
Alaska Cultural Pioneer, Dr. Walter Soboleff Dies at 102

Dr. Walter Soboleff died in Alaska at the age of 102. His life in Alaska spanned much of the history of the territory and the state. An influential Tlingit, Presbyterian minister, Dr. Soboleff was much respected and highly regarded.

His passing takes with it something of the end of an era of Alaska cultural synthetic pioneering through the period leading up to and through statehood.

Dr. Soboleff's Russian name continued some of the Russian heritage in the state from the pre-territorial days when the capital was at Sitka and relations between Tlingits, Russians and later British and American settlers was occasionally fractious. Much of Alaska's early western era development was along its rich in natural resources coastal areas; Tlingit, Haida and Tsimshian lands historically. With traditional land titles fogged with the new legal systems; Russian and British based prevalently on force of occupation, the next, the U.S. legal system, arose to present conflicting native and federal land claims were not settled until the Nixon administration's A.N.I.L.C.A. legislation passed congress and was signed into law.

Continuing into the American era the Alaska coastal region was the core area for natural resource extraction industries such as timber products, minerals, ice and also fish (not an extraction industry).

In entering the ministry Dr. Soboleff became a unifying interpreter of culture in addition to being a minister of the word of God. He remained active asserting a positive influence throughout his life.


The Green Mountain in Fog ©2011GaryCGibson (poem)

Green mountains running through politics
like clovers of construction
spun like photons entangling for teleportation
measured as myriad meanings of legislation
of financial theories of distribution
over a depleted Earth.

Transforming California's State Prisons Into Low-Cost Green Construction Projects

When the U.S. Supreme Court ordered California to reduce its over crowed prisons from 140,000 to 80,000 the state was presented with another challenge to government planning logic that has increasingly tended to fail to comprehend the complex social complex of compresence of environmental and economic use. California prisons are money pits, yet if a surplus of criminals are not to be reallocated to society to structure organized crime networks the state of California should develop a new theory of prison construction and function.

It may be possible for California to catch and release criminals in the future with better electronic monitoring, or better armed citizens with more liberal gun laws may better be able to defend themselves against criminal assault. If the U.S. Government ever creates an efficient border control zone with Mexico stopping all illegal aliens from entering California it may be reasonable to just ship convicted criminals from Mexico back home if they have minor sentences. Certainly California politics has created an inefficient penal system that is expensive and fails to serve the people effectively. The state goals should include low-cost prevention of crime, swift arrest and correction of criminals, and a prison methodology that functions with ecological efficiency on a sustainable basis.
Plainly a fully employed, well adjusted and happy society with few criminals is better than an indebted, economically and ecologically dysfunctioning society blundering along on a non-sustainable basis.

Because the topic is rich with points to consider I shall write about just a few salient features of how to structure purposeful new prisons at much lower social cost. As it is, the very construction technology of prisons and theory of the use of prisons creates an inverse efficiency contracting phenomena providing least service at highest cost. So rewriting the script for processing convicts through a few years of rehabilitation is in order. Yet society is itself in need of ecological economic rehabilitation.

With 60,000 surplus prisoners the state may need to build 60 new prisons. Convict labor to build these prisons is available, and the prisons when complete would be sold to the private sector as completed artificial mountain shaped low-entropy condominium or business spaces. The convicts would be guaranteed a five year occupancy (if they have a five year sentence left) in the new prison before it was sold, in order that they are not just being exploited. They must have something to work for as they move from the tents to the individual room with a view of the desert.

New California convicts should be treated as new work hires set to construct prisons shaped like small, artificial mountain ranges with ecological economic methods and values. Ecological value ought to be added to the desert lot on which they labor. New habitat for wildlife on the exteriors should arise as the prisons goes up. Empty moats and berms would be constructed to contain convicts from escaping, yet like the naval academy graduates, the prisoners would be trained to be on a contractual schedule of advance, and they might be motivated to complete the course of incarceration.

Low-entropy renewable ecological economics could be a slid basis for prisoner rehabilitation. It would at least be better than training them to lift weights before going to auto shop. Training a prison culture to be chop shopping car thieves an enforcers in a stupid auto-culture isn't very bright ultimately and presents significant social costs reinforcing wrong ecological and economic values.

