
Queer Marriage May be the Tool to Bust Up China

Queer, insane-sex marriage politics by design instead of through random, social evolution of idiocy may be the tool that will bust up the Chinese nation as it is in its current form. Consider that marriage has been tightly controlled to keep down population increase until a recent liberal movement to allow second children to be born; homosexual marriage put on the same footing as sane heterosex marriages probably would dishonor and subvert the present marriage establishment in China as to bring radical change.


In the United States vast numbers of children are born out of wedlock. Perhaps the majority would be undocumented live births if not for voluntary female choices for abortion as a morning after remedy to pregnancy. While democracy has cut down on the freedom of birth it has not cut down on the looseness of national borders in the U.S.A. China might have troubles if it regarded its borders as if they were doors to a brothel.

Democracy is a fair device for a loose society with millions of undocumented aliens crossing borders. Some call that a free society, others call it an uncaring commons with ineffective governance. More strict democracy requires public participation in selecting candidates through popular vote who will control borders.

If the Chinese were to establish a vast number of shacking up couplings of heterosexuals outside of marriage that might increase the sale of philosophy books in epub or pdf formats as people wonder about the irregular and disintegrating social structure. Illegal births might also increase and with it the population of China.

Unfortunately modern China has needed to view population increase as something of an enemy of the state since they reach about a billion and a half souls a long time ago and would have started the Fibonnacci series growth rate decades ago if not for the one-child policy. China has already reached Malthus' population limits to growth, so renewing population increase would undermine efforts to improve wages and living conditions very likely, though it might also bring a harvest of souls to Christian churches while others would move toward covert political radicalism organizing and perpetration of terrorism, civil strife and the kind of chaos that brings about mass loss of life.

While Americans don't like statism and communism generally as much as fascism is hated after the second world war, Chinese communism is understood in light of their prior imperial problems, the green gang organized crime and even bastardized version of Hong Xe Quan's Christian movement that resulted in a civil war with 20 million dead. In China disorder is the greatest threat to the state because of the challenge of keeping so many people alive and healthy as it is.

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