
Wouldn't Trump Rattle Cages Better in the Next Recession?

Select analysts have noted the weakness of the Obama recovery that presently has just 1.5% annual growth. Some of course believe a no-growth economy quantitatively that just grows qualitatively and transitions to ecological economic refoundations is better than traditional material economic growth yet that isn't what the Obama administration was about-it simply had a 'puny' rate of recovery that was deficit and fiction Fed Reserve printing press cash financed.

The workforce nationally hasn't grown or recovered from the vast layoffs and job losses of 2008 and isn't likely to. The public debt soon will hit 20 trillion dollars with the budget deficit running about a half-trillion dollars. The world's poor still look to surge into the United States to take any available jobs and reduce wages for ordinary Americans that already are stagnant. Media globalists mock 'white rage' about the way things are as if the problem is unique as a racial phenomenon. it is worth recollecting though that hate crimes don't really exist as class issues-they really are economic crimes. People and classes that adversely impact one's class economic security tend to be hated.

Regard the slavery era of the south. Negroes weren't hated; they were considered commodities and many were satisfied with that economic circumstance while blacks probably hated many white people for economically oppressing them. The Nat Turner rebellion was bloody awful to the victims. It wasn't the first edition of the Ike and Tina Turner band.

The federal government reasonably should have made class economic crimes the subject to federal interdiction category. That would have been of value to far more people and largely would have covered the same victims.

The next recession may become a depression turning the globe into a challenging place with many suffering in economic and environmental turmoil. One analyst at Forbes (I will post a link) wrote an article noting that the Obama recovery is the second longest running in U.S. history. As weak as it is the prospect for a new recession is really a concerning.

When it does happen it will need an executive used to rattling cages and innovating to get the nation out of it. The usual methods of pump priming with deficit financed growth probably won't be available since that hasn't stopped since the Reagan era and in fact the dollar may even collapse.


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