California prisons might also use a principle of gunnite concrete monolithic dome construction of super-insulated, low cost individual domes to isolate inmates yet provide them with continuing computer delivered education in fundamental as well as solar panel maintenance. Prisoners should never be permitted to congregate or share meals except after church, yet they should have daily opportunities for long distance jogging on a track individually.

Some prisons might be built with new low cost fabrication techniques that provide an immediate infrastructure for mass solar power private sector power production. Prisoners might be trained to be solar panel facility operators. The might be trained to move solar collecting devices toward the sun, keep them clean, wire them correctly and perhaps install wiring circuits to deliver power to the grid.

The traditional vocational training efforts and physical structure of California prisons should abolished in the new prison projects. Recidivism rates are high as it is, so transforming into a new project at lower cost with far higher potential direct public return is a reasonable change to make.

Prison food should not be cooked. Fresh vegetables and fruits-grown on the new prison grounds when possible, along with bread and very basic, plain yet healthy fare should be provided. if monolithic micro-domes are selected then prisoners would sleep on the floor with a mat and fiber optic video surveillance would be ubiquitous. prisoners should learn a non-aggressive, secure, ecologically rational, renewable lifestyle while incarcerated. Perhaps they could actually be helpful to society when they 'graduated', even if they are not qualified to work in traditional occupations directly. If they are generally better people than they were, their addition to society would be a plus rather than more usual corruption in the usual environmental deficit producing economy.

What About Sartre and Hemingway's Characterization?

I wish I knew. If Hemingway's characters lived in a mobius strip twisted to resemble a world shaped like a pretzel they would just deal with it maybe with determination and compressed meaning, possibly even aware of the strangeness of it's shape. The characters would accept it as natural though. With short, intentional strides progress would be made. beyond a stream ford tent poles would go up, face paint come off and rifles reloaded. Perimeter guards might listen for the distant drone of an approaching plane or the hoot of an owl stalking the darkness.

Hemingway's Robert Jordan just dies meaninglessly at the end of For Whom the Bell Tolls getting shot trying to cross a road cut across a mountain slope. Nothing more than why did the chicken cross the road to it. In a way Hemingway is more existential than Sartre. In that sense of meaninglessness can the government ever fairly say that anything is an existential threat?

Sartre's characters would probably reflect a more about the nature and relationships of what they see and experience; even if they were about to die. They might die thinking otherwise as they disappeared into a mind whirlpool of toxic chocolate neuron connection dissolution.

The more reflective, existentially immersed character is more popular in some ways now than the Hemmingway guy-at least for some bureaucratic fiction and/or non-fiction writers. They may comment on existential threats importing Sartre's philosophical term of subjective rationalism into the vocabulary of political realism.

Osama Bin Laden was an existential terrorist in such a contextual lexicon. Reality intruding into political subjectivism is sometimes regarded as an existential invasion of collective personal space. We might prefer that objective, implicit terminology be used in government instead of making even the federal deficit a subjective cognitive experience.

Sartre's fiction characters such as in the Age of Reason or The Condemned of Altoona had at least a narrator to reflect upon the objectivity of the circumstance they found themselves in. In political existentialism one can be placed into circumstances not of one's choosing.

Sartre's characters always retained their ability to say no to a situation's demands for conformal behavior, yet of course they could lose their existence for doing so, or alternatively, they might have little room for choice (as when the condemned were waiting their turn to be taken to a firing squad and shot they could just say no to their fear about it).

Political and environmental circumstances that impose the will of others or of nature upon one's personal experience adversely become existential adversities for politicians only when the adversity is generated from a class rival. That brings us to awareness of the politically proprietary nature of the designation of existential adversary in contemporary non-fiction political narrative writing.

In my opinion Sartre would have placed politcally common social constructions with a Critique of Dialectical Reason context rather than that of existentialism. In Being and Nothingness existentialism is developed as a rational investigation of the subjective and objective nature of personal experience. It is a kind of ontology of mind. When used for a collective experience it tends to break down, or have its meaning replaced by a different meaning.

