
On Morality

Morality also has been said to be what people actually do socially. That is one may define social conduct interactively in various spheres from the point of view as a social anthropologist-historian. Moral behavior is made or developed from a variety of sources including obviously history and tradition-experience of real world circumstances that have bound people together.

One might consider Navaho funeral behavior of the 19th century and note that the procedures of the Shamanistic tradition were regarding life rather than the afterlife, and that the customs of body washing with soap of the funeral participants after three days, of not looking north and of concern for evil spirits coincided with the avoidance of germs and communicable diseases that often accompanied death-the living had no biological explanation for or understanding of germs, yet their selected moral traditions roughly followed the better decontamination and social grief release procedures possible given the criteria.

Social behavior tends to adapt its moral guidelines appropriate for the times. One sees the changes in feminist politics and employment following Rowe vs. Wade and the changes in sexual practices after the marketing of birth control pills. Moral guidelines tend to be rules of conduct with less than a substantive codification into law, although moral norms are often made into laws.

Natural law is its own implicit moral criterion that emerges throughout human cultures although not uniformly. Revelations of a divine nature are on occasions instructions for individual and social behavior that one disregards only at one's peril, and there is no necessary causal link between the emergence of moral codes from direct divine revelation, although some of the latter have been found through investigation to coincide with reasonable historical grounds for emergence into being.

Philosophical definition of terms such as good and evil tend have ontological values that vary, and construction of logical propositions and formations for moral axioms to induct responsive behavior conformity historically have been of a subjective and temporal nature. Good is a concept that requires a particular definition-utilitarians and others have obviously considered what good is, and if the greatest good for the greatest number is truly moral when that premise is exploited to annihilate individual primacy in existential social worth. If a political order pursues a particular highest moral goal that is good, then it might justify any lesser evil to advance society toward that goal as good as well. All evil in support of an ultimate goal is phenomenally good as well. The opportunities to disclarify terms are evident and abundant in such abstract impersonal approaches to manufacture of moral values.

Abstract moral values made practice by elite imposition are sometimes examples of the elevation of abstract goals through equivocation to a moral good that may then be placed upon the society as a straightjacket. Nietchze's idea that the annihilation of traditional morality and of Christian values obviously adversely influenced Germany toward a self-destructive political course in the 20th century. Some have noted that the adoption of mass social moral values of anti-values tend to bring about the most rigid mass social conformity possible as one might find in a gang, militant terror organization or the Hitler Youth Movement-Even Stalin's Russia sought to impose a culling moral existential guideline that would have been a comfortable philosophical fit for the Khmer Rouge in Kampuchea.

The abstract construction of moral value in order to bring about political change is a common enough historical occurrence. Even today in the United States there is a possibility of a Presidential contest in 2012 between two non-Christians from different parties yet in a way from the same state of Massachusetts with each advocating a corporatist health care plan in a state with homosexual marriage. One might speculate that the operative new moral axiom for the godless atheism of Massachusetts is Darwin' gambit; the over-use of evolution as a tool for the controverion of morality for-itself.

The philosophical consideration of the range of behavior useful to human life in a criterion of phenomenal evolution is not limited to crass anything goes-ism. There are implicit physical and spiritual criteria of the empirical state of being that makes some intentional and unintentional behaviors good, and other bad. Then again, there are transcendent questions concerning morality that are a matter of faith and insight.


Mo Seeming to Gather for Rick Santorum

Rick Santorum seems to have the valuable MO going into the first primary contest of the 2012 Presidential season. if he wins or finishes second his candidacy may be well set to surge in South Carolina.


Mitt Romney may alienate some voters because he received a Vietnam draft deferment as a 'Mormon minister'. While ordinary Americans were slogging though the muck of the rice paddies the heir of the American motors CEO got deferments like so many of his destined to wealth class in order to bring the Mormon faith to Parisians.


Avoiding ill-planned wars is not necessarily a bad idea, yet it is consistent with the yippification of Wall Street insiders seeking to concentrate class wealth as well. Many of that class are happy enough to send a well paid mercenary military to combat in profitable for corporate wars.


On Free Will

Free will is a state of affairs existing for a sentient being within a particular context. One may make choices on Earth that are not possible on a planet with stronger gravity or alien oligarchs that insist that none besides themelves have free will.

Mathematics has conditional free will opportunities abundantly-even infinitely within some sets of numbers. One may make right or wrong combinations, placements or intervals and be free. Maybe cognizant coincidence of positive choices with intention indicates free will when the possibilities for error are rich.

