the Father is greater than imaginable. Greater than all the worlds
possible, of all possible model universes imaginable, a whole greater
than the some of parts that appear in the temporal Universe. The Son
is the Word of God. Apparently one may use the names interchangeably.
Maybe it is helpful to think of him as the CEO of God-while of the
Father God regard Him as the owner of the corporation. That leaves me
wondering about the Holy Spirit; one may know what idea one has of
the Holy Spirit yet find nothing to say to compare it to.
it is like a a sentient operating system in a computer that modifies
and rewrites the programming code in which human beings cohere. The
Holy Spirit is the primary field agent of God configuring things such
as they need to be. The Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit are one
however. So am I embedded in a Higgs field as a state of quantum
entanglement shaped with field forces to satisfy a pre-determined
cosmology of the system where even evolution seems to have a role
accomplishing the will of God for a particular order to develop. The
physics of the Universe drive all variations selected to conform with
inevitable states of being of an existential Universe.
elements of pre-determinism start and finish in the Universe are
difficult to determine. Heisenberg's uncertainty principle is a
descriptive rather than an implicit waveform collapse selector. So
many have pointed out the natural selector of a wave collapse
experiences a phenomenal dust up of actualization that adds some sort
of information and energy to an observed system. Appearances of
energy and mass with their uncertain protocol boundaries and content
apparently unbound except within deterministic quantum relationships
make me wonder about Universal management and its potential for phase
one has evolution theory one also ought to have quantum theory and
the philosophy of modal universes and the transcendence of purpose
inherent in temporal space-time to liven up discussion from the
limited range intellectual tools concerning biology to one cognizant
of determinism in natural selection and a meta-structural conformal
logic of physics regarding meta-criteria for natural selection. God
may have an infinity of modal universe potentials, yet must they all
be assembled in one temporal order in respect of His eternal now in
relation to contingent space-time? Does God not abnegate space as
well as time for-himself-in eternity?
and time in the temporal manifestation cohere in one expanding or
traveling multi-dimensional Universe field. The formation era before
a big bang and inflation phase of energy ought have a limit to the
number of its potential configurations arising in coalescence from
virtual energy. There should be a very large but infinite number of
possible formations of contingent Universes that could appear as
well. There is a very large yet finite number of possible
configurations of pieces on a chess board, because there is a finite
number of pieces and positions in configuration and phase space. God
may choose to reshape a pre-singularity field to be or become more or
different than what it might be in its range of freedom states of
emergence from virtual energy space, yet none other.
selections that occur as an implicit features of inertial assembly
follow initial boundary conditions of the Universe delimiting
possibilities of the subsequent space-time contingent field. A
process evolution of complexity eliminates possibilities of alternate
courses of development reciprocally. I believe it is thought that
transcends physical boundaries best to create new possibilities, and
it is spirit that surpasses the physical actualizations of the
physical best and foremost.
some physical theorists deny theistic creation with the indirect
explanation that the Anthropic Principle and the fine-tuned universe
is a chance selection of infinite Universe potentials and one of
those that can work; as only those that can work and are suitable for
human life do, it is also the case that predetermined forms for life
exist in that fine-tuned Universe that are not at all matters of
random chance. If one placed a one dollar bet at Las Vegas and won a
million dollars the only time in one's life that one gambled, the
jackpot is predetermined still as all that could exist within the
boundary conditions. I would think that principle would apply to
planetary life within any sort of galactic energy-mass charge
configuration, and regardless of the manner in which God set the
Universe to be and become with an operating system that moves along
with reasonably known physical laws and orders of development.
does modern cosmology tell us of the Universe? It is apparently about
13.8 billion years old. Cosmic microwave background observations from
special telescopes can view microwave radiation that existed when the
Universe was 400,000 years old. At that time the Universe had cooled
enough from its very high temperature hotter than the sun wherein it
had been producing helium and deuterium from hydrogen fusion. The
ancient microwave signals are the cooled down remnant of the initial
vary high plasma temperatures. The background microwave radiation of
the Universe today a a little more than 3 degrees kelvin is the
remnant. The density of matter in the space-time is exceedingly tiny.
