
Political Liquidation at Cahokia of Former Chief's Family

The ancient American aboriginal; mega-city of Cahokia in the St. Louis area has evidence of mass execution of men and women-apparently friends and relatives of a deposed Chief that has been the subject of research for decades.

Cahokia suddenly disappeared in the 1600's I recall, before the Rams moved there and left for L.A. later. Modern Americans are not as enlightened as the ancients in some ways. With good draft choices the Rams could have won another Super Bowl at St. Louis.



Ancient peoples often killed off the family of the former chief to prevent possible efforts to return the family to the job of chief, king etc. That practice was also not unknown in Western royal lines. There may be lessons that voters in the 2016 Presidential election can take from that.

Rather than clubbing, strangling or poisoning the families of former Presidents, Americans can kill off a former chief's relatives at the polls casting a vote for anyone besides. Of course prospects for political patronage and kickbacks always stims a percent of loyalists to suck up to the next candidate from the former chief's clan.


Kasparov News; He'll Play Match With U.S. Chess Championship Top 3

Former world champion Garry Kasparov will play a round-robin blitz chess match against the top three finishers in the U.S. chess championship tournament in progress it was reported during today's coverage...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8qQt_z-tTo round 1 U.S. Chess championship

There are several super-GMs playing for the 2016 title including three top ten rated players (in the world) with Nakamura, So and Caruana being amidst the aforementioned.

Migs Zip Around Baltic Sea Over U.S. Ships

For some reason this news does not seem like news of much interest. If the Migs were buzzing ships near Boston that would be news. Without bullets in the aircraft or anti-ship missiles it seems, well, a little war gamish. Our boat was probably practicing hypothetical missile shots and solutions at Petersburg and Moscow-who knows?

I recall riding a boat from Denmark to Sweden long ago when some NATO jets buzzed over very low. I get the impression that is how people in the military ordinarily fly around the Baltic instead of way up high where they are presumably easier targets.


In the good old days when thrillers were written with Marines landing at Leningrad-Petersburg and nukes went off making the ground snap from blast wave at a distance like a towel breaking legs this sort of incident would hardly have merited notice. Politicians and the 1% media must be desperate for some cold war news.

Drones of the near future will be much larger problems for ships-especially those that can hover on-station over the water yet fly at Mach3.

Majority Views Nepotism and Leverage as Fundamental Qualifiers for President

Apparently Americans view nepotism and insider leverage as essential qualifications for a President. That is, the Washington Post discovered that a majority regard Hillary Clinton as the sole candidate qualified to be President.


U.S. Labor Participation Rate Lower Than in 1978

The U.S. labor participation rate has dropped to just 59%. Compare that to the low rate of 62% in 1978. In 2015 when Bloomberg published the article below the U.S. labor participation rate was 62%. According to government labor statistics the participation rate has dropped since. Without good jobs people are retiring, going on disability and/or signing up for federal means tested work programs.

In some respects the U.S. is evolving non-profit status except for the upper 5% or even 1%.





The employment-population is at or near a 40-year low while government debt is up.

http://data.bls.gov/timeseries/LNS12300000 emplopyment-population ratio 2006-2016


The Nature of Rationalism Today

Socrates addressed matters of belief, true opinion etc. Knowledge isn't infallible. Wittgenstein wrote a book titled; 'On Certainty'. One might be able to qualify almost any statement epistemologically speaking as conditional except for tautology probably. Some like to morph and equivocate belief with faith and that subjective intentional self-aware opinion with extensional opinions about God; who is transcendent of physics and being.

Someone who hasn't faith brought up a couple of points of interest to me. I'm a Christian however so  I view the points philosophically concerning the nature of rationalism. I want to address a point first about free expression. Censorship of free speech is a result of concentrated power and statism generally. The left and atheists are the worst offenders since communist governments took over. Yet the right in Nazi Germany and Imperialist powers also censor. Even modern corporatism can censor as well as capitalism. If one's product is regarded as a rival opinion influencing consumer selections and a power has the ability to finesse it out of existence it often will. That's human nature; original sin if you like.

Renes Descartes perhaps was the founder of that epistemologically speaking in modern terms, although Plato's allegory of the cave and Bishop Berkeley's Three Dialogues obviously were earlier 'products. Then one gets on to Sartre, existentialism, Heidegger and Husserl in phenomenology and the modern problem of epistemological relativism or what might also be called; realism. Plainly though what most naive people-non-philosophers-mean by rationalism is empiricism and mathematics, astronomy and so forth.

Modern rationalism denies the objective existence of reality and particle physics in a sense seems to confirm that. At the least one can say that the evident universe of the senses is a quantum flip up of particles or force without an ultimate original ground in-itself. If one takes Kurt Godel's incompleteness principles for an illustrative paradigm where a set of all sets including itself cannot exist, the first cause of the Universe cannot be attributed to a force or original particle. The Bible solves that with the word of God spiritually speaking the first things into being.

