
Hillary and the Tragedy of Alzheimer's; Forgetfulness

Hillary Clinton historically has had a credibility problem with truthfulness, forgetting where things are concerning the law, or overlooking 'trivial' issues such as using a non-secure private computer internet server to transact official state department business and/or classified documents via email. Recently her important State Department email underling also reported his email archives have disappeared bringing up the concern that forgetfulness, oversights and memory lapses could be communicable.







Hillary at age 68 is a member of a class 33% likelier to develop Alzheimer's than that of Donald Trump. Ms. Clinton's forgetfulness, oversights and misremembering could be a helpful tool in getting secret agendas and global favors actualized if given a chance. Whitewater, Vince Foster and the White House diaries, Bill and Miss M, Libya, Bengazi and the lost emails are the tip of the iceberg of issues that have brought the public to regard her as more skilled and less truthful than Richard M. Nixon in the art of dissimulation. Comparatively the Watergate tape recordings were a product of a bungling amateur as was the plumbers burglary crew.


Obama Administration Change; 'Uncle Sam Wants Homos'

President Obama's toilet war differs from the expansion of ISIS and Islam across North Africa and Europe geographically, yet the same general square peg into round hole approach leaves some wondering if Uncle Sam is a pedophile at heart.

Homosexuals wanted the right to be drafted and serve in time of war hitting the bloodiest beaches with the good ole boys. President Obama forced that upon the nation and changed (his mantra) the historical and legal meaning of marriage twisting arms with the bully power of the Presidency and homosymps of the judiciary invested too heavily in Wall Street where a queercentricism was preferred.

Now the change President Obama wants is sex-changed changes of where people make their toilet and shower. People like Bruce Jenner who wanted to be a little girl when a little boy can evidently use the ladies facilities until they can afford a sex change under the new Obama decretal. Cool.

Libya will get American support as the administration identifies those that will fight against ISIS. Those Muslims will then be given cash and weapons to help create peace and stability as was accomplished in Syria and Iraq in the Obama-Hillary years. Those Muslims that are against Muslim extremists that want to rid the Middle East, Europe and North America of Christians find allies in the godless atheists of Boston than would like to do the same thing. They will also be expected to help bring transgender toileting, showering and homosexual marriage to the Muslim world as mufsidoonists for unholy causes.

With the Condi Rice national security advisor approach to NORAD leadership and the nuclear triad I suppose it's possible U.S. security will improve and prospects for the end of conflict in the Middle East increase. It is possible that not throwing gasoline onto the fire would be a better political approach generally, while still protecting the rights of individuals including queers to exist with meaningful productive and secure lives before they go to eternal hell for being reprobate at best lost sinners trading their eternal destiny for a mess of queer behavior. American politicians seem to like the accellerant approach to politics since they can always drop the big one if needed.


Sean Carroll; The Latest Physicist Bungling Philosophy and Theology

Physicist Sean Carrol has published a new book explaining his wrong and philosophically naive beliefs about the Universe and God. I wish he had taken the time to read my book; God, Cosmology and Nothingness -free to download at http://www.lulu.com/shop/garrison-clifford-gibson/god-cosmology-and-nothingness-theory-and-theology-in-a-scientific-era/ebook/product-22635083.html

before bungling into maladroit philosophical forays. Goodness he doesn't even really know what empiricism is and hasn't apparently read Quine's 'Two Dogmas of Empiricism', 'Word and Object' or Strawson's 'Individuals'.


Quacks at philosophy and theology are common enough, yet it is said to see smart physicists leap into the eternal flames of hell with such wild abandon.

ISIS Hit List Includes Craig Alaska and of Course Boston MA

ISIS fighters and flunkies have published a hit list not only of U.S. and Canuck cities to be destroyed, they have published a who's who of Americans for killing that is becoming a trendy and prestigious social item of value as an expression of one's patriotism.