And space-time is expanding.
Universe can be thought of a nearly 14 billion years old fr several
physically theoretical and observationally confirmed reasons. One is
that with the speed of light and light-waves shift to the red when
moving away, and blue when approaching, it is possible to determined
how far away known supernovas are in space and time. When astronomers
observe stars with great red-shifts of billions of light years it
means that what they see is how the stars appeared billions of years
ago before their photons began their journey toward Earth. Along with
calculations from the General Theory of Relativity is is possible to
calculate the amount of time and scale of the past cosmology and age
of the Universe.
is not a conclusive and exhaustive determination of the age of the
Universe and of its mass and energy though. Even though cosmological
evolution along the general lines of the General theory of relativity
and of Friedman-Gamow's Big Bang model generally appears true, though
with several modifications, the philosophical, theological and
physical interpretations of the data may be taken in numerous ways.
a sense the Big Bang theory is like an island alone in an ocean that
is true enough yet surrounded by a number of below the surface ideas
that pertain to the complete theoretical structure emanated or willed
by God to exist. Even so it is fascinating to consider the many
elements of physical cosmology.
one really knows what space-time is. Space-time are united in one
field in modern physics rather than treated separately. If one goes
near the speed of light one experiences low passage of time compared
to one that is stationary, yet one near light speed picks up nearly
infinite mass as if traveling through space-time near the speed of
massless particles makes mass infinitely heavy. maybe space-time
itself give particles their mass, and perhaps space-time has a close
associate with the Higgs field as well as all particles.
in general relativity might be regarded as a vast rubber sheet
equally supported at all points. At time=0 it was of very smile
size,a little larger than a singular. in the expansion of the
Universe it stretched out at various speeds in 2 dimensions (an
analogy here for simple illustration purposes). During the
inflationary area it increased its size greatly at faster than light
speed (there was no mass then, only energy). The rubber sheet Universe is made
of energy and yet is also space and time.
an extra-dimensional super-player in a metaphorical history of
space-time that is the Universe who can stretch the space-time sheet
wherever he puts his foot down-lie at a black hole. This fifth
dimensional guy is named Gravity. No one really knows who or what
gravity is; he just influences the topology shape of the
4-dimensional sheet of space-time. With little imbalances in the
equal distribution of energy in the beginning (I might more about
that latter), the haves attract more and sycophants move toward the
haves. In the era after 400,000 when atoms had begun to form and
would snowball latter, the clustering of mass and energy was
determined. Clusters of mass pressed down on the rubber sheet that
was expanding simultaneously producing little valleys here and there
attracting more mass to form larger clusters. Those clusters
eventually became stars and galaxies as the sheet expanded becoming
millions and billions of light years in size.
the sheet is stretch much space-time stretches obviously. traveling
across the sheet one would experience the passage of time differently
in different shaped topological regions of the sheet. The rate of
passage would also affect the experience of time and experience of
might imagine gravity as walking on the surface of the sheet
producing this or that depression or bounce as his mass moves. Mass,
unlike Mr. Gravity, has no intellect or will to move itself and
exploit a bounce on space-time.
a better way to consider gravity in regard to space-time is that it
is an extra dimension-a fifth dimension to which mass in four
dimensions is attracted. The more mass is aggregated the greater is
the shape of space-time bent toward the hidden extra dimension.
Perhaps the 5th dimension pins our four dimensions to it through the
short-circuit or macro-quantum tunneling of gravity.
expansion of space-time has been observed and interpreted
theoretically to be increasing. The Universe is moving apart
faster-than-light is some regions. That can be easy to understand. It
does not need to violate Einstein's special theory where nothing can
travel faster than light.
one has a yardstick and inserts a new inch unit into it at every
other inch, and repeats the procedure long enough-with the new inches
coming from an extra dimension or some sort of process where by
concentrating mass frees up new space to be inserted into space as
new inch units-eventually the yardstick may be a light year across
and doubling exponentially in size. Easily once can see that the
opposite ends of the yardstick or stretch sheet would travel apart
faster than light though nothing on the sheet itself would be
traveling anywhere near light speed.
space-time expanding as a kind of unit itself does lead one to regard
the true void as something in which space-time exists and expands. In
the beginning the Universe was void and without form. Space-time is
an event that in four dimensions expands in the void. Empty space is
itself a field-perhaps a virtual field comparable to a Higgs field,
that exists with relativistic values, to serve the will of God.