If existentialism is a subjective criterion, fiction writing and character development is not quite so much subjective. Characters are developed with objective words, terms and labels to provide a reason understandable to any reader for their actions. Even so we may like the philosophically minded character's objective view of his own circumstances as if it were subjective. The mob that has taken over the public square and become a revolutionary government is an exciting, swirling sea of humanity taking him along in the currents. Perhaps he will become a new political figure himself or become a destitute, starving and unpopular class outcast. It is exciting to consider the complete complex of compresent possibilities without too much effort as a subjective encounter in life.

Of course there are other points of view in the socially dialectical world of reason that we might visit with an omniscient narrator peering into the minds of the primary protagonists of our experience. Yet as non-omniscient citizens we might be limited to describing the social dialectic of political interaction as a phenomenality with causal mechanics in itself. Then we find our characterization of the commons and its events as personally existential still, yet for others and in-itself entirely other. The bureaucratic application of existentialism to mean 'existing things' annihilates the subjective element of existentialism and replaces it with the commons and its political lexicon. The sadistic nature of government expresses itself in the annihilation of the value or primacy of citizen subjectivity.

Not to say that government is invariably sadistic. It is only occasionally sadistic as it actualizes its collective otherness as a for-itself through wars, revolutions and setting of tax policy up and down. Then the lexicon of power becomes too familiar arising to negate individual privacy.

Making the commons a transcending lexical social reality for-itself may stimulate citizen efforts to keep the invasive government communications remote-beyond the border of decency implicitly a civil and human right. We find Sartre's characterization of his personal subjective experience in 'Being and Nothingness' quite a bit different from the description of the collective commons dialectical 'narrating' itself as a political agent in history for-itself.

President Obama Clarifies Mid-East Policy Speech With Legal Definition of Swap-n-Historial Revision and Unspecified Future Considerations

President Obama suggested that the Palestinians should advance to Israel's 1967 borders before the Arabs attacked last week, later suggesting that critics of his plan had misunderstood him. Our Presidential language interpretor offers the opinion that the President meant that he is a Harvard lawyer and they-the listeners are not, and thus are stupid and simultaneously misunderstand him.

The President discovered in December 2010 that giving up entirely on budget negotiations by extending tax cuts for the rich for the remainder of his administration could be a paradigm swapped for present Israeli-Palestinian negotiations. All the Jews need to do is just fall back to the pre-1967 boundary and the Palestinians are sure to become democrats for peace and love with Israel.

The correctly interpreted meaning of falling back to 1967 borders with land swaps is the borders of Israel should be where they were in 1967 before Moslems attacked with unspecified swapping going on. Exemplifying the sophistication of Harvard Law School alumni supremacy plundering language meanings of the non-Harvard laity, he suggested before a Jewish organization that he had also said that land should be 'swapped'. Swaping land in Political Real Estate legal theory with or without suicide bombers or intafadahs is part of the curriculum of the better elite law schools. Swapping studies are of course given as class offerings in Dibs and Divisions In The Advanced Legal Theory of International Swaps, don't you now. Teams of swapping theorists are expected to descend upon Israel, the West Bank and Gaza soon. Eleven dimensional political boundary specialists are in surplus after the layoffs caused by the 2008 home mortgage derivatives collapse. This may be good news for the U.S. economy potentially dropping the unemployment rate as much as one percent as Swappo moves to the Hamas entity.

The helpful English as a second language pointer the President provided -in order that Americans might be able to comprehend the meaning of swap as a legal term- clears everything up. Now even oppressed women can swap their Burkhas for ploughshares equipped with advanced quantum computing twitting units.

In land contracts the undistributed term 'swap' means that any generality within extra-legal, extra-territorial judicial boundaries may be conveyed to the party of the first part without the participation of the second, if there is a first or second party or even a third.

Lunch was served at the meeting then and it became plain that Washington D.C. would be named as the undesignated land of swap with future considerations. Swap could go to arbitration to decide if there will be a season after all.

Cynics might suggest that the plan was plain from the start, and that everyone knew that the Jews would swap their present land for the aforementioned 67 borders with Palestinians who would give up undesignated considerations-perhaps entangled quanta super-positioned between the Negev and the Gaza, to provide certainty where none existed before.

