
Democrat Party Ups Price of Membership to Abortion & Gay Marriage

Some wonder if the Democratic Party plans to make homosexual marriage a part of its official party platform is representative of a focus on social issues and litmus tests for support including homosexuality and abortion that make the party a limited tent, exclusive and unconcerned about economics that are inclusive of all American citizens.

If gender is a factor in economic planning, it would entail that there is something to differentiate from, and I would not myself say that all individuals of a sex have a uniform template for economic formulations.
President Obama has made a Cage aux Folles Hope-a-Dope economic method his economic modus vivendi: Build up the national debt to 21 trillion dollars using the put it on the charge card of the rich. A homosexual economist named John Maynard Keynes invented that policy after World War One when the rich ranks were decimated by war. Cambridge University students had about a 70% casualty rate. 
Do homosexuals have different secular interests from families? Would they have a greater interest in disposability, travel or oil consumption. Do they have different interests in providing for children or grandchildren, inheritence of currency or property than straight people? Are their attitudes toward illegally immigrating male aliens different than those of straight males? If so would that effect labor supply in the U.S.A.? Are homosexuals working in some industries more than others with a different participation rate than straight workers?

There may be gender effects in macro-economic theory. I know that homosexual marriage supporters take direct economic retributive actions now and then, as if they were an oppressive class themselves. velopment of economic policies. It is difficult to say how much the homosexual factor effects effects national economic development.  I only took an intro to sociology course and haven't been reading in ongoing research into the sociological distribution of U.S. homosexuals in economic fields.
Hitler, Reagan, Bush II and Obama have all used variants of Keynsianism. It's only a short-term fix and dumps long-range troubles that seem to be building up now.
The Obama administration has made homosexual marriage and support a fundametal feature of his administration. He gave nearly free health benefits to homosexual federal workers sex live-in partners, has celebrated gay pride day in the military, made homosexuality in the military an acceptable practice and so forth. The homosexual Barney Franks was in charge of the House Finance Committee for the first part of the Obama administration, and so these real facts become part of the problem about how to repair the nation's finances, and to understand how the administration and politicians in general can be so incompetent.

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