Free will may be developed with increased knowledge and when range of intellectual selection/motion multiply.

Do any know how to deal with the global warming Siberian methane hydrate burp that may reult in release of a global warming gas 25 times more powerful than co2 and in a quantity of 1,400 billion tons? Free will in political intelligence is as restricted as in authoritarian ocieties sometimes even when they are nominally free socieities because the politicians are daft.

Elija and Problems With Political Leadership

The United States in its 2012 Presidential primary election season seems fundamentally presented with slim pickins. Some of us would prefer that Jesus just rapture us out right now and let the godless atheists ruin the world their own way-possibly frightening everyone with mechanical robotic snakes slithering about every neighborhood in search of hate speech against the government.

Few plain Christian candidates with economic competence seem to have any interest in reforming the Christian Church into a better functioning priesthood of beleivers. The candidates advocate no cost moral positions (what does it cost to make abortion illegal again?) but ignore the other Christian points about being of service to the poor. Jesus washed the feet of his disciples and said that leaders ought to serve. Today's candidates ask for capital gains and income tax cuts for the rich and have enough interest in creating free health care for the poor.

President Obama obviously brought sex change to the nation and little else-the nation's military is moving down the trail of homosexual marriages, homosexual basic allowance for quarters and so forth while the institution is itself a professional service without ordinary citizens interested in joining it via the draft.

Mitt Romney is the obvious best qualified candidate on economic and secular interests yet isn't a Christian-and that worries Christians eager to please God (see the excerpt from the King James version following). One doesn't want to gain the world yet lose one's soul-neither does one want to elect economically incompetent and /or corrupt politician exploiting Christians for political support.

2nd Kings -

"1Then Moab rebelled against Israel after the death of Ahab.

2And Ahaziah fell down through a lattice in his upper chamber that was in Samaria, and was sick: and he sent messengers, and said unto them, Go, enquire of Baalzebub the god of Ekron whether I shall recover of this disease.

3But the angel of the LORD said to Elijah the Tishbite, Arise, go up to meet the messengers of the king of Samaria, and say unto them, Is it not because there is not a God in Israel, that ye go to enquire of Baalzebub the god of Ekron?

4Now therefore thus saith the LORD, Thou shalt not come down from that bed on which thou art gone up, but shalt surely die. And Elijah departed.

5And when the messengers turned back unto him, he said unto them, Why are ye now turned back?

6And they said unto him, There came a man up to meet us, and said unto us, Go, turn again unto the king that sent you, and say unto him, Thus saith the LORD, Is it not because there is not a God in Israel, that thou sendest to enquire of Baalzebub the god of Ekron? therefore thou shalt not come down from that bed on which thou art gone up, but shalt surely die.

7And he said unto them, What manner of man was he which came up to meet you, and told you these words?

8And they answered him, He was an hairy man, and girt with a girdle of leather about his loins. And he said, It is Elijah the Tishbite.

9Then the king sent unto him a captain of fifty with his fifty. And he went up to him: and, behold, he sat on the top of an hill. And he spake unto him, Thou man of God, the king hath said, Come down.

10And Elijah answered and said to the captain of fifty, If I be a man of God, then let fire come down from heaven, and consume thee and thy fifty. And there came down fire from heaven, and consumed him and his fifty.

11Again also he sent unto him another captain of fifty with his fifty. And he answered and said unto him, O man of God, thus hath the king said, Come down quickly.

12And Elijah answered and said unto them, If I be a man of God, let fire come down from heaven, and consume thee and thy fifty. And the fire of God came down from heaven, and consumed him and his fifty.

13And he sent again a captain of the third fifty with his fifty. And the third captain of fifty went up, and came and fell on his knees before Elijah, and besought him, and said unto him, O man of God, I pray thee, let my life, and the life of these fifty thy servants, be precious in thy sight.

14Behold, there came fire down from heaven, and burnt up the two captains of the former fifties with their fifties: therefore let my life now be precious in thy sight.

15And the angel of the LORD said unto Elijah, Go down with him: be not afraid of him. And he arose, and went down with him unto the king.

16And he said unto him, Thus saith the LORD, Forasmuch as thou hast sent messengers to enquire of Baalzebub the god of Ekron, is it not because there is no God in Israel to enquire of his word? therefore thou shalt not come down off that bed on which thou art gone up, but shalt surely die.

17So he died according to the word of the LORD which Elijah had spoken. And Jehoram reigned in his stead in the second year of Jehoram the son of Jehoshaphat king of Judah; because he had no son."

