
Public Has Unfavorable Opinion of Media, Congress, Judiciary, Candidates

The U.S. public has an unfavorable opinion of all those leaders sold out to globalism and plutocracy. Chief Justice Roberts has the greatest Wall Street investments and voted for homosexual marriage; plutocratic capitalism has no moral or boundaries and respects none. Public opinion of media and government are bad.

The media report that a majority of the uninformed and brainwashed would not vote for Donald Trump, yet if he were mano y womano against Hillary people would retire to Panama with the boomers who will spend social security moneys traveling all over South America or recognize that Trump might shake things up a bit.

The egression toward rulers from Indonesia, Canada or Cuba is a way of oevring toward an ebay world economy with boatloads of cheap stuff made in China for those earning to breathe free of freedom that isn't free. Boundaries are just for the mythos of democracy that would fade away replaced by planetary plutocracy under fairy queens of Zil.

Trump may be a lasht blessed effort to shock the nation to its senses and turn away from a slide into oblivion of globalism and unrepresentative government for the people governed unless brainwashed into conformity to the likeness of the beast mode on dope after a sex change; who am I to judge?

Donald Trump’s shocking language and ideas are not the sort of retiring placidity such as candidate Obama brought to the table like a butler. Trump isn't a butling kind of guy but that doesn't make him bad. If Obama had said he was going to bring queer marriage to the nation in 2008 that would have been shocking. Cleverly he 'evolved' that inconvenient truth until a later time when he had enough folks by the balls to force it through. Trump hasn't learned that art of deception well enough to have his touche' rimed by the media.

Nietzsche's warning that when you look into the abyss, it looks back at you, is popular with the cognoscenti of godless futility today. It seems to me though that Donald Trump looking into the abyss would say something like 'kiss my ass' rather than gaze in fear at the lurkers in the depth. If one must combat aliens and extraterrestrials rather than become appetizers for them, that is good enough.

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