
Ugly Face of Brit Imperialism Considers Ban on Donald Trump from U.K.

Free speech is the heart of democracy. Free personal and political discourse reinforces self-determination and social and cultural determination free of tyranny. There are numerous ways to put free speech down. Direct hate speech such as calling someone a bigot if they refer to race interests is one way repression works. The government has been creating special racial classes and taking race census questions my entire adult life-even going to far as create a category of hate crimes wherein special racial and sexual perversion classes are given extra legal protections. It is thus possible to segregate excluded classes with the via negativa.

That the British parliament will soon debate if they should exclude Donald Trump-potentially America's next President, from the U.K. is an example of the battle that the founders waged to free the people of the United States from British tyranny. It is ironic that the class of people that formed the United States through blood, philosophy and faith are the class receiving de facto negative action while those benefiting from the constitution they created advance.


Well, racial and demographic justice are perennial liberal concerns. Not those of modern liberalism that is concerned with ingratiating themselves with global corporatists and demoting the founder racial and gender class in the U.S.A. They are the concerns of the liberal founders of the United States of America that revolted against British imperialism.

Imperialism today is as much of a danger to democracy in the United States as globalism and mass foreign immigration. Britain's economic imperialism through the financial sector was designed to replace the lost British colonial empire that withered away in the 1960s. Bill Clinton was a kind of prototype Rhodes Scholar trained to advance British interests in the United States that often coincide with those of Bidlerberger style plutocrats.

In some senses the use of ante-bellum and Jim Crowe era civil rights logic to repress ordinary free speech and cultural concerns for the conservation of the United States and the environment is an H.I.V. auto-immune suppression of national independence in favor of globalism and tyranny. Blacks, whites, and others have real racial interests and historical evolutions that need to be mentioned now and then. Apollonius' Letter to the Hebrews wasn't racist simply because it had a particular target audience, neither was Aquinus' Summa Contra Gentiles a racial diatribe. It is important to recognize that race identity is still important in world political affairs. Now and then political rewards and penalties are given to belonging to a particular racial group such as in affirmative or African action today. If the government gave a particular cash benefit for claiming to be a negro such as a reservation condo with a fully stocked refrigerator there wopuld be those offering evidence that 50 generations ago one of their ancestors procreated with an African and they are thus entitled today though they don't look black. Alternatively, swollen beneficiaries of government racial positive bias may be abusive of those that write of concerns of white people in America-such as that when hispanics take over demographically poor white people cannot easily get hired, if at all, by hispanics to work. Of course that is better than the ancient concerns of the 19th century of being eaten or made a slave. Minorities-including white minorities, need be concerned about being exploited even today in this nearing perfection world (only kidding).

Society has changed a lot since Rowe vs. Wade. The music of that generation had many nuances that have faded yet remain exemplary of the relational anisotropy of gender and the influence of government.

A War to End democide; excerpt1 (VIDEO)


Saudi-Iran War Could Drive Oil to $100 per Barrel

If Iran destroys the Persian Gulf Saudi Ras Tanura oil facility it will tighten world oil supply and drive up prices of Iranian and Saudi oil as well as that of the world's major oil producers. It is possible the unthinkable could happen.

White People's News & Sons of Abraham (note 4 humor impaired; sarcasm)

How to Fix the Alaska State Budget Crisis

Cutting state employment by 50% would be a place to start, so would raising income taxes with a progressive plan of 0% for those earning less than $50,000 and 20% on those earning more. The business tax rate would be 0% for those earning fewer than one million dollars and 20% on those earning more.

Next up is moving the state capitol to Point McKenzie and Anchorage to save money. Maybe the legislature could be on the Dimond Mall ice rink until the capitol and Governor's palace are built. Juneau should return to being a free enterprise city-it would do well. Also, natural resource use of state properties should be taxed a flat 20% royalty.

Reforming and reducing the size of state government procedures such as the prison and highway systems is desirable. They can all be upgraded.

Of course the major problem is that state government mostly 'serves' state government and doesn't want to stop 'serving' in times of crisis. Government insiders kickback contracts to local contractors and other favorites and that too is a challenging thing to stop.

Plainly though the hope in the capitol is that oil will return to 100 dollars per barrel-and it might. If the Saudis can lever Iran into a brief war with missiles and Saudi Persian Gulf oil terminals are blasted into rubble then shortages along with American oil exports permitted again will help produce domestic American oil shortages and let the price skyrocket. Then government business as usual can return to Juneau.

