
Christians in Relation to Select Mass, Energy, Form and Universe Paradigmata

As human society developed God also evolved his presentation to his chosen people through David and the prophets leading to the appearance of Jesus Christ. When human society was at a crucial transition point in history the Lord appeared to set the foundation for the age of the gentiles as the old world and the period of the exterior forms of temple worship crumbled into historical dust.

 I will consider a few points that advance the idea that God's purpose in history of evolving a reconciling relationship with humanity for the love of God through the atoning grace of the Lord Jesus Christ is consistent with information cultural evolution has brought through scientific knowledge about the history of the cosmos.

One M..I.T. graduate student in 2011 created a chart showing various opinions of world religions on cosmology and select scientific topics. it listed Christianity as not tolerating multi-verse theory. I believe that is incorrect.

Holy scripture has many general parameters and description concepts provided to the first century man and in the case of the Old Testament even earlier times that may be adapted today to new understanding. When Jesus said, for example, in John 14:2-3 that; " In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.  And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also." he could have been expressing a paradigm that was inclusive of a multi-verse as well as of some large building with many mansions built inside it. I don't think even Bill Gates has constructed a house so large that many mansions like the Breakers could be built inside it. The Lord set a parameter that has many possible interpretations; it is not preclusive of contemporary cosmology at all except perhaps to minds that preclude detailed contemplation of scripture.

To fear God is the beginning of wisdom, and to fear God is wisdom. yet the fear is not a servile fear as might a slave have of a harsh master that beats and kicks him as a practice wing chung dummy, instead it is of a filial kind as one might fear the bad opinion of a parent one respects, or that of anyone that one respects. With God though the relationship is greater.

Fear of God in the filial mode is akin to love.

The love of wisdom is philosophy. Wisdom is that God so loved the world that he gave his only his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. If God is love, He is a God who hates sin. Human beings have original sin and require correction. God's patience with and love for humanity has brought him to provide a program for reconciling humanity unto him through the atoning sinlessness and sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ. Those saved with the Lord also love their fellow man yet share also the antipathy toward sin of the Lord, yet as humans they may themselves still sin and are embodied in a thermodynamically processing temporal body wherein is found the original presence of most sin. God is aware of the situation and grace and determined what will be the evolution of human destiny. God has a purpose for each soul in this or any possible Universe.

May one classify some material things as in God's will and some not? Can one say that hurricanes and sunshine are in God's will yet not comets?

If God's will is perfect and sin is imperfection from the ideal behavior that is good for a soul in that it is consistent with God's will and God's nature, then how may one delineate the perfect from the imperfect in categories especially in relation to material objects and event/processes in the temporal world? Sartre classified some things in his Critique of Dialectical Reason and in Being and Nothingness as the practico-inert and as ossified praxis. The terms refer to manufactured objects as distinct from natural objects or sentient others. One ought to be able to sort through categories of things comprising reality that are in God's will as perfect and those that are not.

The neo-Platonist philosopher Plotinus of course classified imperfect objects in this world as imperfect expressions of perfect forms located in a realm of forms. Today the realm of forms is just quantum theory's descriptions of quarks and the Higgs field maybe, yet the quest for God's perfect will seems to have some of the same kind of paradigmatic expression for many that are interested. God or The One as an unmoved mover perfect in-himself that is approachable or knowable only through the Son (or the Intelligence perhaps) may allow imperfection to arise in a temporal realm of thermodynamics that might not exist in a perfect order.

So I have one kind of answer to the question I made here about determining how to classify God's will in things through classifying some things as perfect and some not, or of how sin is contrary to God's will and then wonder why it exists?If one uses a neo-Platonic paradigm such as Plotinus constructed in the Enneads for a metaphysical analogy, the answer is that God's will is experienced as more perfect as one draws closer unto God through eliminating sin with the grace of the Son. The farther people are in the temporal real-a realm of broken forms, inclusive of mankind after the fall from grace with original sin, the more are they worldly and immersed in the pure empirical mass-energy continuum intellectual as an end-for-itself instead of viewing it as one place to experience the saving grace of the Lord before thermodynamic evolution returns them to dust.

The temporal continuum is one complete expression of the will of God. it has broken forms in it yet initially it could be said to have been perfect when it lacked sentient beings with a knowledge of the difference between good and evil. Once humanity appeared in a sentient form the fundamental problems implicit to living in a thermodynamic, material body became apparent to consciousness. Though mind may be theoretically capable of moral perfection as if it were a computer without the sensory experiences of the body and without biological drive mechanisms, in fact it is not able to experience such a state for long.  On a practical basis the sole way a human might bring his own will and thought to the state of grace and perfection required by God of anything that exists for eternity rather than temporarily is to rely entirely on the saving grace of the Lord. Humanity has the Adamic debt of sin or imperfection that is renormalizable only with the Lord's adopting the elect as children of God.

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