
Why Learn Latin Today- Are School Planners Daft?

My grandfather made the fourth grade before being a logger. Google language translators help. Why be mediocre at dead languages? Scholarship has changed and the curriculum expanded greatly. One has far more knowledge to learn today than in 1917 to be even marginally competent. History, philosophy, science, theology etc. How can one neglect learning which platonic solids tranform into higher dimensions or that there are just three that work in infinite dimensions? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2s4TqVAbfz4 Just signing up for Data services with Verizon, Net10, a hotspot or broadband requires knowledge unless one has dumped money. On languages the main problem today is extermination of the languages of small groups. I met the granddaughter of the last speaker of Eyak (an Alaska language group), I believe it was. That is sad rather than the inability to listen to mass in Latin with comprehension.

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