
Billy Graham Videos

The evangelist Billy Graham had a long, active lcareer bringing the word of God to Americans and the rest of mankind being one of the first to use television to bring religious services to the people. Many of his televised crusades are available on-line.
Here are a few...

Obama Administration Fails to Wrap Up KSM Saga

President Obama failed to bring Khalid Shaikh Muhammad to trial. Tim McVeigh experienced reasonably swift justice yet the mastermind of the 9-11 massacre and author of confusion for economics  circa 2001 generally has enjoyed better than 8 years at various U.S. interrogation and detention centers worldwide with more than 6 years of residence at the Guantanamo Bay detention center.

I suppose it is a sticky wicket for the Obama administration- they sought to give KMH a televised platform in New York City for a civil trial where he might have made many speeches representing himself as his own lawyer. No wonder the seals shot Oz bin Laden as he stuck his head out the hall to see what's up instead of taking him into custody for decades of confinement.
Recently I read a book titled 'The Hunt for KSM'. It's a good informative read providing a good history of the engineer who designed so many terrorist ops worldwide including 9-11. He was arrested in Karachi Pakistan in 2003 and yet even today it is believed that some of his operatives remain as 'sleepers' in the U.S.A. and elsewhere.
Apparently the F.B.I. was kicked out of interrogating KSM and getting legally useful evidence for trial and instead KSM was given over to private contractors hired by the C.I.A. to waterboard and otherwise torture the perp in locales abroad and little of that evidence is useful for trial. The Bush administration reloading of the U.S. foreign intelligence community was accomplished at great cost yet it produced results that shut down much of the terrorist network created or coordinated by KSM. That network was independent of Al Qa'eda yet worked with it.
K.S.M. executed Daniel Pearl while in Karachi. He beheaded him on camera. K.S.M bought Daniel Pearl for $50,000 from a Pakistani kidnapper who realized he had got in over his head.
While it is generally a bad idea to hire lawyers to be the President of the United States one does expect them to be legal red tape cutters finding a way to conclude prosecution of mass murderers of the stature of KSM.
In 2004 the C.I.A. began tracking a courier of KMH's that also worked for bin Laden. Following that trail eventually led to Oz's location in the bosom of the Pakistan military community.
That the President has failed to conclude the KSM chapter in his first term dwarfs the termination of Osama bin Laden.

Football Helmet Upgrades, Rule Changes for NFL Wonted?

With a surfeit of electronic technology available one would think high-tech research devices should be placed on NFL helmets to document concussive head impacts better. The U.S. Army might adopt some of the research to use to help prevent concussions for its soldiers banging their heads around from I.E.D.s.
What about placing some soft shock absorber on the outside as well as the inside of the helmet-maybe an inch of foam? Perhaps the entire football concept could be reconsidered in order to defend against egregious brain injuries and thus to conform better to the general purpose of a civilization of making life better for humanity.
1912 West Point Football Team with Dwight Eisenhower
image credit: Eisenhower Library
Football doesn't require that interior linemen butt their skulls innumerable times a game. The linemen starting two yards apart would have little reason to lead with their skulls-they might start standing up actually. Then however the field would probably be too small and it would need to be extended to 200 yards in size and five more in width. A more athletic contest of running and pass catching would follow with better heart conditioning and more mobile and durable linemen. As it is, bulk size is featured and those 300 lb vs 350 lb collisions repeatedly from point blank range tend to minimize the neurological health of the winners and losers alike.
Obviously it would be absurd to make a kind of shock absorber between the inner and outer layers of a helmet or to install a noise making device that goes off with a head impact-yet it mike make an interesting concert if varied according to strength of impact.
Plainly there should be no water obstacles on a revised NFL field because of the drowning danger, yet the helmet at least can be upgraded to better document and reduce head injuries I would think