'The One' in relation to Buddhist Atheism and .American Atheism

The atheism of Buddhism is not like that of American atheism. American atheism is a simple non-belief in anything besides the secular and immediately evident occasionally piled up with the whipped crème of historical and futurist extrapolation from the present. Buddhist atheism on the other hand is a kind of religion of belief in non-being. Buddhism’s has its own contradictions dissimilar from those of automobile driving consumerist atheist.

The 2nd century neo-Platonist philosopher Plotinus wrote of 'The One'. The One is what we would call God. Eternal and omniscient, omnipotent and source of all things, everything that exists is an emanation from The One. Buddhists have a sort of reasoning from the apparent trancendingly through its temporal illusoriness back toward the one nirvana of non-being. Plotinus in his 54 tractates named 'The Enneads' explained that the One emanates another figure named 'The Intelligence' who creates all the things that exist in various forms-no excluding necessarily apparent evolution within a temporal universe.

Plotinus charts reality from The One downward through a realm of forms to this world with far too many broken forms. Buddhist reason from this realm of broken forms upward or downward through to one state of non-being. The initial motivation of the Buddha was to overcome suffering in this world. Influenced by the Hindu concept of Maya or temporal illusion the Buddha sought to see through temporality and disregard the phenomena of pain.

Because belief in God is the eight heresy of Buddhism they are left in theory with an eventual pervasive nothingness of cosmology as the final state. While human mind is phenomenal and dissolves with life or even before, the experience of life and the contents of thought are all that human beings seem to have-so one must make one's thoughts count as far as possible for the good.

Buddhism presently shares a cosmological paradox with theoretical physics and cosmology in explaining how being even if temporal illusion-how anything at all exists. Descartes' had a similar philosophical challenge. Even if existence is an illusion it is an illusion of something, somewhere. The Universe may have always existed as a derivative of The One or it may have appeared in being as a creation from someone.

Christians believe that The One, or God created all that is in some way, in some order. Buddhists stop at the point of investigation of the negation of temporality as permanence and point to non-being as the normative state, while American atheists believe in Darwin' gambit as the mechanical universe's agent for issuing life. Christians and Buddhists might each be able to stipulate that the apparent world and universe of solid-state matter-energy is probabilistically entangled from some substrata of quantum uncertainty with exceedingly paradoxical and different criteria of space and time.

Consumerism as a label was an opening label in the class war of the godless atheist corporate and socialist ethos of broadcast power. Consumers vs. producers was an us-them paradigm useful for making workers feel useless and the rich, glorious. American atheism is a new and troublesome political front generated by the robotic surveillance snake-bots of power and idiocy.


Eurozone Is Taking on Bad Aspects of U.S. Federalism

The United States has traditionally been a people avoiding state of the art political philosophy research and philosophy in general with the notable exception of the founders. The U.S.A. has benefited from a tradition of political reform though that seemed to have died after the end of the cold war when economic and political corruption flourished.

Consider the European problems with its neo-federalism. It has some of the problems the U.S.A. has with federalism acting as a tool for the redistribution of wealth-while one state or nation can lever the abstract federal entity as an exchange of wealth redistribution it pork barrels bills and responsibilities as if no one is responsible-it is the problem of the federal entity and all those socialist freeloaders-even if the Republicans of Alaska when the late Ted Stevens was in charge of Senate appropriations was the biggest pork barrel per capita state of all.

While states or nations can get free money from abstract governments they will until the well runs dry instead of developing their own resources. Of course with international plundering of labor by trans-nationals as well as copius travel by job seekers everyone will end up living in megacities as drones on rations allocated by the oligopoly.

I suppose Germany as the center of the Eurozone reality can be made to feel that it should transfer wealth to lazy nations-and why not, since the end of the cold war local accountability has perished and Wall Street types globally have become self-help crooks knowing that no one is really responsible for collective political needs. Government may thus be used as an exchange for redistributing wealth to the top 1% of quantitative traders in dark pools and elsewhere.

The Reagan administration has become a Rock Candy Mountain dream of corrupt government financial planners and bad philosophical theorists that believe the buck never stops and may be minted from presses and electrons without accountability. It is the corrupting and lazy economic thought of those that have no significant philosophical reasoning practice.

The left and right are obsolete options of capital vs social thinking. No one believes that Congress could deign or invent new products better than a clown car of bureaucrats. No one believes that Herman Cain could name 30 foreign nations with a balanced budget or even explain what ecological economics is-Rick Perry may regard global warming as what happens when one drives from Denver to Austin.

