
The Broad Gap of Women & Democrat Effort to Make Same-Sex, Middle-Class, Political Economy

The Democrat Party has capitalized on the broad gap of women to develop a repugnance to male dominated Republicanism and opposition to same sex marriage redistribution of social reality. The flip coin of political administrative incompetence Americans have come to expect in their leadership promoting homosexuality, lower m.p.g. fuel efficiency standards, global warming, tax cuts, tax increases, reducing public debt, increasing public debt and so on will probably continue to exceed expectations. Oh well...mice men, cabbages, kings and all that.

In Alaska the two propositions on the ballot yesterday exemplified the problem. Proposition 1 would have given a tax exemption for the first 50,000 dollars of value on property taxes. Juneau's Republican state Representative Cathy Munoz opposed the tax exemption that would be very helpful to poor people buying a lot to pitch a tent on and hope one day to afford a microwave toilet powered with a wind air generator. While on proposition 2 that would have created a state coastal management commission Democrat Mayor Bruce Botelho supported the losing proposition. Rep. Munoz has an artist's family background while Mayor Botelho's father was an old Alaska Highway Patrol muktahr.

The good voters of Alaska rejected prop 1 that would have made life easier for poor build-your own hut Alaskans and opted to support the globalist mortgage holder, destroy the environment for outsourcable profit million dollars fast food mansions bureaucrats and corporatists don't generally build themselves. It's good to have nice vast homes yet its good to have a living planetary ecosphere too. Small is good.

Prop 2 also failed to pass it seems, though absentee votes haven't yet been counted. The voters also want corporations to be able to plunder the forests and other property without concern for rational conservation concerns. That is in accord with the state and national reliance upon fossil fuels to power SUVs and Al Qaeda.

The two-party dialect of cancelling out intelligent progress continues regardless of the gender gap flipped over to the Republican side tothe detriment of the public. What happens is that the easy middle class best, cheapest run the red lights to get to work on time way of chiseling along continues to support the rich that want to destroy the ecosphere of the thousands of coastal islands for cheap, dirty profits. At the national levelo bothe parties also poison the well for intelligence and drive toward a net result of nullification of intelligence-not even Mitt Romney has the intellectual energy to at least say that he will support the higher national fuel efficiency rating and also to make the air generator tax breaks permanent to match the intelligent policy of Norway in that regard.

Barrack Obama will not pledge to elliminate the federal debt in another term entirely if elected because that would require too much intellectual energy and time away from the golf course.

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