First Obama Term Shy on Economic Reformation, Leadership, Progress

President Obama's first term spent the Democratic majority in the House and Senate for a mess of pottage; the preeminent legislative action to reform the economy and to offer incentives to make more competition in the business of electric cars just did not happen. In fact the recent executive order to increase the m.p.g. for U.S. cars will extend the fossil fuel/CO2/funding of foreign terrorist/destruction of the ecosphere policies of the past.
It is well known that the oil-gas industry has U.S. politicians in their pocket. The President hasn't meaningfully changed that position a little. If the Congress had set a 4 dollar a gallon minimum price for gasoline into law-adding tax to raise the price to 4 dollars when it drops below that then the power of business competition and research to put out electric cars that are affordable and work for fewer dollars per gallon would have gone ahead with the assurance that the oil industry would not just drop the price of gas again to make the electric vehicle investments unprofitable.
The oil industry should not have it's depletion allowance continued, and the wind and solar collector developers should have a ten-year very low tax rate and tax credit to promote innovation and drop the costs to consumers. The Obama administration squandered its opportunities to bring new ideas to the Congress and instead pursued a homosexual hegemony and middle class medical benefits while failing to reform Wall Street meaningfully too.
The administration has failed to cut military spending significantly, its has relied on Fed Chief Bernanke to buy U.S. bonds, debase the dollar a little and just print money to prop up a weak economy ill-founded upon a global skimming system on Wall Street that it failed to reform. It spent a trillion dollars on a job stimulus that created worker for government workers and favorite contractors of Chicago and elsewhere and did little for the private sector. It plans to spend add a trillion dollars a year of deficit spending to reach the goal of 26 trillion dollars of public debt within a decade.
One recalls when President Kennedy has a 50-mile hike program for the nation, and when a man was to land on the moon within a decade and Neil Armstrong achieved that goal. With some economic legislation to strengthen the competition of the alternate energy sector and with a space program that would develop electro-magnetic launchers for easy orbital access a moon research base could be constructed. With better home zoning smaller, more secure and energy independent homes could be the norm for the U.S.A.
With a better understanding of terrorism in Indonesia. Malaysia, Pakistan, Afghanistan and elsewhere, such as brought K.M.H. to justice the determination to create security for the Muslim world as well as the United States ought to be able to reduce the number of conventional military personnel the U.S.A. deploys to zones of nation-rebuilding to instead instill security arrangements for the willing and bomb-proof ecospheric renewal work opportunities for the unemployed. The Democrat Party has dropped the ball the last four years as if it had forgotten how to lead and instead planned to just be a government insider party that lets the global corporate world and small businesses exist phenomenally with the premise that the U.S. Government will not change anything much at all to make it work more effectively to meet the vital needs of Americans.


The Broad Gap of Women & Democrat Effort to Make Same-Sex, Middle-Class, Political Economy

The Democrat Party has capitalized on the broad gap of women to develop a repugnance to male dominated Republicanism and opposition to same sex marriage redistribution of social reality. The flip coin of political administrative incompetence Americans have come to expect in their leadership promoting homosexuality, lower m.p.g. fuel efficiency standards, global warming, tax cuts, tax increases, reducing public debt, increasing public debt and so on will probably continue to exceed expectations. Oh well...mice men, cabbages, kings and all that.

In Alaska the two propositions on the ballot yesterday exemplified the problem. Proposition 1 would have given a tax exemption for the first 50,000 dollars of value on property taxes. Juneau's Republican state Representative Cathy Munoz opposed the tax exemption that would be very helpful to poor people buying a lot to pitch a tent on and hope one day to afford a microwave toilet powered with a wind air generator. While on proposition 2 that would have created a state coastal management commission Democrat Mayor Bruce Botelho supported the losing proposition. Rep. Munoz has an artist's family background while Mayor Botelho's father was an old Alaska Highway Patrol muktahr.