The inclusion of Craig Alaska; most known for a lengthy murder trial on the topic of a mysterious mass murder on a fishing boat long ago, demonstrates ISIS comprehension of what they are about, in seeking to roll back the devastation to the seas caused by over-fishing.

Boston destroyed the North Atlantic cod fishery so long ago that no one remembers what fish and chips are. Being historically a whaling city it is more unstandable that Boston made the list, beside trading Babe Ruth to the Yankees as if he was junk.


Like most reactionary groups, ISIS in seeking to get Obama perversity out of lands they want to conquer haven't got a non-competition clause in their conflict contracts that would satisfy anyone at the Haig. ISIS is a non-union, scab war working shop.

Government, Psychosis and Taxpayer Contributions

The federal government contributes quite a lot to pay for employees to work at non-profits through means-tested federal programs. Does anyone ever check to see if the non-profits actually have qualified people if providing mental health or medical services or are quack enterprises with tax shelters and so forth?

Non-profits can compete with private enterprise is sales of merchandise, and can provide housing for relatives of non-profit CEOs who could in theory lease back a building they are buying to the non-profit. In the Obama era of continuing very low or free loans to wealthy banks and bailouts of large failed corporations maybe it doesn’t matter much if the poorer range of the spectrum of American enterprisers that does something for the poor is something that those with good social security, union and investment retirement benefits can afford. Still, nothing replaces good jobs for those that run into the poverty ceiling.

For example, a guy is a retired union electrician who did very well in his hometown branching out into contracting decides to become an amateur psychiatrist and open a transitional shelter for those recovering from psychosis. He is an experienced fund-raiser and knows how to get government grants and free employees at public expense through programs like experience works. He can open a thrift-resale store and get donations, bid on discounted discarded items from big box stores as a non-profit, and buy land to start a 100 bed facility. All that gets done without any sort of fellow with a degree in psychology. Is that a thing the public wants to get involved in through government?

The fellow's theory, having read 50 books, is that all one need do is listen to psychotics and schizophrenics and they will get better. Having a hundred people recovering from psychosis without any sort of supervision from people with degrees seems a little dangerous for a number of reasons.

Psychotic experience are self-contained or dampened with dope and alcohol commonly. Actual neurological dysfunctions are dealt with cheap libations that analysis won't stop. Records of mental treatments given unto unqualified staff are dangerous to the well-being of the patient-inmates. For a hundred present or former psychotically troubled individual to get analysis from qualified people would be costly, and there is a potential that one psychotic relapse amidst a hundred could produce property damage or physical harm.

I would think that some sort of section 8 housing for those recovering might be better than a clustering, and that qualified psychological counseling be assigned to those requesting the service.

It would be a bad thing of psychiatric plantations developed exploiting mentally troubled individuals for cheap labor leveraged with the social stigma of psychiatric problems. A new culture of psych niggerring with training programs might not be a sound individualized approach to curing psychotics and returning them to renormalized roles in a corrupt, depraved New World Order with homosexual marriage and godless atheism in government.


Movie of Magnus Carlsen, Without Machine Guns or Car Chases, In Progress

 A biographical film of World Chess Champ Magnus Carlsen's life to age 23 or so is in the works. It seems like a terrible self-admiration extravaganza that would be tough for a young guy to have following him around, yet it's possible.

If movies of basketball players or rock stars occur at such a young age in the future I suppose that will be a trend that will influence politics too. Maybe people will run for President at age 25 and do a better job than old men aged 35 and up.


Magnus Carlsen is a good chess champ and a good role model for those that can spend their life from an early age playing a game. There must be a poker player out there who won early, or a surgeon or farmer. Yet without machine guns and car chases how good of a movie can it be?

Donald Trump is 8th Most Admired Man on Earth

Though the Republican party leadership has troubles, among real humans in 30 nations Donald Trump ranks as the 8th most popular man. Obama is first, yet that is because he is weak on American-interest foreign policy and people know a good thing when they have it sometimes.

Trump hasn't had the bully pulpit's inherent public relations advantages yet, so after the election he may rise to replace Barrack Hussein Obama, though the Pope and P.M. Netanyahu will be up there too.