U.S. states have political advertising that is financed by global corporations contributing to political action committees and globally own broadcasting networks and newspapers. Corporatism is concentrating wealth and domestically the federal tax lever is exploited by capitalists to manufacture weapons in one of the view industries that hasn't been largely outsourced for obvious reasons. Americans haven't developed a political philosophy that would reform capitalism and assure that all Americans have a minimum income and health care, a recovering ecosphere, secure borders and freedom from foreign political control.

Intermediate size domestic corporations should be favored instead of large corporations, and individuals should be limited in capital gains advantage in the abstract-it would be good to cap the number of corporations anyone could own shares of stock in to three. Capitalism wasn't perfected by Adam Smith and it can use upgrades and reform as much as a version of MS Windows now and then in order that it actually serves the masses rather than oligopoly or aristocracy.


Ancient Sea Levels & The Lost Civilization of Noah

About 25,000 years ago the Ice Age began ending, and by 15,000 years ago the ancient sea level about 120 meters lower than at present began to rise-it continued to rise until about the year 1000 a.d. Global warming may unnaturally make the sea level increase again a the last of the world' ice melt. By the way, one would think that the distribution of water weight to the ocean basins from the land and polar ice would affect plate tectonic a little.

In Alaska the S.E. region would have been affected a lot by those lower sea levels. Many of the larger islands of the Alexander Archipelago would have been connected to the mainland, and that is probably why the brown bears of some islands are genetically different from latter arrivals that migrated here after the sea level isolated and stranded one group of bear about 10,000 b.c.

Human ecospheric fragmentation isolates bear to this day as irrational ecosphere development puts politic-economy in the role of 'devil' in relation to wildlife adversely impacted by habitat fragmentation and destruction.


http://www.valdostamuseum.org/hamsmith/iceciv.html Ancient shorelines of Ice Age civilization(s)

Early behavorially correct humans migrated out of Africa perhaps 40,000 b.c. across the shallower Red Sea and along the Saudi-Yemeni waterfront to an oasis in the flood plain of the Persian Gulf (sea level was 100-300 feet lower then) may have been the lost civilization referred to in the story of Noah...see the article below on the Gulf Oasis civilization perhaps below the Persian Gulf...

http://www.livescience.com/10340-lost-civilization-existed-beneath-persian-gulf.html Persian Gulf Oasis utopia destroyed by an 8000 B.C. flood?

On mapping of areas vulnerable to sea level rise

The One Percent Aristocracy

An aristocracy is rule by the elite. They rule because they have the power to, and of course they aren't elected. The aristocrats exploit every available intellectual lever to assert that they themselves are best and know whats best for society always-of course that means they must concentrate wealth, enslave inventors, make home ownership a disposable good and rent everyone a mortgage through global banks while digging 20,000 miles of tunnels after South African minerals useless for anything else and nothing at all on the moon for scientific research.

Unelected, non-representative government is the bummer of all the victims of the cranks that have the power to coerce everything their own way. It may take various forms of course; less than oligarchy, more than an Imperial Russian table of ranks without a Tsar.

Aristocracy develops like a network of cancer metastasizing throughout the body politick. Those networks of power coagulate and strangle the free enterprise of the masses of society through their mass power over the marketplace of real property and ideas.

Without reform aristocracy today drives society in a Lemmingway charge toward eventual corporate oblivion like Rowdy Yates herding cattle to Abilene. It isn't a rationally designed or responsive society-it is one making accident and unthinking social politics a virtue, one that opts for pagan trust in evolution and the mystical guiding hand and fickle finger of fate rather than intentional human intelligence and free will guiding maximized individual free enterprise to keep society and the ecosphere functioning.

Aristocracy may develop in world civilization today through corporatism. The concentration of wealth and co-option of democracy and polity (polity is representative while democracy is direct) in the U.S.A. is a fact of life. The rich own the broadcast media, and the government and the networks of society.

The rich pay just 35% in taxes and 15% in capital gains. That is going up next year or 2013 to 20% however they are making up for it by making a 10% capital gains tax on the poorest 10% who presently pay 0%. The rich get their contribution back through federal economic infrastructure support anyway.

Obviously the rich believe they earn their money and wouldn't change a thing. They take their value system for granted, and getting them to cooperate with a reform of capitalism that would be inclusive of the well being of all the people of the nation and environment would be impossible. The rich already comprise a kind of idiot aristocracy working against the survival of human and other forms of life on Earth in a free, functional and healthy ecosphere with liberty and justice for all. One that aspires even unto reverence for God.

