
Simple Digital Voter I.D. Database with Face Recognition Software

The national conundrum about voter I.D. laws to prevent undetected voter fraud is symbolic of the U.S. decline in innovative and creative thought miring about 25% of the people in under-employment and unemployment. Of course the elites don't care including the Democrat Party if the poor inertially founder in futility cause they've got theirs. The Democrat leadership of tuxedos and mint juleps with Hollywood Stars is the way things are.

It would be quite simple to use existing notebook computers, table digital cameras and photo recognition software to snap a picture of every voter and have a record to compare those with in the future. In fact even without and I.D. card state governments could create a voluntary voter photo database at some agency for free so each voter can be a real person instead of a faceless abstract theory to the electoral system.
I suppose some might argue that requiring some voters do drop their hijab and let their mug get photo'd would discriminate against the privacy of some and profile minorities unfairly in order to exclude them from taking over the nation; well, that could be so if they have ugly profile photos as well as straight on shots.
For every vote to count and in order for the franchise to be respected it is necessary that voter fraud does not become the ruler. Some Democrats may resist verification theories of voter I.D holding the mistaken belief that only Democratic partisans perpetrate voter fraud. It is not certain that the Jim Crowe south never had an advantage through use of voter fraud to nullify the rise of the negro vote.
In the close 2000 Presidential election a few thousand fraudulent votes here and their could have made illegal voters the electors of the President of the United States instead of the U.S. Supreme Court overturning the partisan decision of the Florida State Supreme Court on criteria for determining if another round of recounts should proceed to determine finding what counted as a hanging chad and which way the wind blows. If those hanging chads were cast by illegal voters the troubles and paradoxes of inadequately documented hypothetical eligible voters is compounded.
I just wanted to point out that the U.S.A. is becoming a can't do nation too much these decades, rather than the opposite.

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