Computer Reads my MTS Thesis and Additional Notes including humor, sarcasm and etc.

Some have thought that white people should stand aside and evolve into a silent minority in the brave new world order. Computer chips made in Taiwan and speech synthesizer programming may help them do so. In fact computer speech may enable a raceless approach to English language idea distribution to the world.

Computer Reads My MTS Thesis

Sometimes an author must stand aside and let the computer read a book aloud for itself. Speech synthesizers still have a way to go to be ready for prime time live on stage, in the pulpit or delivering a Presidential address yet I think the time will come when content of spoken books and so forth return to first place of importance in public communications rather than the way it's said.

It may be that the sons of Abraham that God could make from stones to replace those failing to understand the kingdom of God and Spirit with Jesus Christ could be regarded as a model for making smart dolls and star figure miniatures to serve as sermon delivering proxies in a reformed priesthood of believers context. Next Christmas such inexpensive toys or tools made in China could delivery intelligent discourse all around the globe reciting Shakespeare as well as state-of-the-art theology essays.

Comedian dolls with absurdly funny atheist scientist delivery monologues on why God can't exist should do well. I think it's also the case that

Plainly African villages that want their own stars to delivery sermons or jihad messages inciting riot against politicians and subversion of the new world order perhaps might be challenged by dolls advocating jihad between Shi'a and Sunni; Iran and Iraq, in order to raise oil prices after blowing up Saudi Arabia' Persian Gulf oil terminals. Financially challenged public radio stations may be able to use computer programs to replace raving talking heads on the payroll. A station manager just pastes in whatever text he wants the program to speak aloud and it says whatever its got.

I think a profusion of race-neutral translatable discourse programmable chips will help public and Christian education generally in the near term.

Checking the gender box of choice for one's rep (this would be a great tool for dictators that want to fill a legislature cheaply) and adjusting pitch and range characteristics for the speaker are really simple. Almost any theologian could write a sermon for a church congregation and have a computer read it aloud even in remote, isolated villagers and yurts where people have no heat and little food supply and not much time to read books. All they would need would be a ready sermonizer box perhaps with Billy Graham like vocal built in ready to read. Adding sound emulator technology to speech synthesizers will free up a lot of performance issues and allow a focus on content to take over. As it is today Presidents after Reagan seem to be more of form than content-generally moving toward leftist content with lawyers seeming like mouthpieces for mysterious writers of policy content for them to enunciate.


A Comment in Reply to The Theoretical Liberal Repression of White People

South Africa isn't representative of Europe or American history at all. The external proletariat to Europe and the U.S.A. is preponderantly non-white though. Modern liberalism yields turf to foreign tribes and racial groups in the name of theory and political correctness expecting quietism of the losers. Cruel excesses of history make liberalism challenging to resist ideologically though it can lead to Stalinist-Kymer Rouge sorts of things too. It is often overlooked that it wasn't only conservative politicians that were cruel, sadistic etc...humanity was itself commonly loutish and still has original sin. 

Archaeologists and anthropologists examined a village several thousand years old someplace near Jericho I believe and found that though it wasn't a battle site death by head injury was the major cause of male mortality. When the law isn't around and people don't have cell phones they crush one another's skulls for law enforcement to suit themselves it seems. So one thinks about Rwanda and Syria etc.  Saudi Arabia executed 27 for New Year on some sort of economy budget clearance apparently. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2016/01/02/saudi-arabia-executions/78199624/

The founders are something like the Maytag repairman that fixed everything so well they had no business remaining. A futurism where democratic principles required the self-destruction of European or Euro-American culture probable wasn't envisioned. Fortunately one doesn't live for centuries so even if society evolves under the powers of agitating disrupters of the status quo into some sort of authoritarian non-white majoritarianism that will be a problem for future generations-and they might like it. At one point I had thought of becoming an educator in Africa or Eastern Europe and finding a local bride-never got around to it though. I think the modern battle between imperialism and democracy is moving toward imperials and oligarchy now. Straight white males are a minority even in the U.S.A. and their political prospects aren't especially good compared to the past. Some take the values of the founders for granted as if it was a Platonic realist form that can be materialized anyplace. 

