
Obama Raises Direct Syrian Hostile Takeover Force to 300

After six years of waging a war upon the lawful Syrian government through proxies that stimulated a flood of Syrian refugees and terrorists to leave for Europe, President Obama has increased the direct U.S. military presence in Syria to 300 specs. The ostensible rationale is to attack ISIS yet the collateral mission is to occupy and enhance the global corporate hostile takeover coalition of the paid for and jihadists attacking Syria.


It would be wrong to think that the historical American tendency to push in to second and third world nations militarily is preponderantly beneficial to U.S> national interests. The Kurds are probably the sole non-Israeli political element besides the Syrian government with any reasonable claim to eastern Syria. Yet everyone knows the U.S. won't support an independent Kurdish state in eastern Syria. Instead the effort in rolling back an ISIS terror force largely enabled by Obama and Bush II policy is designed to annex another state to the corporatist global evil empire. N that effort abortion, homosexuality and cocaine may be forced upon the terror and takeover loving Arab peoples of the Middle East.

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