
Obomba-Kerry Nuke Deal; Patience to Actualize Ideal Iranian Nuke Weapons Development

A college professor may reject a rough draft as too polemical and in need of slow careful revision. The Obama administration has taken that position on Iran's somewhat hasty and crude race to complete nuclear weapons development counseling patience; everything besides the fissile material needs to be perfected. It is o.k. to add the secret ingredient later-in a decade or so. When justice, decency and good sense are surrounded by hoary political faggots stimulating flames of unreasoning atheist dystopia bizarre international agreements may be accomplished propaganda's sake. Iran seems to have received the ideal nuclear research and development deal that is Foggy Bottom's best.

 One-hundred billion dollars and end to most international sanctions, new jet purchases, caviar and four-star day dreams come true with years of safety to improve ballistic missile technology until stylish designer missiles can be purchased legally in a few years.

The Iranian nuclear weapons package is consistent with the basic Obama 'charge it' doctrine for economic policy extended to international affairs. Even so it seems part of an incoherent Middle East policy setting both sides against the middle and ends attacking themselves that is interesting in the way that James Holmes' national publicity intervention was interesting; macabre, tragic and surreal. That is the fruit of bureaucratic policy accretions without an overall plan.

An end of weapons sales embargoes in fewer than ten years? Where is the fully stocked refrigerator and beach front condo?  The Obama addendum seems to want to give Iran the best opportunity to develop its economy and nuclear delivery packages and miniaturize warheads before resuming the production of weapons grade uranium in a decade or so. Thoughtful, patient nuclear weapons development producing faster, cheaper, better weapons are better than hasty, rush jobs with large bombs  sent up like a fat boy in Enola Gay to dump a load.

The time required to make nuclear weapons that are optimally useful for war is substantially greater than just making a large bomb that can be delivered with a large easy to shoot down aircraft. Iranian scientists will be able to research and develop all of the peripheral nuclear weapons delivery packages required in safety with good financing in the decade ahead without concern of sanctions or danger from hordes of 50k HE kamikaze drones flying in the dead of night to light up their command and control shelters. A do not disturb sign has been provided for Iranian weapons tech research.

It is important to realize that the U.S.A. has a terrible record with Iran since 1953 when it put in the Shah and SAVAK followed before western liberals supported the Khomeini Revolution to depose the Shah putting in Muslim theocrats. Iran experienced a generation traumatized by the Iran-Iraq war and became a sponsor of Shiite and Palestinian terrorism in the Middle East. 

 Freeing up billions to flow to Hezbollah to attack Israel and fund continuing Hamas terrorism seems apropos for the complete Obama makeover of the Middle East with a five-ring circus of terrorist training, profusion of high explosives and more conventional weapons, volunteer terror states and support for Shia and Sunni conflicts. Still the left believe the Obama-Iran deal that might win a second Nobel Prize, Swedish biscuits, and gravy.

Perhaps the proximal reason for U.S. enhancement of Iranian nuclear weapons development and economic security for the west is the immediate goal of defrapping a perceived immanent nuclear threat that probably could not have vaporized D.C. for ten or fifteen years anyway. U.S. security against stealth weapons delivery is not as good as its prideful bureaucrats would say it is, and hidden trembling may have been the primary stimulus for kicking the nuke can down the road to the next administration along with public debt.

Iran's ability to fund counter-terrorist operations against ISIS will increase with all of the extra funding and freedom from concern for U.S. military snuffing of incipient nuclear weapons faggots. Iran will have time to develop anti-aircraft laser defense octopus(sies) sending invisible pulses of light from hidden portable laser sources through networks of underground tubes to surface mirror-'guns' to zap jets like mosquitoes from the sky. It may be more challenging to take out Iranian air defenses in a decade. Time is on their side.

 U.S. leadership has been largely daft in Iraq and Syria since the Iraq war victory. President Obama developed a support both sides and none consistently policy with no entry or exit strategy. The Iran deal is a cash and carry Obama-Kerry ploy of paying the pr rent today and leaving the kowabunga bills for the next to use the time share.

It is possible that constructive engagement with Iran will allow pizza delivery and trust to build.  Iran may become a great stabilizing agent able to neutralize Saudi and U.A.E. royal influences repressing millions of Sunni poor and middle class persons of interest that would like to revolt and create a democratic caliphate with liberty and justice for Muslims after a Jacobean reaction. In the absence of intelligent political design, anything can develop.

It seems in some ways as if U.S. administrations since President Reagan lacked any ability to creatively construct new relationships with directions that transcend the old dialectical engagements of opposites. That sort of traditional Marxist failure of skill in innovating paradigm shifts was overcome by Reagan and Gorbachev to end the cold war, and that is the sort of approach that should have been used with Iran and the nuclear proliferation problem. The Iranian-Obama nuke deals seems instead to set Iran on a new ideal weapons development research foundation with patience providing a better, more realistic quality nuclear program instead of a quick and dirty, ineffective big bomb or a few. 

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