
'Consin Votes Tuesday- Chance to End nation's Losing Streak

'Consin votes tomorrow. many evangelicals vote for those pandering to wrong eschatological beliefs best, and too many Christians are misled to vote for those that cannot win thus throwing an election to the far left. Since 1988 Americans have elected losers for the nation and if Trump isn't elected that probably won't change. Politics is about secular pragmatism, while pursuing symbolism may just spoil an election and put the worst possible in office as usual. Theologians are great at theology, yet does that make them competent politically? Should Christians pursuing ideals help realpolitik put the worst secularists in office unintentionally yet avoidably? The U.S.A. will be a nation of sinners regardless of how the elect vote.

Scientists have confirmed Donald trump's observation that "the American dream is dead".


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