
My favorite Magnus Carlsen chess match is this gem against an International Master named Andrew Tang in a chess simul at chess.com in 2014. Carlsen does bully Tang a little in sacrificing a Queen and rook and eventually taking Tang's Queen with his king, yet bits rather amazing to see. An aesthetically excellent win.


It would be good if Carlsen's challenger in November Sergei Karjakan would play a simul at chess.com also in order to determine if he can provide some gems if he wins the world title.

Another interesting event in Kasparov's blitz games against the U.S.A.'s three best players immediately following the U.S. Open championship . In playing against the three Kasparov may be able to learn what it is that they lack in aggressive play that cost Caruana the win in the candidate's tournament and in Hikaru Nakamura's failing to have beaten Carlsen a single time.

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