Atheists have the implicit problem of rationally finding no source in-the-Universe for moral authority. Some people can make one up just as communists and capitalists can invent their own value theories (and there are many more possible some of which haven't yet been invented). Nietzsche's 'Beyond Good and Evil', an inspiration to the Nazis, personifies the existential problem of morality. In his companion book 'Just Spake Zarathustra' a philosopher-hermit lives on a hill overlooking a village where he abuses the villager's traditional morality. He thinks that superman beyond good and evil should run the world. Nietzsche also believed in eternal recurrence of cosmology and the world and though this life recurs infinitely therefore it's best to be a wise-guy and take advantage of all the rubes.

Chris Matthews' Leg Tingling; A Reliable Election Predictor?

MSNBC star Chris Matthews said he got a 'tingling sensation' in his leg about Barrack Obama in the 2008 election cycle. Has he had any sort of similar feeling about Ted Cruz, Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders or Hillary? If so I suggest he double-down on Christian protestant reformation era authors such as Thomas Brooks and look to salvation and eternal life concerns more.

For those troubled by the modern problem of science viewed as in conflict with Christianity my book (available free for download) is a useful remedy... http://www.lulu.com/shop/garrison-clifford-gibson/god-cosmology-and-nothingness-theory-and-theology-in-a-scientific-era/ebook/product-22635083.html

Queer Marriage May be the Tool to Bust Up China

Queer, insane-sex marriage politics by design instead of through random, social evolution of idiocy may be the tool that will bust up the Chinese nation as it is in its current form. Consider that marriage has been tightly controlled to keep down population increase until a recent liberal movement to allow second children to be born; homosexual marriage put on the same footing as sane heterosex marriages probably would dishonor and subvert the present marriage establishment in China as to bring radical change.


In the United States vast numbers of children are born out of wedlock. Perhaps the majority would be undocumented live births if not for voluntary female choices for abortion as a morning after remedy to pregnancy. While democracy has cut down on the freedom of birth it has not cut down on the looseness of national borders in the U.S.A. China might have troubles if it regarded its borders as if they were doors to a brothel.

Democracy is a fair device for a loose society with millions of undocumented aliens crossing borders. Some call that a free society, others call it an uncaring commons with ineffective governance. More strict democracy requires public participation in selecting candidates through popular vote who will control borders.

If the Chinese were to establish a vast number of shacking up couplings of heterosexuals outside of marriage that might increase the sale of philosophy books in epub or pdf formats as people wonder about the irregular and disintegrating social structure. Illegal births might also increase and with it the population of China.

Unfortunately modern China has needed to view population increase as something of an enemy of the state since they reach about a billion and a half souls a long time ago and would have started the Fibonnacci series growth rate decades ago if not for the one-child policy. China has already reached Malthus' population limits to growth, so renewing population increase would undermine efforts to improve wages and living conditions very likely, though it might also bring a harvest of souls to Christian churches while others would move toward covert political radicalism organizing and perpetration of terrorism, civil strife and the kind of chaos that brings about mass loss of life.

While Americans don't like statism and communism generally as much as fascism is hated after the second world war, Chinese communism is understood in light of their prior imperial problems, the green gang organized crime and even bastardized version of Hong Xe Quan's Christian movement that resulted in a civil war with 20 million dead. In China disorder is the greatest threat to the state because of the challenge of keeping so many people alive and healthy as it is.


Cruz like a Spanish Fascist Compares Trump to Michael Corleone

Presidential Ted Cruz compared Donald Trump to Michael Corleone; a cold-blooded killer, of the Godfather and Sons movie series. That is most helpful to Hillary Clinton. Clinton is the matching Plutocrat party choice for the 2016 election. Plutocrats are equally o.k. with Cruz or Clinton as servo-units of globalism.Ted Cruz, official portrait, 113th Congress.jpg

Though Cruz technically isn't a first-generation American himself having been born in Canada (if the term first generation means being born in the U.S.A.) his policy does reflect that of his fellow non-first generation brethren the illegal aliens insofar as Cruz doesn't want to build a security control barrier such as a canal for salt-water desalination (water pumped up from the Pacific or send illegals back to Mexico, Canada, Cuba, Iran, China, North Korea, England, Libya  Trump does business with all the public and encounters ordinary people routinely unlike Mr. Cruz who is a U.S. Senator and presumably had private exclusive law offices unless of course he worked to serve the people as a public defender for a while (just kidding). Treating Trump as a made mafiosa brings dishonor to the legal profession (ha ha). Cruz isn't the only disreputable lawyer in the Presidential cycle this year of course.

Trump has resisted comparing Cruz to Spanish fascist dictator Franco so far though Cruz seems like he would have been a natural fascist in the 1930s Spanish Civil War.

Michael Corleone via wikipedia

Pro-Cruz, Anti-Trump Plutocrats Killing off Republican Party

Well, maybe it isn't that bad. Elephants are endangered in the U.S.A. though since the Republican establishment has done everything they can to subvert Trump's populist appeal. If the Republican establishment is successful at gutting the Trump candidacy and foisting an unpopular Ted Cruz on the Party that will effectively terminate any semblance of the party presidential selection process being decided at the voting booths of the nation by ordinary people.



If Cruz ends up on the Republican ticket instead of Trump it will be time to rename the Republican Party the Plutocrat Party Local.

Writing and the Point of No Return

I read somewhere that one should always finish what one starts if it was worth doing to start with. Just put your head down and ride into th...