
Trump Should Build a Border Desalinating Canal Instead of Wall

Border security can be accomplished with collateral ecological benefits killing two problems with one financial package. Trump's people need to start promoting a Mexican border fresh water condensing covered desalinating canal to bring new water supply to the parched southwest. The Rio Grande is a fairly pathetic looking creek even at Albuquerque and one doesn't need to mention how dry Arizona is along the border. Trump should find it easy to sell the people of the American southwest on construction of a new water making and security project.


I grew up in the Columbia basin of Eastern Washington where the Grand Coulee dam brought irrigation water to create lush agriculture to the desert of the Quincy Valley via the Federal Columbia basin Project. Naturally I regard deserts as something of a challenge for irrigation and look to new methods for producing fresh water. The Pacific ocean and Sea of Cortez have a higher sea level than the Gulf of Mexico on the Texas side. Constructing a trans-border boundary canal zone to let salt water piped and partly siphoned up with a little solar power pump help evaporate and condense under a clear cover should let a very large volume of water (and salt) be produced. The canal should go all the way across the border. Nations that are independent and self-determinative need secure borders to avoid bimbofication to larger global powers.

The United State used to accomplish large projects and it still could if globalist greed did not prevail. The environmental temperature is increasing with global warming and a large southwest green water making, solar power collecting, electric patrol vehicle zone would be a rational response to help mitigate global warming desertification. Challenge and response are Toynbean concepts for societies in history as well as psychologists'. For a society to fail to adapt to contemporary challenges could make chaos and increasing desertification the the default evolution.

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