What the President may have really meant was that Israel would take some land beyond its 67 borders in swap with Palestinians who would take some land held by Israel beyond the 67 borders. Certainly that clarification of 67 borders as being redefined with revisionism or swap-enhanced 67 borders was useful for the stupid listening to the President last week.

Apparent Realism and Non-Locality

Popular physics books by experts let non-scientific fans follow the play by play efforts of cosmologists and quantum mechanical researchers in the sport of conquering ignorance. We watch a thoughtful new guard get a sudden insight on a new theory, steal the ball and race down the court with momentum for a polarized, spin, angled jump theory off the glass for three quarks just as time for teleportation runs out.

Philosophers and theologians too may regard developments in the field and offer their opinions of the game's meaning and progress, how it affects the weather and on the meaning of life for the saved.

We can enjoy learning about random numbers generated from quantum state measurements, or compare the rapture of God to quantum teleporation believing that God could get it done much better than the seemingly poor prospects of scientists lifting fossil fuel burning vehicle voters to distant worlds and galaxies in a teleportation beam.

The topics of realism and non-locality in quantum mechanical experimental physics have practical consequences and apparent proofs. Entanglement and super-positioning of properties of quantum particles are subject to experiments developing along lines producing qubits useful for quantum computing.

Philosophical explanations for the deeper, underlying reasons why quantum mechanics has what seems to be Einstein's 'spooky action at a distance' tend to be secondary to applied physics research that allows investigation of how given particles may be made to be entangled and share their properties of spin angle or etc. through permutations of measurement and teleported to an entangled blank quantum far away faster than light speed.

Philosophically one wonders about the entire nature of the quantum field, yet of course as it is, the conjecture needs to develop fundamentally as extrapolations from the data generated by the experimenters.

In reading 'Dance of the Photons' by Anton Zeigler, one discovers some of the methodology and developments of researchers in the field of what may lead even to one-way quantum computers.

That is a fascinating idea; quantum computers with every possible answer already existing- that a librarian must somehow elicit and answer from through measurements that determine an answer.

Philosophically one wonders if the logic of randomly generated qubits may disregard an equally extended generation of definition of randomicity and order as produced by experimenters in sending on quanta into one of two equally accessible conditions.

What is random in one number system may seem orderly within others. Order can appear within one set and disappear within other simultaneously. There may be more powerful energy as a kind of micro unified field perhaps wrapping up extra, smaller dimensions, or as a non-specific field of super-positioning with or without innate intelligence that is a meta-criterion supporting the reduction into the particles-wave probability packets of the standard model of quantum mechanics; who can say?

These generated series of random numbers, or apparent random numbers, may be a kind of window into the super-positioned structure of the all-possible wave-states from which the measured quanta collapsed to become a qubit. One would expect that all-possible potential wave-packet states realm to have a far more subtle internal cohernece than its external, decohered states might indicate. Perhaps in generating apparently random series of qubits one can discerne structures of flux and echoes of influence shaping subtle that sublime universe-for-itself.

There may be a balance or 50-50 split of individual photons to equal channels for physical experiments entangling and superpositioning quanta when measured in some cases if each collapsed state of measurement, or channel is equally valid for the disposition of momentum of the photon. Of course over time the statistics balance out the equal validity of the channels. Given an infinite series of numbers that are o's or 1's produced by the measured qubit state measured one must assume that some distribution patterns might emerge. Of course in an infinite series the first trillion bits could be 0's, for one has infinity to balance the account, yet one must more reasonably assume that there must be some sort of locality in the distribution of the qubit so at any given time, or in any given section of the series the total allocation is not to lop-sided or out of balance. One might wonder if there is some cause for that statistical balance based upon distribution of a qubit to one of two equally valid channels. A prior or meta-causal criteria for distribution of quanta or anything else is fairly basic. In attributing quantum allocations to random distribution it seems that one may simply lack the knowledge of what patterns or causes exist that let quanta assume various states.