The good voters of Alaska rejected prop 1 that would have made life easier for poor build-your own hut Alaskans and opted to support the globalist mortgage holder, destroy the environment for outsourcable profit million dollars fast food mansions bureaucrats and corporatists don't generally build themselves. It's good to have nice vast homes yet its good to have a living planetary ecosphere too. Small is good.

Prop 2 also failed to pass it seems, though absentee votes haven't yet been counted. The voters also want corporations to be able to plunder the forests and other property without concern for rational conservation concerns. That is in accord with the state and national reliance upon fossil fuels to power SUVs and Al Qaeda.

The two-party dialect of cancelling out intelligent progress continues regardless of the gender gap flipped over to the Republican side tothe detriment of the public. What happens is that the easy middle class best, cheapest run the red lights to get to work on time way of chiseling along continues to support the rich that want to destroy the ecosphere of the thousands of coastal islands for cheap, dirty profits. At the national levelo bothe parties also poison the well for intelligence and drive toward a net result of nullification of intelligence-not even Mitt Romney has the intellectual energy to at least say that he will support the higher national fuel efficiency rating and also to make the air generator tax breaks permanent to match the intelligent policy of Norway in that regard.

Barrack Obama will not pledge to elliminate the federal debt in another term entirely if elected because that would require too much intellectual energy and time away from the golf course.


'In the Blink of an Eye', Creation and Cosmos; The Literal Values of Genesis and 'The Genesis Enigma'

Recently I published a second edition of my book 'Creation and Cosmos - The Literal Values of Genesis. Then I found an interesting book, new to me, named 'The Genesis Enigma; Why the Bible is Scientifically Accurate' by Andrew Parker that prompted me to think that one day if enough new ideas occur I may write a third edition.
Parker is not simply a man of faith, he is also a biologist who developed an interesting theory named 'The Light Switch Hypothesis'. The reviewer of Parker's book 'In the Blink of an Eye' was quite critical of the idea that the ability for evolving life on Earth to see stimulated the Cambrian explosion of life that is Parker's main premise. For a biologist to develop a new theory is not too common-they tend to be a conservative group except for rare wild Christians like Charles Darwin. Parker believes as well that God evolved the world-theistic evolution, and that the book of Genesis is code for that evolution.
If the Cambrian explosion was actually stimulated by the state of Eukaryotic life and the rise of the level of oxygen in the atmosphere it is also probable that the appearance of vision conferred a tremendous advantage in predation and energy intake onto the creatures in the competition for survival. The development of vision centers in the brain of animals, and in fact the development of brains was probably stimulated. Parker's  theory seems reasonable enough and it did afford him the opportunity relating the Biblical paradigm of creation to that of evolution.
In my 2005 first edition of C & C I used Peter's statement that a day to God is as a thousand years to man to roughly calculate the appearance of life on Earth with those literal values (literal such as are algebraic literals) and discovered that the eras of the Bible are like those of evolution and of the order of appearance of life.
I have tried to consider as many meanings and contexts for the book of Genesis as I could given the circumstances of having more time to read than opportunity to write. Andrew's critic stumbles for me on Biblical criticism and in understanding the context in which the Bible was put together. Although my ideas differ a little from Parker's in that regard too, it is interesting that Parker's appendix on who wrote the Bible is comparable paradigmaticaly to Rosenberg and Bloom's  'The J Book' and 'Abraham; The First Biography'. Parker provides more links to authors that considered the book of Genesis as a paradigm sketching out evolution theory from the 19th century.
The topic of theistic evolution is a work in progress and of course Christians will want to not only trust the Bible, they may wish to read Paul Tillich to get a notion of how the Unconditional relates to the conditional, to critical-scientific contexts and to mysticism, theonomy and autonomy. The world is a lump of stellar ejecta in a space in the middle of nowhere far from being a locale survivable for the species without significant intellectual, spiritual and ecospheric development in competence. It would be wrong to pout on the blinders of scientific critical analysis soley as if in an existential environment pure chess gaming and bureaucracy for themselves would adequately address the wild and unconditional reality in which God is all-in-all.
It is useful to comprehend much and act intelligently to conserve life.

