
Extinct Denisovan Gives Finger to Science

An extinct human species gave the finger to human scientists of today that enabled the sequencing of the genome of the closest relative to human beings that died about perhaps 40,000 years ago. The Denisovan remains were discovered in a Siberian cave.


The finger and some teeth date to about 100,000 B.C., yet the Denisovans lived for about 60,000 years elsewhere in Asia. Australian aborigines and New Guineans have aboye 4 to 5% Denisovan genes

The Denisovans are interesting for many reasons. One is their timing in the human schedule of travel to America via the Bering Sea land mass. American indians did not arive here until after 40,000 B.C. by which time the Denisovans were about extinct.

Scientists have discovered remains of homo erectus in Asia dating about 1.8 million years ago. Human beings arrived in the far east it is reported in two basic migrations from about 45,000 thousands y.b.p to 35,000. Then later human beings arrived about 25,000 b.c. Those humans became the Chinese and perhaps pressured migrations across Berengia to Alaska. I would guess that American indians have low or now Denisovan genes.

Modern Europeans have 2 or 3% Neanderthal genes. Of more interest is the idea that the human line originated in Asia as homo erectus and then traveled to Africa only to return 1.8 million years later to loan money to finance the federal debt. One wonders if American President have more Neanderthal genes than Asian leaders who perhaps have neither Denisovan or Neanderthal genomic content evidently. Where are Jerry Ford quality leaders when America needs them?


The Advancing Atomtronic Research Efforts

From the ultra-cold Bose-Einstein condensates developments to more research in moving atoms through ultra-cold mediums the science of using atoms to convey information in 'tame' networks has developed.


Atomtronics is like electronics substituting atoms for electrons in those circuits and other applications. Spintronics exploits the spin of electrons as well as charge, while atomtronics can exploit entire atoms in a large number of potential applications.

http://www.technologyreview.com/blog/arxiv/25197 'How to build an atomtronic computer'

Atomtronic application are few yet, it is thought they may be useful in connecting up quantum computers and states of entangled particles. Atomtronics present new ways of storing information and making batteries and work best in super-cold environments. One might construct very cold atomtronic quantum computer pure-logic circuits in some deep, cold crater on the moon and input solar power to charge it up.

One might imagine future atomtronics synthetic space systems construction of habitats of interstellar dust or whatever as information and atom processing technology synthesizes where the rubber meets the road.

Al Qaeda and Obama Administration on the Same Side in Syria?

The Obama administtration has so far seemed to back the revolutionaries of 'The Arab Spring' leaping to toss out their oppressive dictators and their concentrated wealth and power. Now that Al Qaeda's leadership have endorsed the Syrian insurgency it is a little more awkward for the administration seeming to be on the same side.

The esstablishment of a Sunni Koran belt from Turkey to Egypt through Syria, the Palestinian territories and Jordan across North Africa to Libya would create a kind of restored Caliphate like that of the or Abbasid in co-religionists, yet it would be something of a democratic social environment in numerous independent states rather than an Emirate.

Paradoxically it the the political philosophy changes in support of globalism preferred by U.S. political elites that would work to end the nationalism in the new democratic states. A logical transition would be an evolution toward an Iranian style congress of Mullahs with a Supreme Guide and perhaps local presidents of each nation as might be the developing trend in the Eurozone without of course, the any religion but godless atheism. Because rule by elites and legislation by the corrupt wealthy elites and judiciary seems to flourish in a global environment without the firewalls of nationalism the preference for creating New Gomorrahs of the American states might find the Emirate as a better political entity for corruption than independent nations.

Because modern U.S. political and economic leaders seem badly historically positioned for the development of good ideas of political philosophy that would conserve world resources and individual, politically cellular boundaries in properties of rights the administration's political context for Middle Eastern revolution may become non-interventionist or even reinforcing insurgencies that former administrations might have opposed.


Well, Isreal may not be so badly set if the Sunni Koran belt is established as it may bring a reduction or ellimination in time of terrorist cadres as conventional governments inveitably purge their ranks to seek after their piece of the global econoomic pie. The trouble with that is the recalcitrant posture U.S. Government leadership has toward being a good example themselves of the things expected or hoped for in the poorer, democratic nations.

China's best in the world economy is done with a one-party system, while America's two party democracy wobbles about piling up debt, failing in educational standards, impoverishing it's poor, polluting the world's sea and sky and establishing global networks of concentrated economic wealth and power that leave most people on the beach watching the smoke on the horizon driving by in expensive cars.