A cloud of quanta in super-positions probably has a physics and physical causal order mostly unknown today in this era where discovery of how to affect, entangle and measure individual quanta is the standard. It seems apparent that the cloud of super-positioned, all-possible worldlines quantum uncertainty from which measurements of individual quanta are made and determined has a kind of memory or regulatory function for itself that coordinates, balances or selects the quantum states that appear to observers to occur with information exchanged faster than light.

One get the notion that like the 'Library of Babel' Zeigler mentions (Jorge Luis Borges' short story) the realm of non-collapsed all possible locations of quanta is a field unmeasurable by present observer tools that has its own accounting system. Maybe some of the unused potential wave-states shared by an entangled particle collapse withdraw support from an entangled particle compelling it to use the only one remaining for it, and that is the same state as that occupied by the collapsed, entangled particle.

Zeilgler summarized The Copenhagen Interpretation of quantum mechanics made by Neils Bohr in his book. He also provided a quote from Bohr by way of Aage Petersen. "There is no quantum world. There is only an abstract quantum physical description. It is wrong to think that the task of physics is to find out how nature is. Physics concerns what we can say about nature."

That opinion would seem to summarize a pragmatic approach to the methods of quantum mechanics. Theory, observation and experiment move along together. What works is a basic criteria for physical theorists.

Philosophical inquiries into the nature of the Universe, quantum world metaphysics should continue so long as pole think; on occasion stimulated by data from scientific and logical investigations.


'Dance of the Photons' comments, ideas etc.

Reading through Anton Zeigler's interesting introduction to quantum mechanical superposition of states, entanglement, teleportation and other issues I have just a few comments to make here.

Zeigler is a physicist who worked on a project to verify elements of non-locality in quantum particles in a 1996 experiment (or was it 1999?). These reader friendly ideaas of a principle author in his area of expertise are usually good reading, as is this one.


I am yet quite curious about the unanswered causal explanation for the entanglement of quantum particles at any distance in theory. Zeigler mentions that a mission to Mars might offer astronouts the opportunity to test quantum theory on the way as they transmit information to Earth control.

Perhaps quantum particles are tied into smaller than planck length spacing and field data that has no relativity problems that are perhaps applicable to macro-universal objects inclusive even of bosons and fermions.

The philosopher W.V.O. Quine wrote a book titled 'Ontological Relativity' about logic and language, and I wonder if aspects of that do not apply to the quantum phenomena a little. Superpositioning of multiple quantum states that are undertermined until observed by a scientist would seem to bring quantum states within an observational ontology in-itself. I wonder if many of the ideas of logic used in quantum mechanical experiments are up to date, and of course I also wonder if the obstructions, filters or quantum switches such as partially reflective mirrors used as beam splitters or ways to give a particular polarization to a phton or bound photon pairs do not determine the system for itself. I thus also wonder if the logic is good. Why one wonders do the photons not respond illogically at times if there is no local reality at some point. Perhaps one might redefine the ontology or meaning of locality.


Afghanistan and Memorial Day

The occupation of Afghhanistan has come at high cost for the United States. In the decade of U.S. presence casualties physical and psychological were plentiful. reportedly morale is at its lowest level in six year. Maybe the Pentagon's choice to send openly gay troops will cheer them up.

I was surprised in reading an article this morning-I believe it was in the Anchorage Daily News, about the nature of the Afghanistan millitary venture. About 50% of the soldiers/marines said they had killed someone, and two thirds said they had been within a 100 yards of an i.e.d. explosion going office. The article was on the subject of depression amongst the troops.

Some believe that depression is a biological build-up of some sort of proteins in lipids that eventually could be remedied. Yet depression may be a rational reaction to bad outlook in physical location and circumstance. it may be that depression was a natural stimulus to make an individual walk away from a bad area in search ofa more cheerful circumstance. Perhaps all troops leaving Afghanistan should be required to serve six months at some large military post in Florida with lots of golfing, swimming and fishing before being released to regular service or home.

There are several reasons for soldiers serving extended and recurrent duty in Afghanistan. For one thing, there seems to be little purpose to the occupation. It is possible to invade a nation and take it for one's own side. It is far more difficult to force people to conform to particular behavior or even worse, to convert to an alien religion or secular behavior and moral structure. U.S. efforts to change Afghanistan for a decade into something palatable to policy planners has all the earmarks of cluster confusion with dubious prospects for working.