The balance of the world hasn't shared the historical experience that evolved the reformation and modern democracy. The founders were entirely Euro-Americans heavily influenced by the Reformation of Luther, Zwingli et al. Jabbar (as in Kareem) means Orion the Great Warrior, Muhammad Ali didn't choose Jesus Ali for a name. The world majority would like any minority to hush up and toe the line-simple logic and history. After a more than 500 years of occupation by Muslims the Spanish named their kids Jesus and sent Columbus west. Racial and tribal conflict was the way of human history since the beginning, yet now with the maturity of Democratic liberalism of the founders the leftist hyperbole of the ethic special interests has worked to silence people within a corporatist body. Politically correct globalism is a progressing wall of repression of civil rights in favor of newly empowered class rights. Affirmative action redistributed power and wealth to the rich and down graded white middle class men-these are not new trends. At least the Turks aren't sending plague ships or hurling plague infested rats over the walls presently although Erdogan admires Hitler's economic policies. I wonder if any majority is ever saved, and not just individuals that surf through the waves of history while God provides grace for society to keep slipping the noose of doom from their own nature.

Wisdom comprises learning rather than rashness. In political affairs and issues involving vast sociological and historical forces that are to a large extent secular rather than spiritual issues it is important for those with competence in various fields to apply it to public affairs rather than relying soley on corrupt authorities risen ton their level of incompetence. Alternatively Christian ministries in the media often are rather rash about political participation and advice wherein they may be offering wrong advice. Of course too many Christians seek to emulate the worldly lead that is something of a corporatist-leftist drift toward godless evolutionist romanticism with raving for all and hierarchical rule by a Plutonomy before its purged by the planetary majority of liberated non-western souls. Like chess the simple move may not always be the best. Spiritual concerns are different obviously. God as pure spirit may regard human affairs and wisdom in a different light than ordinary people of course, yet like expert farmers or physicians those knowledgeable in particular or general human affairs might like to limit their theory to that, and let God use people as tools through the power of the Holy Spirit. The default regarding silence today is eggression towards authoritarian and even Orwellian organizational powers. Martin Luther was not the most silent soul.

First Prediction for 2016

In 2016 it is a safe bet to guess that someone with media affiliation will prove that global warming is a hoax perpetrated by invisible extra-terrestrial pranksters upon a public yearning for Stalinism.


Scripture & Chess Learning; Similar Intellectual Paradigms?

Scripture vs. Chess; Similar Intellectual Challenges?

Some have regarded chess as an intellectual activity rather than as a game. Others have compared learning the ways of chess to learning trails in a forest or to a mouse learning and memorizing its way through a maze. Intellectual activity that largely involves memorization of specific historically precedented patterns as a format for execution of new activity with judgment is common to all of the above, and it may be common to learning and memorizing scripture chapter and verse.

I would like to think that all of those fundamental Christians that memorize much of the Holy Bible have the kind of minds that would make them good chess players able to memorize chess openings, middle and end games by famous players of the past. Like those that devote themselves solely to reading the Book of God, those devoting themselves to learning solely the book of chess (the historical games and patterned evolution of chess) that end up at grandmaster depth follow a comparatively closed intellectual field with a specific finite or delimited content rather than an open book such that history reading presents that is far more challenging to even survey comprehensively much less memorize.

I have learned chess the past three years as well as theology the past two and have respect for those citizens that learn chess or scripture so well they can cite games or verses accurately from memory. While I am good at finding trails through forests and memorizing ways even where there is no trail, I have been reading the Bible since I learned how to read and simply haven't learned to learn by rote memorization. Instead I have learned to survey everything available so far as possible and learn how to recover data from given locations when necessary; that wouldn't impress the authoritative Bible quoting people nor win chess matches against those who have memorized 30 forms of the Sicilian defense or Queen's gambit.

I think there are several forms of intellectual activity today. Some forms are solely mental pursuit of abstract issues while some forms involve mental activity that has mental abstractions and concentration or application immediately to real-world problems.

