
Adam & Eve, Original Sin, Morality etc.

I believe that original sin has several meaning consequents. The one most meaningful is that human experience would occur within a space-time paradigm with entropy and temporality such as is the Universe. The 'testing'and fall of Adam and Eve brought about birth and suffering as corrections for their moral failure. It is a complex criterion. The space-time relationship of mind and body is simpler to describe after the fall for it occurs within a paradigm congruent generally with evolutionary parameters.

Adam and Eve seem to have been spliced into an already existing evolved society outside 'Eden' eventually after their expulsion. Cain was concerned about being killed by others, and was given the mark of Cain as a warning to others. I have written about some of these topics in my book 'Creation and Cosmos - The Literal Values of Genesis'lulu.com/shop/garrison-clifford-gibson/ ... 22612.html

The problems of self-awareness or innocence compared to non-self-awareness as a paradigm for itself is not a positive or negative, but one that brings recognition that the self-aware necessarily acquire a moral structure and need for one whereas the purely animal world of non-self-aware beings does not. God helpfully provided moral instruction to humanity and it has been a tremendously challenging project as has been described in the Bible. Humanity forever fails to live by fundamentally good moral principles-even the U.S. economy is not founded in rationality but instead within a paradigm of unlimited consumption and increase of consumption existentially without empirical limits-and the immorality of the pursuit of power for itself eclipses even democracy and reform of both capitalism and democracy.

There is a good reason why the apocalypse described in the Bible is inevitable - human nature is fundamentally wicked and unable to live with advanced social intelligence well enough to avoid disaster.

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