In the United States the bottom ten percent of society seem to be increasingly written off. The Democratic Party is a party for the middle class amongst whom the word poor is politically incorrect. Even the Obama medical plan is unreasonably designed to be fairly ineffective for the poor. Veterans too have long range pros[pects for less than optimal medical services. The bottom ten percent also has lots of veterans and perhaps more in the future as they find work difficult, and perhaps selling phone service or mortages difficult to adjust too.

Serving in Afghanistan for several years in a mission with bad fundamental political logic is costly to taxpayers and citizens in several ways. Neither does Afghanistan have much oil-nor has Syria-so its more difficult to find a corrupt leader to put in office who can buy off long range support with a trophic relationship to the natural resource. Afghanistan has poppies for a natural resource and that creates a different kind of corruption.

Osama Bin Ladin recently killed in Pakistan provides and opportunity for America to draw down military forces. Pakistan evidently had some elements keeping the Os on a short leash able spent his life as he was old and 9-11 a decade gone. Moslem terrorism may perhaps be wanted tobe regarded as a youth movement.

Depression amidst military forces with an uncertain role not comparable to something more cheerful like the western front of world war one where in it was possible to have complete victory (although politicians allowed an armistace and something less than complete victory leading as Patton and others were concerned about in a German willingness to continue war later). Few wars may cause soldiers to be cheerful though, yet if moral is to be good there should be some reasonable objective for its prosecution instead of no certain direction or goal.

Defending U.S. borders with no errors or illegal aliens making it through-a good foreign intelligence human services sectors, a fine counter-terrorist black op force-these seem more reasonable methods to develop effective counter-terrorist planetarey operations rather than masses of conventional troops deployments.

The United States might be a better moral leader through fully employing it's own citizens and transitioning to an ecologically effective, renewable and low-wastage economic policy that could create knowledge about how to effectively manage economic and natural resources instead of wasting them. America's global corporatist leadership tends to concentrate wealth and create a far from optimal employment security prospect for Americans and people of nations in which they do business.

The poor abroad and in the United States a find they are the last to receive, if ever, competent medical service, shelter and food. That is a perpetually reinforced aspect of an aloof political economy driving the U.S.A. to participate in the creation of a new world order of networks and authoritarianism. Few individuals will find it possible to opt out of the new world order. Democracy by the mob-a mob of networks controlled by circumstantial preferred network organization, will draw in oil producing nations, former communist nations and nominal democracies alike. Where depressed soldiers find a lot to be cheerful about in contemporary U.S. foreign policy I don't know. I admire them for trying to think about the political world while participating in' the great game' that some believe is a way of defending U.S. interests.

I am fairly skeptical about the policy of the Bush II and Obama administration being the best worldline to find U.S. national security in (comparing it to quantum mechanics). Maybe American polticians just aren't very bright. That is surprising and disappointing. Nixon at least hired an intelligent Secretary of State-as did Regan. Perhaps its time to restore that position so that the job is led by someone making the policy up effectively while the President works on the U.S. economy.


President Obama Bungles Policy Speech-Calls for Israel to Fall Back to pre-1967 Borders

President Obama's middle eastern speech evidently hadn't much interest in the middle east and North Africa. It was the administration's 'were on top of it' speech that comprises a future post hoc political alibi for the region without much present substance.


President Obama is of course a Republican light global corporatist U.S. branch public relations guy with more interest in foreign affairs than in creating jobs for Americans. In December 2010 he was the fullback for Republican tax cut extensions carrying the ball to victory for the remainder of his administration. Without a meaningful middle east policy except to expand markets he relies upon support for political agitation to overthrow governents in the region to advance the interests of youth and a burgeoning population. Youth may provide energy, yet without discipline it may be badly invested effort that occurs-and wisdom tends to develop with age. Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it the axiom goes.

Israel doesn't need to fight another, more desparate conflict against close in Palestinainas enabled by President Obama to become a perennial, immanent threat. Ad hoc terrorist methods given enough time to develop tend to actualize.