It is this latter field that I will comment on presently. Consider the intellectual activity of a house repainter. His thought if painting alone may include the location of every component of the work such as location of materials around the work site. The work site if in a secluded rural area with the owner absent may be free from abstract potential social interference by others. Even a car horn or dog running into a 24' extension ladder with the painter atop may cause issues. The painter needs to consider many issues abstract and a priori before they occur. He is not just like a mono-dimensional athlete on a game field who is actually a simile for a mono-dimensional chess player playing a game board. The active painter may be intellectually applying a Kantian form of synthetic a priori judgment comprising potential rain showers, spacetime weather abstractions, paint drying conditions, drying times, pant materials as primary or final applications and drying times and locations simultaneously. The intellectual activity is applied through his command and control of his body; arms and hands that may apply 3000 brush strokes to a single small home in a custom job. Financial abstractions in negotiating in a disadvantaged state, social conditions of ambient cheap labor competition for painting labor wages etc. A self-employed independent painter not established as a licensed paint contractor is quite disadvantaged-even NPR has dissed them as the clan with rave demotic falsely, and has little economic security or continuity of employment from job to job. The work engages the mind synthetically however in mind-body behavior intensely with risk even of spraying bleach mist used to remove mildew into one's eyes or lungs.

Intellectual work in purely abstract pursuits like philosophy that has similarities to history reading in tremendous, almost bottomless depth also may have contiguous academic fields with abstractions such as classical and symbolic logic that retroactively may be applied to the field with transcending transformation. It is possible to learn classical and symbolic logic to a certain depth and then use that knowledge as a filter to analyze or critically evaluate historical and philosophical ideas for accuracy. Chess tends to lack any sort of depth in that regard, although there are some tools such as exploiting square colors with oppositely colored bishops and elements of positional chess play that make it an interesting and intellectually stimulating game.

Reading scripture alone generally-although few people today become literate reading just the Bible, brings one into a world and Universe of unlimited depth. Some may stay on the surface just learning and memorizing scripture, yet its depth calls one to think about the ways that similar verses relate and inform. The Bible student inevitably develops his or her own way of interpreting scripture and develops some theory about it-that is called a hermeneutic in Bible scholarship.

The Bible has more than 3000 years of history behind it unlike chess. So if one goes beyond reading just the Bible and learns about Bible composition history one may also learn about ancient Middle Eastern history. Plainly great Bible scholars and theologians that have gone before call one to look into their writings. Scholars today like Kenneth Gentry who has brought a new approach to end times studies in a field called eschatology answer questions that arise in the thought of anyone who has read and thought about the Bible books of Matthew, Peter and the Revelation of John of Patmos. This sort of intellectual activity has more challenges than chess and is an open intellectual field rather than a closed field.

Modern chess computers have reached about a 3800 rating and that's about it-even with the best programming available. World chess champion Magnus Carlsen today has about a 2850 chess rating. Computer data banks may have millions of times more history content than a human being, not just less than a third better, yet a computer cannot presently write a single book of philosophy that is meaningful or useful much less write anything competent that is a philosophy of world social history.

I think that today evolution theory has inspired many people take up a jaundiced skeptical world view of atheist phenomenalism and randomicity theory as a philosophical point of view. Necessarily disregarded are deterministic factors of physics. Featured is quantum uncertainty while disregarded is the possibility that quantum uncertainty is simply a packing mechanism for one-dimensional or very small quanta that are not in space-time scales large enough to be measured in a steady-state-determined field. That does not mean that the quanta are themselves indeterministic phenomenally speaking. They too exist as dimensional phenomena in some greater than is measurable paradigm.

Applications of chess to the real world- inferences one may make from the chess tool kit about the nature of reality are few. Sociopaths and political theorists have commented on individuals in society in chess pawn and piece metaphors. There are people who view society as a sort of abstract chess game that one may 'win' through careful manipulation. In short, chess provides a penury class tool kit for making inferences about reality.

Chess as a philosophical tool is largely of an a posteriori construct. Chess analysts have noted 'materialism' in some players who will take an immediate en pris pawn for instant gratification instead of building a plan to maneuver and destroy an opponent. Chess is not Lao Tzu's 'Art of War'.

Reading and memorizing scripture alternatively may lead one to learn ancient Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek or Latin languages; in fact even old English or German-since Bibles were translated into the German language by the 5th century. Philosophically scripture may lead one to make new inferences about the nature of reality based on remaining consistent with theology. Here is one example...

Christians learn that they are born with original sin. Perhaps it is the thermodynamic spatio-temporal and material state of being they have inherited from the fall of Adam and Eve-original humans who became cognizant of their fallen state. A Christian may infer that the ancient doctrine is informative and from God and perhaps a metaphor or analogy encompassing a criterion of cosmology.

