
Futurism & Easier Build-Boat Material Concepts

While watching Redford's sailing yarn 'All is Lost' I noticed the problems with underinflation of his life-raft. The same problem exists in life rafts sometime with sharks wearing holes through the material or emergency repairs of holes (see 'Adrift' 82 days in a life raft in the Atlantic). It occurred to me that it would be a good idea to have multiple layers of something like bubble wrap industrial strength to have ultra-deflation proofing in some way with built in solar panels affixed to the material to recharge electric motor or radio batteries or micro-desalinator, yet that isn 't why I am writing this blog entry.

Didn't you hate it when the VC suicide bomber runs into the field HQ and blows himself up in Platoon? Such rotten combat engineer work. Better designs or a little mazing would have slowed down the infiltrator. There are often better, more thoughtful designs possible for about anything than already exists.

So one has problems making small trimaran sailboats when homeless; where does one find a lot to build the boat in and so forth much less transport it to water. California public beaches are not boatyards-maybe somewhere near Malibu, yet I doubt if boat construction is allowed there for mere mortals. One must therefor discover more adaptable boat form materials and construction materials that can be assembled quicker to form to facilitate quick assembly and launching of a boat.

Usually one uses wooden boat frames, weldwood and so forth buying plans and cutting out frame shapes, gluing them together with weldwood or marine epoxy. One can buy b a roll of fiberglass c-flex planking at the factory in Pascaghoula Mississippi and have it trucked to where one is, yet one still has the slow frame construction issue much less the high cost of epoxy and fiberglass that precludes significant error in shape.

I believe that a bendable framing material that keeps its shape in makeing upside-down forms that fiberglass, bendable planking can be put on and rolled with epoxy would be a good time-expediting tool. One could pre-cut frame component lengths for a boat and mail them strait yet bending them into position at the assembly location by hand. For trimaran hulls the shapes taper toward bow and stern obviously, so one knows what I am describing. Once the fiberglass is applied and dried the frames are either made to be disposable to become part of the vessel. I suppose one could cut something like fiberglass planking with thin metal strips within form pieces in some way.

For purposes of nthis blog post I wanted to suggest that there may be a number of ways to make bendable boat forms and even small dome building forms that are easy to assemble and perhaps cover with a number of kinds of material. There might be world-wide use for such simple construction components-who can say.

On this topic of future building materials the topic of placing a ban on robots of war has arisen-its probably a good idea, yet one that has problems with hardware and software continuum containment criteria. It is simply the case that any sort of program code in a machine-even a clock radio-is a robot in a way, though it be of very low IQ. Stopping the proliferation of code in chips and software with code from going into machine wouldn't actually halt the proliferation of machines with programming that can deliver harm to humans.

Consider that in about 30 years there may be global networks of of energy and information that are wireless covering every square meter of the planet Earth.  Cargo will float and travel in wireless power streams and room-temperature super-conducting materials in flying drone batteries will allow unlimited surveillance of every place on Earth continuously. People that survive the concentration of wealth reductionism era may get used to the perennial monitoring by a vast armada of government and corporate entities.

Human travel may simply be floating along on a platform in the energy stream. Already one may recharge some electric car batteries wirelessly in a garage. In 30 years wireless energy transmission technology will advance a lot, as will solar energy voltaics and super-conductors. Altogether it will be a different world requiring better use of economic value theory, land use and social justice. 

It would be an unfamiliar world where ubiquitous g.p.s. guided packages entirely replaced the U.S. postal service with transparent mail is transparent packages floating along flypaths to addresses delivered with protocol permissions from residents and people being delivered while sleeping off mandatory government depression screening and drug reconditioning could commute to work on a flying carpet dreaming in a rem state of vacation at the beach house.

Yet people failed to understand that capitalism is supposed to be rather more egalitarian and with labor and ownership in a closer feedback loop without government imbalancing one side or the other. Taxation is supposed to be regulatory ion the rich and poor in order to keep them dialectically balanced and forever progressing with adaptive ecospheric economic contextual cognition capacity. Even good new free enterprise is stifled by concentrated wealth and networked power resisting change.

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Regarding Colin Wilson's ''The Outsider'

Nice statement and photographic presentation; Clint Eastwood walking away from the philosophical showdown a winner. There are a few more tha...