute conditions not unlike the reduction of mass and energy to black hole singularities through the reinforcement of gravitational attraction. Keeping localities free from non-local political takeover and erasure is a reciprocal requisite for keeping non-local political powers such as that of global economics from becoming absolute powers. Unleavened political locality is a necessity if the leavened non-locality of global politics is to keep from collapsing into some form of authoritarianism of totalitarianism.

The Jews of the Era of the 3rd Reich were large victims of the human political conflict between locality and non-locality in politics. They weren’t the first nor the last to be held to be class enemies of local powers as non-local opponents to well being. That experience increases as chaos arises in society-such as occurred after the end of the First World War. John Maynard Keynes had believed that harsh requirements by the allies for reparations would lead to further crisis. World war two may have been the result of that, as deficit sending in Germany to stimulate a radical industrial economic recovery with huge public debt led the Nazi leadership to an unbalanced war economy footing that required a relitigation of the conclusion of the First World War.

The same dangers of radical political instability could develop in the world again with vast public debt build ups and global economic chaos stimulating wars and struggle for local security sometimes on a class basis not dissimilar in logic from expressions in law of class action suits. A stable political idea of conservative locality within a liberal non-locality seems the better approach to continuing life on Earth in nations free of oppression and environment destroying existential industrialist-nihilists.

The Nazi ‘final solution’ to the existential geo-political circumstance of the time was exemplary of populist reasoning of the day. Incompetence in political diagnostics is a reciprocal of political contests of power-there are winners and losers in mass actions necessary and unnecessary each. No more than final solution in physical theories of everything are comprehensive political solutions likely to cover the optimal utopian requirements able to satisfy all people at all times, or explain all things for all time. Non-localities and non-localities must cohere simultaneously in the paradoxes of politics and quantum mechanics without violating the boundaries of either, leaving the transcendence to us as God and grace permits.

Einstein demonstrated that as a local object accelerates toward the speed of light it mass ‘weight’ increases. Political mass too encounters a bow wave that it cannot get over at sublunary velocity as a locality tries to become the Universal State. Political resistance to universal, global states may also increase Universal precipitating a transition into gravitation collapse toward singularity.

Populism and pragmatism may find many ways to define class enemies. Locality may be regarded as hindering to votaries of non-locality and vice versa. Mistaken belief in non-locality as locality can prevail amidst existentially phenomenal economic classes arising without local roots.
Existential economic bubbles developed through non-local business processes may locally collapse with anisotropic distribution.
Conservativism and its antipathetic opposition perennially discover new political methods whereby conflict is afforded opportunity as a means-for-itself. Confusions arise in the polity solved through allegiance to simple, stark-for-others beliefs. Belief in God and the Lord Jesus Christ may be the only effective solution capable of liberating human beings as localities-in-themselves, for-themselves to overcome temporal finity, transcending in the saving relationship to the ultimate non-locality of God, the Father of all localities.

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