Universe may be 52 billion light years across today, yet the age of
the Universe does not delimit its possible size-it may have arisen
from membranes or dimension sheets rather than a singularity, and
beyond the realm of the observable universe of space-time today that
growth 13.7 or 8 billion years ago may have been infinitely vast.
are different kinds of infinites...some are greater than others.
There are more numbers in the infinite series of natural numbers than
there are in the infinite series of even numbers. Plainly the
definition of infinite series are gerontological reductions from a
unitary, monistic infinite source of all contingent infinities. I
believe that source is God who wills all things to exist that are
inclusive of dimensions and forms of mass and energy in any
configuration in or phase space. The apparent relative
configurations, mass form, time and space that anyone with sentience
could experience are all given with the will of God, inclusive of any
sentient mind, for a specific purpose.
mankind and manufactured instruments improve new data acquisition
methods about structures and content, input from observations
reinforces scientific theoretical constructive interpretation of
theory is one way of thinking about the Big Bang or expansion of the
Universe from a small space. Inflation theory begins with expansive
gravity. Gravity logically has a negative and positive side like most
forces of energy. Negative gravity is attractive. It draws mass
together. Positive pressure or a positive phase of gravity repels
energy or expands space. It may be that the positive phase of energy
affects just energy, and could be a kind of repulsion of some form of
theory of the Universe presents the idea that a subatomic region
experienced expansive energy with positive pressure that double in
size exponentially for a fraction of a second in the case of this
particular universe. A quantum instability acted like a word spoken
to begin. As energy was expanding space some of it converted into
mass or at least a less energetic configuration of energy. It kept
doubling its size every fraction of a second. That was an exponential
rate of growth. At the end of 10 to the minus 35 seconds inflation
stopped and the Universe was the size of a grapefruit. It continued
expanding at sub-light speed after that, whereas during inflation the
doubling in size occurred over its diametric opposite ends faster
than light. If one were to add together two radii that each expand at
light speed in opposite directions the combined speed is 2c or light
speed squared. When the volume of the Universe doubled it also doubled the running total of light velocities added together so
the hyper-inflation of the Universe might have gone on, and may
still be continuing forever, in some regions it stopped. Theorists
have considered a multi-verse of continuing inflationary areas with
whirlpools of non-inflating spaces that are Universes within the
infinite tree of inflation.
that may theoretically exist such as inflationary Multi-verses that
account for the presence of energy and mass in various configurations
with variable space and time regions are ways of generating
reasonable explanations for observable real structures. Space time
really seems to be accelerating its expansion, gravity really seems
to increase and diminish strength at the square of its distance.
Cosmological data and theoretical explanations are made phenomenally
by existing sentient minds experiencing their life within the energy
field that is the foundation for all possible multi-verse
configurations in space-time.
are good books such as Tegmark's 'The Mathematical Universe' that go
over inflation and multi-verse theory in detail enough for general
readers. It is interesting that dark energy is believed to be slowly
creating an inflationary space doubling every 8 billion years. It is
apparently possible because of relativity to have spatial regions and
universes within larger spatial regions. No one is certain of what
the primordial positive and negative phases of energy called gravity
are or how energy exists at all. The word to begin for scientists
generally would be associated with quantum fluctuations that
stimulated symmetry breaking positive inflationary pressure. The
theories are beautiful, yet not in conflict with the very basic
information of Genesis that would neither confirm or deny most
theoretical configuration or phase space model structures for energy
and mass. Christians do not believe that God is less than omnipotent.
Funding the existence of one or an infinity of Universes and
inflationary spaces with energy in an infinity of channels or fields
is another day's work for God if he wills it to be so.