If Christians require salvation because of their original sin and the temporal condition if they are to be acceptable and forgiven to the eternal God then a way to do that for humanity that is incapable of doing that for-themselves must be provided if they are to be saved. Only God himself in the Son Jesus Christ is capable of making that atoning sacrifice and of creating a bridge to eternal salvation.

That is a parameter that can support inferences of a very advanced kind. That is with the grace provided by God wherein the Christian is led to accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior-a substitute for themselves. Technically speaking one may wonder how that is done.

Thus one may establish an inferential paradigm and use physics concepts essentially as analogies since God as an Absolute Supreme Being who is spirit has transcendence over all physics.

Through acceptance of the Lord into one's heart a kind of real replacement therapy arises in which the Christian becomes more Christlike. The elect individual actual is receiving the grace of God allowing him or her spiritually to evolve to a state of pure Spirit closer unto God. God is acceptable to God unto eternity. Jesus is God. Christians receive the substitution content of God for-themselves spiritually and are readied for eternal being.

Of course there are innumerable details and complications to the process that will remain mysteries. Yet it is possible to imagine a situation where an old ship for instance is gradually replaced with new parts until it is a completely new ship made of a superior substance. Alternatively one could have an existing large and complex computer program that is gradually rewritten or translated into another language that is more appropriate for a new platform while keeping the meaning of the original program content except for flaws. People that are saved are like that becoming replaced in time with Christ although retaining their form and thoughts to a certain extent. Christians receive new and improved spiritual bodies much like their present form in heaven, yet I suppose each will be perfected.


Corruption and the Queer New World Order

Corruption Generally Works to Concentrate Power

In a democracy corruption tends to work to concentrate power and wealth. As the media are more corrupt and raving speech dissociation became a temporal demotic norm the confusion worked as a smokescreen for public corruption as well as private. When public affairs are challenging to meaningfully access, and as politics becomes something of a kickback to insider contractors and other phenomenon, the demos or people tend to lose power and determination politically with their political choices evolving to be limited to those puppets willing to serve the interests of a global oligarchy.

I think that it isn't simply the case that clever conspirators have bought off the media and Hollywood or that just imperialists loyal to foreign leaders have brought millions of immigrants to the U.S.A. in recent years that just don't share historical American values such as those of the founders nor realize what they are. Perhaps greed expressed in average people requires corruption scaled up to fulfill ambitions for power and wealth and that people elected to the highest office just don't look toward the good of the nation so much as the good for themselves.

Neither can one blame the present state of the U.S.A. on 41 who may have found the New World Queer order and influenced insiders to win the World championship in baseball with an expansion team (the Florida Marlins) and manipulated Bill Clinton into starting 'don't ask, don't tell' military policy and placing Monica Lewinsky. If the Queer new World Order was started by a former C.I.A. chief, President, super-connected Washington insider and abetted whole heartedly by the Anglophile Clintonistas it could not be proven any more than who really J.F.K.

With about 19 trillion dollars of public debt and a very flaky global economy may be Americans are moving to becoming a peon class. Leaky border and immigration policy fails to indoctrinate Americans in traditional values and democracy. A democrat President-Obama signs off on the Bush II tax cuts when he had complete easy breezy power to veto and negotiate back some cuts a bit at a time from the bottom up.

When pervasive public corruption is the norm, and as Al Gore said there is no presiding legal authority and as a slide toward godless atheism through public education is a driving force for the awakening powers of futility for the average citizen the middle class itself becomes a minority-as it has.

Perhaps no one really needs to earn more than a million dollars annual and the tax rate should be progressive to pay off debt and provide investments in environmental rehab, space exploration, free public education and a guaranteed minimum income. Maybe patents should be limited to ten years and copyrights to twenty and after the expiration of the period of exclusive ownership the former patent or copyright owner would receive a royalty of 10% from anyone using the property. That way invention and intellect would be reinforced and rewarded rather than bureaucracy.


It is known that everyone needs fundamental security, housing, the opportunity to date and to develop career goals. Planning for retirement housing is as important as planning for storing worldly goods in a unit if traveling a lot during one's working life. It is not at all certain that the perennial accumulation of wealth is a necessary to valuable way to spend one's life instead of having sufficient material and then thinking philosophically about how to better society and its prospects. Value theory is a philosophical field that could be better utilized today in planning public policy.

Broke Branches (poem)

  Dialectic clashing of evolutes- trees left right and center political arguments following guide paths in the dark through the snow and hil...