
President Obama Worried About Clinton's Nukes for Food History?

During the first Clinton administration Bill cut a deal with Dictator Kim to stop making nuclear weapons materials in exchange for food. So the food was provided and it turned out that North Korea kept building nukular weapons in its hidden reactor. That is proof that even if a Secretary of State dances before the Dictator it is no proof of the Dictator's love for the Clinton's rep.

So President Obama has expressed concern about nukular terrorism since the ISIS Euro crew was casing a nuclear facility. Holland provided Pakistan with plans on how to build nukular bombs so the security is somewhat lax now and then. It has improved so far as Interpol checking the Euro Craig's list for ads soliciting nuclear materials at least. However President Obama needn't worry too much, since North Korea eventually may be a source for nuclear materials to terrorists in exchange for oil or whatever.

Another round of Clintons in the White House would not only stimulate student intern job security, it might also bring fine speeches and accelerated nuclear weapons development to North Korea, and that in turn could bring better food to more bureaucrats in North Korea. I would bet the people of the Rhodes scholarship committee never foresaw that their choice of Bill would bring decades of benefits to the U.K.


More nations have developed scientific infrastructure enabling the proliferation of nuke weapons know-how and rocket delivery systems. Drone aircraft will increase and multiply nuke package vectors for budget-minded nihilists one would think down the airfield ahead.

Iranian and Saudi nuclear technology along with that of Pakistan present a Muslim punch potential to join that of left over and hidden Soviet fissile materials caches in Muslim spin off states from the U.S.S.R. and even Ukraine. One cannot trust that everyone really returned every last bomb when they have a lot of potential value-and is Chernyobyl really secure or can suicide miners excavate some pounds of uranium?

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