
How Christians Should Regard Multi-verse Theory

There is no need for Christians to be cosmologically illiterate. If God created a way to pack an infinite number of Universes into finite space one would think that more probable than packing few Universes into infinite space.  God has infinite power and thought, creativity and goodness. If he actualizes an infinity of mansions inside his house metaphorically speaking, is any particular mansion of less value or significance? 

If Augustine were writing today it isn't likely that he would be unaware of contemporary scientific cosmological data and theory, and neither should contemporary Christians view scripture with antiquarian glass; God and the inspired scripture of the Bible is well able to stand in light of modern science.

One might develop several models to explain the way the Universe was created. It is easy to harmonize Biblical and evolutionary accounts. WMAP's images of the way the Universe looked as a plasma sphere at 400,00 years after creation seem to have direction bands called by some 'the axis of evil'. In theory there should be no oriented bands. It is as if they were remnant fossils of two lips that spoke thee word to begin. As of 2014 there was no accounting for them.

If the Lord in his infinite nature has infinite Universes; multi-verses with infinite interests of the Lord and every possible form rather than just a single verse,  is that in some way inconsistent with what one might think about the character of God? 

If God amidst his multiplex of places has one universe region with sentients ready for cultivation and salvation from their unregenerate natural state how better than to bring a proto-evangelium to them through a chosen people that would introduce a line of development amidst society bringing them to a knowledge of God and relationship with him as they fit to receive?

If Adam and Eve were created ex-temporally from the multi-verse in a different and perhaps more spiritual condition and then after their fall downloaded into the world of man as a kind of sourdough starter to evolve the species to a spiritual saving relationship through the Son of God, in the kingdom of God that transcends and surpasses the excellence of a multi-verse is that more than modern man could bear to learn?

John Gill wrote on page 146 of Practical Divinity; "How any come by true contentment of mind.
2a. It is not natural to man; man is naturally a discontented creature, especially since the fall; no, it was discontent which was the cause of that; our first parents not being content with the state of happiness in which they were, abode not in it, but fell from it; such was their ambition, prompted to it by the tempter, that they affected to be as God; or however, perceiving there was a class of creatures superior to them, more wise and knowing, they could not be content with their present case and circumstances; but wanted to be upon an equality with them; and being told, that by eating the forbidden fruit they would attain to it, took and eat of it, and thus by coveting an evil covetousness, lost the happiness which they had; hence it is most truly said of man, that he is, “at his best estate, altogether vanity” (Ps. 39:5).

2b. It is not to be found in a natural or unregenerate man; such a man is always uneasy and disquieted; as restless as the troubled sea, and the waves thereof; let him be in pursuit of what he may, he never arrives to it to satisfaction; is it wisdom and knowledge he seeks after, as his first parents did? he gets no content; but finds, that in much wisdom is much grief and vexation of spirit; and that, by an increase of knowledge sorrow is increased. Is it pleasure in the gratification of the senses? these are soon palled with it, and new pleasures are wanting; and these, when had, like the former, issue in bitter reflections and remorse of conscience.

 Is it worldly honour, fame, and applause of men? these are fickle, transitory things, not to be depended on, and seldom last long; and amidst them there is something that mars the pride and ambition of men; as Mordecai’s not bowing to Haman made the latter uneasy and discontented, notwithstanding the profusion of honours conferred upon him. Or is it wealth and riches? these are very uncertain and unsatisfying things, as has been observed. There is nothing can satisfy the mind of man but God himself; and if a man lives without God in the world, let him have what he will, he lives a discontented life; none but a godly man is a contented man; there may be content with godliness, but without it there is none."

As mankind's knowledge stands on the horizon of a multi-verse he still has the problem of worldliness ironically. With a vast range of variable physical 'constants' possible amidst a multi-verse, he has difficulty in imagining a Supreme Being who can create the entire multi-verse energy field and differentiate it from monism to infinite pluralism and even have an interest in each individual soul that arises to exist from energy processing through particle-wave quanta stars and star dust forms to atoms aggregating over time as planets and sentient life.

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