Israel since the first Arab attack following the Balfour agreement has defended itself against a Moslem world agitating for its destruction. President Obama in seeking to serve as the leading edge of Palestinian aggression through political means desires that Israel fall back to the pre- six day war borders-of course Israel has already given up much of that land without getting anything besides more terrorism and less security.

Syria was given to French administration by the British following the defeat of the Ottoman Empire; there is no transcendentatl reason for Isreal ever to relenquich it to the present or a differrent government in Syria. Neither is there a rational reason for Israel to believe that in giving up part of Jerusalem or a 30 mile boundry extension beyond the 67 boundary that it should increase its security.

Bringing the Palestinians closer to Israel merely makes it simpler for their terrorist operatives to intimidate Israelies. New technology may arise from Israel and other locations-yet the basic functions of remove from artillery and rocket fire access is still a good security element. While the Palestinians believe they will can have everything they want besides the final solution to the existence of the state of Isreal through U.S. leverage on Israel they shall continue their terrorism as might the I.R.A. if the U.S.A. was actively involved in getting Britian to give up Irish territory methodically from Northern Ireland.

There are Moslem fundamentalists whom will never accept the existence of Israel. There are American Presidents whom are too daft to understand that. Israael; needs a hard and defendsible border that admits no illegal aliens to undermine its security and economy.

The President as the new Republican light Democratic party vanguard leader has abandoned the traditional values of the party on U.S. economics. He fails to understand that the world is not moving toward a final peaceful condition in which Harvard University graduates and lawyers run the world benevolently. More than 400,000 jobs are lost in the U.S.A. every month and far fewer are created. The U.S. needs development and ecological reform, and less concern with the protracted chaos in the middle east and North Africa. We should defend Israel with compentent combat engineering and hair trigger assureed resp[onse to substantive aggression upon Israel from opposition force national elements in the area and help what Palestinians are willing to live peacefully in their own territory at a safe distance from Israel until their hate withers away.

On Zeilinger's 2010 book 'Dance of the Photons'

Reading Zeilinger's 2010 book on light quanta 'Dance of the Photons', quantum superposition and entanglement-a popular book for novices at quantum mechanics, is interesting. The book is pretty good reading although a little specialized for those wishing to get right to the main cosmological descriptions of reality from largest to smallest...one likes to learn of the most recent theory of what occurred before the inflation of the Universe before one's coffee gets cold.

So far as I have read, there is fascinating historical summation of the Einstein-Rosenberg, Heisenberg, Schrodinger, Dirac, Pauli developments of theory in the field (non-technical of course for readers). Einstein's recovery of a particle theory of light from the popular wave theory of the day is brought out. It made me wish that the United States had a national laser and particle/microwave beam energy pipeline to taking energy from alternate sources such as wind and solar and beaming it around the nation with beam splitters and local applications for work in order to eliminate loss due to resistance in non-superconducting wires.

The idea that quantum packets of data-rather probability waves instead of either waves or point-particles, are represented by quantum theory, and that they may convey information faster than light through entanglement and superpositioning is a fruitful subject of thought. Obviously its easier to consider real things-maybe Calibi-Yau spaces developed with mathematical models of a sub-caliber character, than the missing, gaps inclined simultaneous two-places at once potential of quantum particles.

Astro-physics and solid state discoveries such as some Japanese researchers discovered recently of large planets without a local star to circle around are even easier to consider. One realizes that space may have a plethora of hidden, rocky planets and ice balls drfting unattached through the abyssal void of interstellar and even intergalactic space.

If light quanta are probability waves representationally within an electric field, one suspects that the entire field may have a pervasive pressure making quantum accounts ballance and providing the appearance of conveyance of information faster than light. Actually the topic of what makes the appearance of quantum superposition work so it can provide the same information to distal particles is one that can bring numerous theories to mind. Maybe when I have completed reading this book I will have a better idea about electrical fields and the place of photons journeying through them. The subject can be a little hazy at times.

Unscientific Generalities on the Etiology of Religion

  I am very cool on archetypes of collective subconsciousness such as Jung developed as a theory. The concept of projections is equally dubi...