
North Polar Ice-pack Sets New Loss Record

The annual loss of ice at the northern polar cap reduced the seasonal ice to a record low-and the melting season is not yet over. There must be something funny in this somewhere-probably they will spend more on asphalt highways to srive to wherever the problem is an fix it with heavy diesel trucks, military convoys and super-sized budgets.
During ice ages the atmospheric p.p.m. for CO2 is 180, and during normal interglacials its 280 p.p.m. Right now  the atmospheric CO2 level is 390 p.p.m., and the schedule according to the way people live-uncreatively is for a 550 p.p.m. by 2050 and 800 p.p.m. by 2075. Fortunately mass extinctions tend to occur with high levels of CO2 present and brain development and intelligence increases tend to happen when the CO2 level drops, so the public may not be bright enough to worry about the CO2 they breathe over-much. Smokers especially will not notice a little rise in CO2 and loss of red blood cell oxygen content. 
image credit N.A.S.A.-
Arctic Sea Ice Drops below 2007 Record

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