
F.B.I. Defense of Extremism

The F.B.I. is a primary institutional defender of extremism. They probably don't think so though. There is a difference between administration extremism and that of weak and marginalized elements. Large powers degrade the capacity of the small. The Sanhedrin and Roman power crucified Jesus; a mere man, the shoe dropped later. Brits couldn't repress American extremists in 1776 well enough to monopolize rum sales and exports, some even got frisky with the tool of violence about it; lucky for us.

Confucius began his philosophical career with a rectification of names. Politically speaking mislabeling is misleading. Linguistic drift is normal for societies, use-truth of dominant powers generally tailor terms to preclude criticism and define boundaries that oppress peer competition. Extremism is a term that Confucius would probably include on a list of terms egregiously wanting renormalization if he were alive and working as a philosopher today.

The F.B.I. and other enforcers of political decrees commonly speak out against extremism as a source of evil to the ruling class. The ruling class today may be global martinets of extremely concentrated wealth that buy and sell political loyalty, yet extremism is narrowly defined by the F.B.I. to mean specifically organized violence. The establishment is afraid of violence or violent extremism rather than simply comparatively extreme from the usual political opinions.

Extremism as a worry for the F.B.I. is somewhat amusing in regard to the Democrat Party recent history of pushing through Obamacare with its transfer of American medical records to the corporate world, homosexual marriage-that is by anyone's standard an extremely extremist corruption of traditional social norms, and support for perennial insurrection abroad across the Muslim world and parts of historical Russia. Obama eavesdropping policy all foreign leaders except perhaps the British because they share some fiber-optic data mining channels with the U.S.A. and are too conservative in private quarters for interesting surveillance perhaps is an extreme policy as was the Bush upgrade and implementation of torture, extraordinary rendition of kidnapping suspects and a nation-wide data-mining of American phone communications by the N.S.A.

Establishment organs of enforcing policy have always opposed the extremism of competition to ruling class ideas. It is one side of the perennial struggle for human beings to be free of oppressive ruling classes.

If the Tsar had been more willing to accept democratic changes and not suppressed them as extremist-executing for example V.I. Lenin's elder brother after a botched bombing assassination attempt, it is unlikely that the Russian Communist revolution would have evolved into being. If The French monarchy or King George the Third had shown true willingness in good faith to defend their citizenry and bring true equality to the citizens neither revolution would have happened. True monarchs would adapt to the capacity of their people in modernizing technological eras to regulate their own affairs and step aside to ancillary roles themselves. Jesus Christ is still Lord of all, yet in day to day affairs God lets human society regulate its own affairs while the Holy Spirit shapes the topology of human destiny. God's plan for mankind was to let society have its own affairs as free people within moral boundaries with Himself as sovereign. A society that trusts in God and that has faith in the saving power of the Lord to free them from the bondage of sin that is a perennial error and misguidance from the path of liberty has hope and free day to day to move ahead in history.

Extremism today is the policy of the U.S. Government. Each day citizens may awaken to the nightmare that their government is morally bankrupt and working to promote the interest of an ad hoc planetary ruling class rather than their own interests. The plutonomy owns the broadcast and film industry and has more propaganda power that all of the dictators and oligarchs of history before, The F.B.I. and a zillion other government paymaster agencies defend the citadel of extremism to the bone. They are loyal to atheism, homosexuality, state terrorism and absolute power. Yet they are watchdogs of extremism. The real extremists it must inevitably follow, are comedians.

If there is nothing funny in being objects of violent attack for victims, neither is establishment extremism of corrupt national economics, environmental degradation, poverty, insecurity and powerlessness created by uber-rich extremism anything that brings a chuckle to many outside those prospering inside partisan lines. In the extremist-insider era with their own use-truth institutional violence applied abroad is beneath comment. Nationally equality evolves to mean power for partisan groups and collective rule by force. Fascism applied is a relationship of power to others. Butch fascism is no more than fascism for homosexual interests. Fascist and butch fascists recognize no boundaries of civil rights for victims; the Marquis de Sade was a natural fascist intra-socially. Some call such people sociopaths, others like Heinrich Himmler actualizing the banality of evil were simply bureaucrats implementing government policy that didn't seem extreme to them as insiders.

I was working at a newspaper stuffing inserts when Timothy McVey blew up a federal office building. Picking up stacks of newspapers was what we did. Another fellow-an American Indian said at the McVey headline-'He's my hero'. Professor Churchill said of the W.T.C. victims that 'they were little Eichmans'. Apparently violence as liberating or not depends upon one's perspective. As violence liberated confederate slaves it ended the power power of the uber-rich of the south to tax at 100% rate the life and freedom of slaves. Slavery is a relationship after all between fascist sociopathic control-freak sadists and victims. Violence and extremism, like beauty are in the eye of the beholder.

In the era of fragmentation of political will of the American democracy by a constellation of moral and epistemological relativists the moral imperatives of natural law have faded out of the world-view of the age.

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