Mexican Gangster's Overflow Role on Border With Illegal Aliens

Interestingly enough the center for immigration studies wrote-
Illegal immigrants collectively represent a group that is a significant menace to the public. 80% have committed serious crimes in addition to immigration violations, and 40% have violent crime histories."
Center for Immigration Studies)

Former Mexican President Calderon said that killings in Mexico declined 16% during the first half of 2012. Between 2006 and 2012 more than 47,000 Mexicans were killed in criminal violence although apparently Mexican crime statistics reporting isn't terribly accurate. Some speculate that more than 60,000 people were killed. 
The Calderon administration war on drug traffickers has had mixed results therefore. Along the U.S. border in Mexican cities with much over-the border truck traffic Mexican gangs dominate criminal gangs (as contrasted with lawful collectives for business and government that occasional perpetrate 'soft crimes' of power) dominate government pulling strings to assure control of the drug exportation to leftists in the U.S.A.  
The new President of Mexico Pena Nieto has filled court papers seeking to free up a Mexican woman convicted of murder of an Austin Texas boy she was babysitting. Rosa Jemenez was given a 99- year sentence and Nieto was governor of her state when she killed the 2 year old stuffing paper towels down his throat. Nieto said she didn't have the opportunity to hire expert witnesses and was thus denied a competent defense. Mexican Presidents tend to view Mexican interests as of more important than those of U.S. citizens. If Jemenez had stuffed paper towels down some leftocratic let-American-poor-workers be overrun by illegal Mexican workers advocates she might have received more sympathy  in the U.S.A.
Some might wonder if Democrat Party drug dependency (Mr. Obama was formerly a narcotics user if not an addict) is one of the reasons that U.S. leftocracy is opposed to total border control with zero illegal immigration as it might raise the cost of bagged goodies in New York and L.A. We tend to regard the desire of leftists to let the illegals flow where they may along with drug trafficking 'mules', terrorists and explosives smugglers as a product of fundamental anti-establishmentarianism. The trouble with that is that the gestalt of the anti-establishment established is for worst-case planning for a rational social and ecospheric relationship of the citizens. A democracy with a steady flow of illegal aliens to labor undermining the wage supply facts of poor citizen-laborers also has little prospect of rationally transitioning to a low entropy with high intelligence value economy.
Mexicans are harmed as much by the millions of unlawful Mexican migrants to the U.S.A. as are the poor citizens of the United States. The United States skims off 11 million of Mexico's most energetic workers and many of its professionals leaving behind the loyal, less adventurous citizens to try to fend off the intimidation of the vast criminal element thriving in the vacuum of social competition gone north.
The drug traffickers too try to expand their evil ethos north and find reinforcement in major U.S. cities already infested with criminal gangs. Leftocrats seek to shelter the illegal workers in their peregrinations around the easy-pickings states of America. A border control zone a mile in size with a freshwater filled canal with locks made with nuclear power plant evaporated and condensed seawater would help to stop illegal immigration and provide more water to the parched southwest.
Creating full employment inn the U.S.A. and a stable population will also be mirrored in stabilization of the Mexican economy and of their national security to a low demographic increase with steady rise of standard of living for all if the ecospheric recovery factors are accentuated.


North Polar Ice-pack Sets New Loss Record

The annual loss of ice at the northern polar cap reduced the seasonal ice to a record low-and the melting season is not yet over. There must be something funny in this somewhere-probably they will spend more on asphalt highways to srive to wherever the problem is an fix it with heavy diesel trucks, military convoys and super-sized budgets.
During ice ages the atmospheric p.p.m. for CO2 is 180, and during normal interglacials its 280 p.p.m. Right now  the atmospheric CO2 level is 390 p.p.m., and the schedule according to the way people live-uncreatively is for a 550 p.p.m. by 2050 and 800 p.p.m. by 2075. Fortunately mass extinctions tend to occur with high levels of CO2 present and brain development and intelligence increases tend to happen when the CO2 level drops, so the public may not be bright enough to worry about the CO2 they breathe over-much. Smokers especially will not notice a little rise in CO2 and loss of red blood cell oxygen content. 
image credit N.A.S.A.-
Arctic Sea Ice Drops below 2007 Record

Isaac Brings Rain to S.E.