Adam Smith' s theory of capitalism wasn't intended to be an abstract math theory of economics detached from its effect upon society. Smith and his friend David Hume sought the liberation of people from aristocracy rather than their enslavement under advantaged class tyrants by any name that dominated business. It is o.k. to reform capitalism to make it work for the poor too without lapsing into state authoritarianism.

President's Tactical Hawaiian Vacation

Financial leadership by politicians today is rather important to many of us poor, independent voters who care about economic malfeasance in high places

If we can set aside for a time, thought of Erasmus’ ‘In Praise of Folly’ and unlimited golfing junkets, let us consider what good things the President could be planning for next year in Hawaii rather than wasting time in Chicago presently in that monochromatic canyon of concrete.

The President could even now be working on a re-election theme book; ‘St. Laffer and The Gospel of New Voodoo Economics in The New World Order-How Everyone Can Have A Yearly 4 million Dollar Vacation , Special Bonus Vacations, 500 Dollar Haircuts, Extended Tax Breaks for The Rich, 32+ Rounds of Golf Annually, Gut Frank-Dodd and Exploit the Poor for Only 20 Trillion Dollars of Debt With Easy Credit Repayment on an Outsourcing, Hyperinflating, Deferred Depression Installment Plan-(terms of minimal high unemployment, neatening up of undesirable, over-aged, over-qualified , racially or non-swinging independents may apply in your area) .”

The President seems to work more for the rich than the poor, and gives the Republicans a tax cut each December, or someone, while continuing to borrow money from China. Next year the capital gains rate on the poorest will skyrocket from 0 to 10! In December 2010 the President was the leading cheerleader for tax cuts for the rich.

The President may be setting the stage for 10 million dollar twice annual vacations in the next terms to demonstrate upward executive mobility. How could the Republicans ever one-up that?


About the First People Exploration Culture of North America

One could use Toynbee's criteria of civilization and conclude that the Aztec, Maya and Inca civilizations were successful rather than failed civilizations. Civilization may have stages of growth, maturity and decadence. In Meso-America there was a succession of cultures that might be said to have overlapped and built upon others before.

Across North America successful cultures arose that adapted to the sometimes plentiful, sometimes harsh conditions environmentally. One thinks of the tour de force of Arctic ice survival of Yupik hunters waiting for a seal in a land without forests for burning fires or building homes. If one spends even one winter without heat in a tent north of sixty degrees its possible to get an idea of the level of survival competence and adaptation required-one didn't go into Wal-Mart for another Bic (they had seal oil and moss wick lamps).

The United States today may be taking the Universal phase in the Toynbee cycle-the highest before collapse-and corruption seems to be becoming institutionalized these years from Wall Street to Pennsylvania Avenue. It has over-expanded abroad, taken on vast debt, allowed itself to be flooded by an external proletariat and in sundry ways taken a turn away from concern about the well being of all of the citizens of the democracy in favor of concentrating wealth. Hardly necessary to mention the environmental management failure.

Native Americans were of course originally from several locations in the old world. People landed upon Crete by water-raft as long ago as 25,000 years. If they arrived by accident then assuredly people also arrived accidentally via the Gulf Stream and rich fisheries as long ago as 30,000 years B.P. Some archeological sites in South America seem to indicate sites as old as that.

Via Berengia and Alaska before the end of the Wisconsin Ice Age some may have canoed down the Pacific Coast. When the continental and western ice sheets parted enough a new route to Montana developed from Alaska and waves of immigrants from Eurasia arrived to journey south generally.

Of course the Aleuts invented the fasted human powered boat-the kayak-until recent times. Yet Alaska remained sparsely populated I would guess as the new age explorers ventured across the great land to unsettled points everywhere. America north of present day Mexico had at most about 2 or 3 million pre-Columbian natives, yet the population of the hemisphere was far more-enough that perhaps 16 million perished from a variety of causes in the decades following the discovery by Columbus. The population of natives in the U.S.A. declined to 500,000.

The numerous cultures of the sundry tribes made quite successful adaptations to the new world. These explorers and decedents reached the Northern Arctic littoral about 25,000 B.C. and in historical waves journeyed far to the east and south when the way opened to human foot travel.

Just because a culture or civlization ends it does not follow that it was not successful in its day-neither are people failures because they are mortal and destined for dust (or hell unless saved through the grace of God). One cannot say that Periclean Athens or even Sparta were failures because they no longer exist. There are elements of cultures from the Pre-Columbian era that still exit obviously, and of course the cultivation of the potato changed Irish culture for the good except for the blight a few years.

