
VP Biden's Gaffs & The Eignevalues of Random Hermitian Matrices

Vice President Biden made another of his famous gaffs recently in making a campaign speech to an audience with a preponderance of citizens of African American ancestry when he surpassed his prior remark that then candidate Obama didn't smell bad like some negroes with a remark that the Romney-Ryan Presidency would return them to wearing chains. He did not specify if that would be without or without hog jowls and chittlins.
In the quest to solve the Riemann  Hypothesis determining if the zeros of the zeta function all fall along a critical line of value 1/2 to infinity mathematicians for more than a century have sought ways to prove the theorem's validity and that has led to discoveries from the utility of factors and primes in generating Internet computer security codes (RSA) to the Dyson-Montgomery discovery that another way of mapping the distribution of the zeros of the zeta function of primes along the critical line resembles very closely, as Dyson famously observed; 'that's just the same as the behavior of the difference between pairs of eigenvalues of random Hermitian matirces!".
Some of us learn about the eigenvalues of random Hermitian matrices early in life as we move up the ladder of evolutionary progress to college, and others such as myself will learn about them today on wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hermitian_matrix
We may find with more research-such as reading a book named 'The Music of the Primes' that the patterns Dyson remarked about are representative of the spectroscopic distribution of heavy elements such as U-92. Because heavy elements and the frequency of vibrations of the particles of their nuclei are complex it is easier to statistically describe those than to graph them in particular. That's why I wanted to write this post today.
The average statistical relationships of power of fundamental elements averaged out within particular structures ought to provide a 1/2 paradignmatic balance between being and nothingness, between sticking together and flying apart, as the zeros of the zeta function of prime numbers appear on the .5 critical line between 0 and 1.
Philosophically speaking being and nothingness seem roughly equivalent to o and 1. There is another issue of 1 being representative of a monistic, non-pluralized universe. That might be a universal field concentrated at a singularity before it expands and differentiates metaphorically, yet it is perhaps better to just leave it philosophically as One without any denotable structure.
Prime numbers factors being just themselves and 1 no matter how large occupy a philosophical position within their number system of indivisibility and fullness regarding zero as the starting point leading to themselves-if folded in half along the zero-zeta function critical line their value is half with a fraction left over. They are perfectly balanced along the tipping point without turning in either direction as might a static universe be if its interior components too could have eternal renewability in a Fred Hoyle sort of cosmology.
Their are some things that never change-such as physical constants of the Universe-upon which myriad pluralistic forms evolve like scum froth on a standing tide-line presenting new appearances. We enjoy the thermal disequillibria if it doesn't go too far, and move with the waves of temporal advance along the parameters of thermodynamics. It would only be in a different sort of Universe-perhaps with more than four dimensions of space-time, that prime numbers would not be indivisible regarding Universe (1) mathematics criteria.
Multidimensional prime numbers instead of one-dimensional regarded in four dimensions might have random statistical eignevalues of complex Hermitian matrices disappearing into extra-dimensions with non-standard spacing of real energy components. Philosophically it is interesting to conjecture what sort of mathematical axioms physicists and mathematicians might use in a variegated universe in which energy and mass appear and disappear with eignevalues or imaginary number values that appear irregular.
Yet one could even so count on the gaffs of Vice president Biden for a renormalization of political levity.

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