Hurricane Isaac will  bring much needed rain to the parched S.E., and even to Lake Linear. It has passed over the city of Tampa, perhaps because of the Republican National Convention and is moving toward the Big Easy and the French Quarter with possibly as much as 19.5 inches of rain in store.

If Isaac makes it as far as Texas it will be a blessed drought reliever better for Texas  than Roger Clemens winning five games for the Astros.

A more lasting water shortage fix might be to adapt nuclear power plant cooling technology to use sea water for cooling and to turn the water into vapor in order to recondense it as fresh water. Screening out the intake flow of sea life and returning it in smaller pipes to the Gulf, and selling the salt to salt companies or using it for some other purpose might be a way to generate water for West Texas irrigation .

Though Isaac is only a category One Hurricane and the Gulf Coast has had five years to ready for it, the practice of Hurricane readiness is a good thing for with the global heating of the oceans there is a potential for several hurricanes this year reaching even as far as the Chesapeake Bay and Washington D.C.

The political ramifications for each hurricane very in relation to tea leaves, news analysis methods and expert storm predictions. Hurricane politics  become diversions from the tedious work of rational federal budgeting and ecological economic reform. Certainly gasoline prices will be affected yet not with addition of a minimum gas price of 4 dollars so competition factors to create cheaper renewable energy might have some assurance of probable return for research investment.
image credit N.O.A.A.
Storm QPF


Neil Armstrong Dies-Mankind Takes Giant Leap to Global Warming

Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon, passed away at age 82 recently. He famously said upon stepping on the lunar surface 'that's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind'. Has America since the end of the 1960s moon program taken too man steps in the wrong direction and failed to leap in the right?

In Thomas Friedman's 2008 book 'Hot, Flat and Crowded' the author points out several interesting facts quantitatively about the effects of humanity living upon Earth and tearing ups it's ecosphere in quest of a planetary bloated middle class. For most of the past 670,000 years the most parts per million of CO2 the atmosphere has had was 300 before it began its cooling cycle. Presently the ppm for CO2 is about 400.

Barrack Obama plans to raise U.S. public debt to 26 trillion dollars the next ten years though that's on an optimistic schedule. Just one disruption of Persian Gulf oil through war would drive oil to 200 dollars per barrel and throw the U.S. economy into depression. That's the good new though, for on the present schedule to increase the world middle class to an American standard of living the world will need 26 trillion watts of electrical power, while the amount of CO2 the world can afford to live without radical global warming is just 2.6 trillion watts. Right now the world uses about 13 trillion watts.

Nothing has changed on U.S. reliance on global oil from Muslim countries, Venezuela and Canadian tar sands either. That reliance is funding the world's Salafi-Wahhabi-Sunni radicalism that the U.S. borrows money to war upon in Afghanistan (technically upon its 'terrorists' that kill U.S. and N.A.T.O. sojurs. The salt of the wars sojurs seem to be those without work in the U.S.A, foreign immigrants seeking citizenship and graduates of Pakistan's 35,000 madrassas of which the Darul Uloom Haqqania madrassa is the largest of recent times with thousands of students amongst whom Mullah Omar is an alumnus.

The Democratic Party of the United States under the Obama administration has taken a turn toward reaming the middle class and degrading the poor actually creating an explicit policy of making the Democrat Party one for the middle class. The poor essentially have no voice in a party that is no longer about economics so much as class rights for constituent members that are female, homosexual or non-white. The separation of the poor from the middle class is not for the benefit of the United States in this critical period of national history. It would be far better to structure just one class besides that of the rich.

