
President Obama Clarifies Mid-East Policy Speech With Legal Definition of Swap-n-Historial Revision and Unspecified Future Considerations

President Obama suggested that the Palestinians should advance to Israel's 1967 borders before the Arabs attacked last week, later suggesting that critics of his plan had misunderstood him. Our Presidential language interpretor offers the opinion that the President meant that he is a Harvard lawyer and they-the listeners are not, and thus are stupid and simultaneously misunderstand him.

The President discovered in December 2010 that giving up entirely on budget negotiations by extending tax cuts for the rich for the remainder of his administration could be a paradigm swapped for present Israeli-Palestinian negotiations. All the Jews need to do is just fall back to the pre-1967 boundary and the Palestinians are sure to become democrats for peace and love with Israel.

The correctly interpreted meaning of falling back to 1967 borders with land swaps is the borders of Israel should be where they were in 1967 before Moslems attacked with unspecified swapping going on. Exemplifying the sophistication of Harvard Law School alumni supremacy plundering language meanings of the non-Harvard laity, he suggested before a Jewish organization that he had also said that land should be 'swapped'. Swaping land in Political Real Estate legal theory with or without suicide bombers or intafadahs is part of the curriculum of the better elite law schools. Swapping studies are of course given as class offerings in Dibs and Divisions In The Advanced Legal Theory of International Swaps, don't you now. Teams of swapping theorists are expected to descend upon Israel, the West Bank and Gaza soon. Eleven dimensional political boundary specialists are in surplus after the layoffs caused by the 2008 home mortgage derivatives collapse. This may be good news for the U.S. economy potentially dropping the unemployment rate as much as one percent as Swappo moves to the Hamas entity.

The helpful English as a second language pointer the President provided -in order that Americans might be able to comprehend the meaning of swap as a legal term- clears everything up. Now even oppressed women can swap their Burkhas for ploughshares equipped with advanced quantum computing twitting units.

In land contracts the undistributed term 'swap' means that any generality within extra-legal, extra-territorial judicial boundaries may be conveyed to the party of the first part without the participation of the second, if there is a first or second party or even a third.

Lunch was served at the meeting then and it became plain that Washington D.C. would be named as the undesignated land of swap with future considerations. Swap could go to arbitration to decide if there will be a season after all.

Cynics might suggest that the plan was plain from the start, and that everyone knew that the Jews would swap their present land for the aforementioned 67 borders with Palestinians who would give up undesignated considerations-perhaps entangled quanta super-positioned between the Negev and the Gaza, to provide certainty where none existed before.

What the President may have really meant was that Israel would take some land beyond its 67 borders in swap with Palestinians who would take some land held by Israel beyond the 67 borders. Certainly that clarification of 67 borders as being redefined with revisionism or swap-enhanced 67 borders was useful for the stupid listening to the President last week.

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