
Migs Zip Around Baltic Sea Over U.S. Ships

For some reason this news does not seem like news of much interest. If the Migs were buzzing ships near Boston that would be news. Without bullets in the aircraft or anti-ship missiles it seems, well, a little war gamish. Our boat was probably practicing hypothetical missile shots and solutions at Petersburg and Moscow-who knows?

I recall riding a boat from Denmark to Sweden long ago when some NATO jets buzzed over very low. I get the impression that is how people in the military ordinarily fly around the Baltic instead of way up high where they are presumably easier targets.


In the good old days when thrillers were written with Marines landing at Leningrad-Petersburg and nukes went off making the ground snap from blast wave at a distance like a towel breaking legs this sort of incident would hardly have merited notice. Politicians and the 1% media must be desperate for some cold war news.

Drones of the near future will be much larger problems for ships-especially those that can hover on-station over the water yet fly at Mach3.

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