
Cruz like a Spanish Fascist Compares Trump to Michael Corleone

Presidential Ted Cruz compared Donald Trump to Michael Corleone; a cold-blooded killer, of the Godfather and Sons movie series. That is most helpful to Hillary Clinton. Clinton is the matching Plutocrat party choice for the 2016 election. Plutocrats are equally o.k. with Cruz or Clinton as servo-units of globalism.Ted Cruz, official portrait, 113th Congress.jpg

Though Cruz technically isn't a first-generation American himself having been born in Canada (if the term first generation means being born in the U.S.A.) his policy does reflect that of his fellow non-first generation brethren the illegal aliens insofar as Cruz doesn't want to build a security control barrier such as a canal for salt-water desalination (water pumped up from the Pacific or send illegals back to Mexico, Canada, Cuba, Iran, China, North Korea, England, Libya  Trump does business with all the public and encounters ordinary people routinely unlike Mr. Cruz who is a U.S. Senator and presumably had private exclusive law offices unless of course he worked to serve the people as a public defender for a while (just kidding). Treating Trump as a made mafiosa brings dishonor to the legal profession (ha ha). Cruz isn't the only disreputable lawyer in the Presidential cycle this year of course.

Trump has resisted comparing Cruz to Spanish fascist dictator Franco so far though Cruz seems like he would have been a natural fascist in the 1930s Spanish Civil War.

Michael Corleone via wikipedia

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