
Seven Precepts of Noah

The Seven Precepts of Noah- described by John Gill in his book 'Practical Divinity' remind one of the Decalogue. One can see that abortion was regarded as murder and homosexuality definite sin. These precepts are probably still valid categorizing sin correctly. It is somewhat ironic that people violating two of the seven precepts in such quantity are also the greatest contributors per capita to global warming and potential mass lowland flooding. Global warming sea level rising 80 feet by the year 2100 may be an adjustment for the kind of people that violating Noah's precepts.

If the U.S. Supreme Court lacked fundamental integrity and honesty, or perhaps adequate intellect to realize what marriage is, one might wonder what alien force corrupted them or broke up social and political cohesiveness as if dissolving the strong force binding protons together. Original sin conditioned mankind to hate the good and prefer evil. In marriage two become one flesh. The union of two genomes become one new genome-a human infant.

Human genomes are compatible only male and female to conjugate and become one new genome. That is the mystery of marriage. Society sanctified it. It has a legacy from Adam and Eve and symbolizes the marriage of the elect to God through the Lord; individual human souls share the spirit of God. Humans and God also have different 'genomes' (except maybe for the majority members of the U.S. Supreme Court). Humans are saved through the grace of the Lord and Jesus Christ so they are bonded into God.

If the class genomes cannot theoretically combine to become one new genome then marriage does not occur. The court doesn't know that not all words are abstract or purely symbolic-some words are representational. Homosexuals cannot marry, people and monkeys cannot marry, hippopotamus and humans cannot marry, dogs and cats and donkeys and people cannot marry. The court doesn't get it or perhaps believe they've power of God to define reality for-themselves. The U.S. Supreme Court showed it does not care about truth, and has the power to put over the big lie.

The High Court failed to comprehend marriage and promulgated a fabrication, a fiction, a dissimulation, a falsehood, an error, a lie, a deception upon the public with force de majeure as if truth is only what they say it is.

Gill write in Practical Divinity that; "this conjugal union, male and female, become one, even one flesh, (Gen. 2:24; Matthew 19:6) which union is therefore very near and strict, and, indeed, indissoluble but by death, excepting in one case, unfaithfulness in the one to the other, by adultery or fornication, (Rom. 7:2; Matthew 5:32) and this state is to be entered into with mutual consent; indeed, with the consent of all parties who have a concern in it; with the consent of parents and guardians, under whose care single persons may be; and especially with their own consent, for none are to be forced into it against their wills; no, not by their superiors; it must be their own voluntary act and deed: and being thus entered into, it is a very honourable state (Gen. 1:27; Mal. 2:15)."
Here are the precepts of Noah-of ancient lineage. It is easy to see that the High Court has again sided with wickedness.

Quoting Gill from page 450; "for it is asked, “who is Ger Toshab; that is, a proselyte allowed to dwell in Israel? (the answer is) Whoever takes upon him, in the presence of three neighbours, that he will not commit idolatry.” It follows, “R. Meir, and the wise men say, whoever takes upon him the seven precepts which the sons of Noah obliged themselves to observe.” Others say, “these do not come into the general rule of such a proselyte. Who then is one? He is a proselyte who eats what dies of itself; (or) who takes upon him to keep all the commandments in the law, except that which forbids the eating of things which die of themselves;” 331 but the usual account of such a proselyte is, that he agrees to observe the seven precepts enjoined the sons of Noah; 332 six of which were given to Adam, the first man, and the seventh was added to them, and given to Noah, and are as follow: 333 a. Concerning idolatry; by this a son of Noah was forbid to worship the sun, moon, and stars, and images of any sort; nor might he erect a statue, nor plant a grove, nor make any image. b. Concerning blaspheming the name of God. Such an one might not blaspheme, neither the proper name of God, Jehovah; nor any of his surnames, titles, and epithets. c. Concerning shedding of blood, or murder, the breach of which command he was guilty of, if he slew one, though an embryo in his mother’s womb; and one who pursued another, when he could have escaped from him with the loss of one of his members, &c. d. Concerning uncleanness, or impure copulations; of which there were six sorts forbidden a son of Noah; as, with an own mother, with a father’s wife (or stepmother), with another man’s wife, with his sister by the mother’s side, with a male, or with mankind, and with a beast. e. Concerning rapine, or robbery and theft; of which such were guilty, whether they robbed a Gentile or an Israelite, or stole money, or men, or suppressed the wages of an hireling; and the like. f. Concerning the member of a living creature, taken from it while alive, and eating it: this is the command, it is said, which was to Noah, and his sons, and of which the Jews interpret Genesis 9:4. g. Concerning judgments or punishments to be inflicted on those who broke the above laws: this command obliged them to regard the directions, judgment, and sentence of the judges appointed to see the said laws put into execution, and to punish delinquents."

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