Alaska Land Area Shrinking With Global Warming

Each year Alaska's north slope is receeding by a half a meter as global warming melts the permafrost shoreline. Global sea levels may also rise over time as they continue a trend started in the late 19th century. 2007 and 2011 virtual tied as the Arctic ice cover's minimum size or maximum melt. I would guess that 2012 will be a record setter for icecap loss.

http://www.arctic.noaa.gov/detect/index.shtml Arctic Change

As the Arctic ocean warms it will also become more tempestuous sending storms of greater intensity to low-lying coastal areas. More pollution from more human industrial activity will broadcast deleterious impacts farther abroad in the warming ocean.

President Obama Seeking to Exploit Christian Organizations for African Birth Control Missiology?

With so many Christian organizations doing good works in Africa the idea of using them to bring a contraceptive ethos to Africa might have occurred to the President's ZPG advisers. Liberia and Niger are doubling their numbers every twenty years. The Economist reported in December that by the year 2045 Africa will have more than 2 billion souls. Their demands for consumption of already stressed world resources make the contraceptive crowd fret I would guess.

World population may have already passed 7 billion. By 2050 world population may be 10.5 billion. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_population

One wonders if Christian organizations become perceived by Africans as being dealers of rubbers and birth control pills and devices if they will turn toward Moslem missionaries that may not be as manipulated by their governments in the global condom wars?

China with its billion three hundred million has a stable population as does Japan. Africans are young and enjoy 6 kids per individual in some nations with few people over age 80 or even 40 for that matter. China and Japan are aging populations

It is interesting to consider long range Chinese policy toward the Africans. It is difficult to imagine that either China or Japan-very old racially insular societies, will look toward free borders with Africans who would swamp them, in a friendly way.

For the time being African wildlife seems almost doomed as the people will scour every available resource for exploitation and their governing institutions are weak and prone to violence. It is difficult to image a billion African fossil fuel burning cars in 2050 yet it could happen as low-millage U.S. cars are loaded aboard ships and sent across the Atlantic to off-load unto new African asphalt highways soaking up sunshine to warm the night better.

It will be an interesting future. At the least, new technologies will need to rapidly displace environment and prosperity destroying existing technology in Africa.

The Tao of Pacifism

I do not wish to overly upon the philosophical concepts of Taoism to metaphorize the watercourse way of flowing social and empirical events. It is merely convenient to borrow the metaphor of a continuum of change; of force flowing, in order to describe the interactive phenomena of pacifist actions in a phenomenal world of force.

Social and worldly change is about force and of course violence is regarded by some as the use of force. Flowing water has force only in relation to other objects-for-themselves, and also when the water is confined to a finite area from which it seeks to release or be renormalized to a state of non-force equilibrium.

The universe is a phenomenality of force fields and elements in deteriorating states of equilibrium. The tremendous mystery is how the initial state of the Universe began in perfect order without entropy only to expand and decay toward a new equilibrium at the lowest, coldest energy state at some future time not yet achieved. Us Christians believe that God spoke the Word and the Universe began ‘let there be light’, and there was light’. Well, that is a more parochial topic for the time being.

If one philosophically is in opposition to violence on moral grounds, perhaps reasoning that violence is stupid because there are many smarter things to do in life, should one then choose to act upon others and force one’s belief in the use of non-force upon the unwilling, predatory and ignorant hordes?

Perhaps acting within the world-for-others or within the dialectical social materialism of the era one might divert violent actions and policies toward non-violent, more productive applications of force. Human dynamics are within a violent continuum in-themselves and simply direct action to stop violence tends to produce violent such as in particle accelerator collisions at CERN.

Obviously redirecting violence to non-violent directions within a real social environment with semi-autonomous, moderately intelligent persons being the context of violent action, secular hypocrisy, deceit and so forth might require that one be as wise as a serpent and as gentle as a dove. Well, that worked for Jesus Christ until the arrest, trial and suffering unto death of The Lord.

Even if only God could divide the waters allowing the Jews to flee Pharaoh’s secular violent cavalry and power of slave-owning, pacifists today might moderate the social flow indirectly putting intention to transition states of affairs into non-violent contexts. It wouldn’t be easy I would think.

Obama 2012 Budget-Chinese 2012 Budget-Pres Obama Meets Vice President Xi (pronounced She?)

President Obama's 2012 budget has been criticized for kicking the debt further down the road and borrowing money to squeak through a second term. The 'after me the deluge' approach worked for President Bush II so why not for Obama I?


Of more interest is the Chinese 2012 budget that was released in December. It has an anticipated GDP growth of 8%, and as the Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business advertised in The Economist 'A new world operating system is now running.'