The rise of the middle class and of globalism in the post cold war era has fueled an insatiable ethos of economic expansion founded upon exuberant consumption of the world's finite natural resources. Ecological economists such as Herman Daly have formulated fundamental relationships quantitatively explaining the problems of increasing demographics and resource consumption with finite resource supply. In the midst of the increased demand driven with the logic of the victors of the cold war economic contest between free markets and communism the small quiet voice of economic rationalism has been lost.

Adam Smith and the founders were not posturing fops of power but were political and economic rationalists seeking the well being of mankind. In the tragic counter cyclical rise of global warming as the flip side of the coin of economic advance without macro-environmental reason the giant leap for mankind that Neil Armstrong made too was set-aside in the Obama administration as too expensive to follow up.

Democratic government needs to be responsive to the real interests of the people rather than aloof advocates for narrow class interests. With the present world demographics the world population will rise to about 10 billion souls by 2050 when the ppm of CO2 should be more than 550. By 2075 the ppm of the Earth may be 800 ppm. That radical level and the inexorable mass extinctions of life on Earth, loss of rain forests and global warming will probably create a demand for fascist socialist authoritarianism or some clandestine power will alternatively deploy advanced biological weapons to cull humanity to a level that would allow the global CO2 levels and species diversity to recover as best it can-if it can.

It is quite possible that with the proliferation of genetic recombinatory technology and vast resources invested in expanding the health of human beings from the rich-down that the classic philosophical ethics problem of does one save the many or the one will be changed to does one eliminate the many and their automobiles and save some of humanity or allow them all to perish?

Actually the class philosophical problem is formulated differently, it goes...it a runaway streetcar named desire is heading down a street street toward a fork, and on one fork lies a newborn baby and on the other track lie several middle class Americans with smartphones and million dollar mansions paid for with derivatives, if you had the power to flip the switch and send the streetcar to squash the many or the one, who would you save?

I should stipulate that the choice is entirely abstract and unrealistic. In an actual emergency few think about ethics-they just act if they can. Probably few people would even make the choice to kill one or a few individuals to save many individuals unless they were already killers. Unfortunately with the better part of a century to consider the decline of the prospects for life on Earth many people may consider the problems, and some one or a few may choose to take up the way of culling the crop to perhaps 200 million survivors in order to save humanity. The better choices are to make things work well a priori and  avoid the crises that stimulate such considerations. I would guess the ripening of such possibilities should not start before the year 2030.

In the meantime, the United States may seek to make itself self-reliant on its own fossil fuels to free itself from redistributing financial power to the Muslim oil producers. That's a good idea so far as it goes, yet the entire infrastructure of transportation, housing and energy use in the United States needs to be changed directly if it is to be any sort of meaningful positive role model in the war against global CO2 increase and species extinction. The Obama administration and Majority leaders Reed as quietists on an effective ecological economic reform movement, perhaps doing the public to a dialect between the middle class and the rich over health care and special blankets while they send soldiers to fight the poor Muslim suicide bombers and their wealthy oil global power redistribution planners wherever they may hide.

A Romney administration may need to develop U.S. fossil fuel assets so far as it can without endangering critical habitat on and offshore, yet a green economic reform requires substantial economic innovation and new zoning laws. Homes could be 500 sq foot solar power absorbing geodesic domes with high albedo able with super-insulation mass-produced for foreign and domestic export. Farms could have electric tractors following a grid with remote piloting 'farmers', and U.S. transportation should become vehicle less human body high-speed movement tubes to places too far to walk or ride and electric bike.

Humanity cannot afford a business as usual approach to the global warming and species extinction twin tower security issues that may make this the last human century. The comfortable do not believe the problems are real, and that is the problem.

Imperfect Character is Universal

The question of why anything exists rather than nothing was a question that Plotinus considered in The Enneads. Why would The One order anyt...