Of course far later pre-Dorset Eskimo were wiped out by Dorsett Eskimo with dog sleds for very fast travel. They reached the eat coast of Canada about the same time as early Irish and Viking explorers. Frobisher Bay's natives that still remember when martin Frobisher arrived early in the 1500s only arrived themselves a couple hundred years before.

Native cultures are of course pressured into becoming part of world civilization a Toynbee called it. Western civilization and that of the East were the last two 'successful' civilizations yet they too were merged into world civilization. It is virtually impossible to separate technology from culture anywhere, and global economics have made all cultures versions of a local tool using culture.

It is said that Cheetah-Tarzan's chimpanzee-actually it was the third chimp following two earlier very likely-died a couple days ago. In Tarzan's 1930s there were still several very isolated cultures, yet today none can escape the corruption. Capitalism run amok fails Adam Smiths goal of promoting an antidote to aristocratic domination of democracy. Native peoples hadn't the problem that ossified civilizations present generally-except perhaps in Aztec land where the shortage of human sacrifices meant they needed to look abroad for victims.

There was a great though short lived civilization named Cohokia at the site of present day East St. Louis with very large pyramids at one end of a gaming court with a very fine clay covered with sand place that was the equivalent of the super bowl of spear throwing at a target. The Cohokians manufactured a hockey puck-yo yo like object that was exported as far as the Texas and S. Carolina regions where some sorts of games (and pyramidal mounds) were also played or built. It is difficult to say where those Cohokians got there game from, much less their pyramid idea. Very little trade seems to have existed between the Missourians and the Aztecs.

Plainly though, the mostly non-violent (well comparatively) Cohokian in their declining phase experienced radical change. In less than a 150 year the civilization vanished along with the culture of aggregated non-Cohokian tribes serving it agriculturally. Someplace in North Dakota a village wall was excavated several year ago, and there was evidence of human remains and a massacre at that wall, and indications of a mass infantry-like charge with weapon-this was though to be unknown behavior in North America then, and occurred after the fall of Cohokia. What could it mean?

I wondered if Cohokia was simulated by arrivals from Europe-perhaps Irish or Vikings in the 13th century a.d. who traveled mostly by water and Wisconsin to arrive logically in St. Louis and recruit the natives to build a pyramid-something like Michael Cain in 'The Man Who Would Be King'. Well-very challenging to consider-yet the fascinating history of America and the explorer that wandered to and around it will be good for archeologists and writers for some time.

The early Americans or first peoples, and the second etc. hadn't the sedentary and intensely populous life and competition that stimulated the eventual rise of civilization in Eurasia-Africa etc. The first arrowhead was made in Africa about 200,000 year ago and it took another 190,000 years for a civilization to develop. The Americans mostly left Eurasia before anything much was made besides hunter gathering tools, rabbit snares etc. With so few people they had no need to develop cities, stone walls and so forth. Yet one can see how quickly they became skilled horsemen after the Spaniard brought the horse to North America, and of course skilled horse warriors. One should recall that it was largely Attila the Hun and his mounted warriors with lassos that shocked and awed the decadent Roman Empire.

The lesson of the value of cavalry and the need for fortifications accelerated in America too as forts were built by the Spaniard and attacked by Frobisher and Drake. Custer dying at the Little Big Horn was a Union cavalry officer that fought for Grant in the 2nd wilderness campaign. His brother, the two-time Medal of Honor recipient, perished with him on that grassy knoll, when Crazy Horse' band brought about a logical infantry defeat in detail purpose to the battlefield.

The advance of technology in Native American cultures was consistent with the demographic and geographic history of the advance and dispersion of the first peoples to the two continents. They were probably responsible for exterminating 16 of the 100 or so Native American mammals that weight 100 pounds or more. Modern Americans are doing better than that I would think with a record of specie extermination extending into the hundreds of thousands including all forms of life.

The failure of the present American cultural branch in politics to provide free health care for the poor and let the privileged pay for their own health care, the failure to abandon fossil fuel engines and move to advanced electro-magnetic public transport, indicates that the continuing demographic intensification of population growth and resource depletion may be moving toward a critical and dumb time of troubles.

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=8993313723654914866 The Secret of El Dorado

Necessary Being in relation to Contingent Being

Plotinus developed Plato's paradigm of forms in relation to The One in The Enneads. People should read it more to have an idea about wha...