What that means for Americans in effect is that China has a moderately effective one-party political system that plans and structures its national economy much better than America's polarized democracy that has substantively schizoid political philosophy underwriting it . American democracy is owned by the rich from Super Pacs to ordinary run of the million dollar congressional campaign seats, and the populous is about ass incompetent as it could get with all of the confused, incompetent ideas from their leaders even about what the U.S. economic goals should be. Rush Limbaugh is perhaps the roll model for Lenin's notion that 'capitalists will sell us the rope we hang them with'..

America's democracy in head to head competition with China's one-party system may lose the economic race because the middle class and rich are just too damn comfortable to think about political philosophy enough to do the nation any good.

Eureka! Wall Street and the U.S. Economy

It is well known that the modern quantitative trading programming of elite Wall Street firms began in the 1960s with the adaptation of a Monte Carlo algorithm invented by John Von Neuman in the 1940s to winning at Black Jack by card counting and calculating odds (How to Beat the Dealer) to stock trading. in the 1960s Actual gambling casinos soon learned to recognize and ban card counters from playing yet free enterprise continued in I Vegas. On Wall Street alternatively quantitative computer managed ‘card counting’ was allowed and invested in heavily with supporting government deregulation. The result is the national concentration of wealth.


When ordinary free enterprise risk is submerged within a meta-structure of quantitative trading gaming of the system capitalism has become detached from its incidental role of building up as a result of meritorious free enterprise. The house loses when quantitative trading card counting’ quality trading programs skim vast amounts of investments.



There are new artificial intelligence algorithms emerging these days that will also affect Wall Street and reinforce new ‘card-counting’ players. I would like a word processing program that respond to my verbal instructions to insert page breaks or headers wherever I say, such as at any words in bold type, yet that kind of word processing though resembling A.I. would have none of the deeply analytical quality of Eureqa-a new program to distill equations for physical systems such as gravity.

Governments should at least be cognizant of the .A.I. gaming potential for economics and instead of degrading citizens to abstract units while raising the value of elite Quantitative programmers of wealth concentration it should detach ordinary business and citizen capital from subjection to the pervasive, networks and predatory traders.

New Science ran an article on Eureqa in January and reported that the free to download program has been downloaded more than 25,000 times. It is a first rate program that could be tasked by people for purposes of forming analytical structures and equations able to game up Wall Street better indirectly dumping more disadvantage on the mere inventive enterprisers with a streak of Thomas Edison in their spirit.

Evidently Eureqa can be given select parameters and select data and calculate what equations would represent the relationships amidst the data accurate. In time such programs as Eureqa might allow development of artificial intelligence computer viruses able to adaptively conceal their existence within a data structure perhaps arriving in bits to infiltrate firewalls and reassemble before dispersing for cellular community organizing of guerrilla insurgencies.

Adaptive artificial intelligence systems for quantitative gaming of Wall Street might be a logical step beyond the next step of predation upon traditional capitalized business structures listed electronically on Wall Street. Trading structures for quantitative artificially intelligence directed leveraging for arbitrage is one possibility for the too rich to govern and too politically challenging to regulate corruptions of democracy in the U.S.A. along with the primary institution of independent, home free enterprise.

When the card-counters enter the game all of the house mortgage holders lose.


Santorum Finishes 3rd in Maine Without Campaigning

Rick Santorum's 18% of the vote was not too bad for a candidate that did not campaign in the state. Mitt Romney and Ron Paul who did actively seek after Maine support finished with 39% and 36% respectively.

Arizona and Michigan are the next stops on the Republican primary battleground. February 28th will determine if Santorum or Romney are equally popular in t state two non-partisan North and Southwest.

Mediterranean-Dead Sea Canal Update

For generations visionaries have sought to bring the Dead Sea back to life.

With a 1200 foot difference between sea level in the Med and Dead seas the concept of filling the 1200 feet below sea level canal has been considered at least since 1855. The most recent idea is to exploit the Tel Aviv-Jerusalem railway tunnel to run a pipeline.

Some objections to resurrecting the declining Dead Sea might be made by the lucrative brine to sodium, potassium, magnesium chloride businesses as well as others.

It is hard to guess what archaeological treasures might be lost forever if the water level is raised 1200 feet; maybe ancient scrolls?

If the project could help Mediterranean tuna recover to robust numbers the canal route might be better. First though, the depths need to be scoured for artifacts by drone submersibles until nothing could be overlooked including evidence of the lost cities of Sodom and Gomorrah though there may be nothing at all left of those best forgotten settlements of reprobates.


Imperfect Character is Universal

The question of why anything exists rather than nothing was a question that Plotinus considered in The Enneads. Why would The One order anyt...