Who Reviews Non-Profits the Government Provides Employees For

The federal government contributes quite a lot to pay for employees to work at non-profits through means-tested federal programs. Does anyone ever check to see if the non-profits actually have qualified people if providing mental health or medical services or are quack enterprises with tax shelters and so forth?

Non-profits can compete with private enterprise is sales of merchandise, and can provide housing for relatives of non-profit CEOs who could in theory lease back a building they are buying to the non-profit. In the Obama era of continuing very low or free loans to wealthy banks and bailouts of large failed corporations maybe it doesn’t matter much if the poorer range of the spectrum of American enterprisers that does something for the poor is something that those with good social security, union and investment retirement benefits can afford. Still, nothing replaces good jobs for those that run into the poverty ceiling.

For example, a guy is a retired union electrician who did very well in his hometown branching out into contracting decides to become an amateur psychiatrist and open a transitional shelter for those recovering from psychosis. He is an experienced fund-raiser and knows how to get government grants and free employees at public expense through programs like experience works. He can open a thrift-resale store and get donations, bid on discounted discarded items from big box stores as a non-profit, and buy land to start a 100 bed facility. All that gets done without any sort of fellow with a degree in psychology. Is that a thing the public wants to get involved in through government?

The fellow's theory, having read 50 books, is that all one need do is listen to psychotics and schizophrenics and they will get better. Having a hundred people recovering from psychosis without any sort of supervision from people with degrees seems a little dangerous for a number of reasons.


Republican Leadership Unsure About Supporting Repub Presidential Nominee

Republican leaders like Paul Ryan are uncertain if they will support the Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump. After nearly eight years of the Democratic administration they are very cool on getting the Republican nominee elected. Their support is divided, as should they be from their elected post. The voters like Trump and want that change.

Defense Sect. Rumsfeld in a condescending comment once said that you don't go with the army you want; you go with the army you have. Republican leaders need to go with the candidate they have and quit idolizing their own inflated self-evaluations of their own competence. Damaging Trump before the election will not be forgotten by voters were Trump to lose the election.

Republican leadership truly seems aloof, except of course for Bob Dole who returned from Italy in a body cast in W.W. II. A third party candidacy is pure idiocy now. Remember what happened the last time. In 1992 Ross Perot ran against G.H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton was elected.


Should Extortion Be Fed Gov's First Choice in State Legal Disputes?

I wonder if the common Federal practice of extortion to force state compliance on controversial issues should always be their first choice. North Carolina has been warned of immediate and extreme financial measures if the Governor doesn't kow tow on the administration's will to power over access to public toilets for those that have had or theoretically are undergoing sex changes. If a Dallas Cowboy was to decide on a sex change and got the first shot of transmorphium to grow ovaries evidently President Obama thinks he should use the toilet with little girls right away instead of waiting till after he has become a genuine replica she with surgical mutilation.

There may be practical issues such as how law enforcement officials are to know if transvestites going into the ladies room have really had their sex paraphenalia removed or not, or if the bearded lady is actually a guy, and etc. Are those converted to the Obama religion of perversity to be required to carry I.D. badges stating that they have sex devices consistent with the toilet of their choice to disambiguate the confusion over who gets to pot with the women (I doubt if too many guys will care if lesbians want to pee with them.)

Camera face recognition technology that can screen out male from female skulls and faces would no longer be able to discern who is going into the ladies' room if virtually any male that claims to be in the transmorphic sex procedure is allowed in. For that matter Catlin Jenner would still have a man's skull though having undergone alien mutilation procedure. That probably creates real problems in keeping out perps from the ladies' room.

There aren't firm legal guidelines about how to deal with the child molester and kidnapper that dons a wig and fake boobs to troll for a vulnerable, unattended kid in the ladies' room. Will anyone wearing mascara be free to use the women's or are there some objective criteria policemen can get so as not to be accused of discrimination.


Instead of resorting to instant financial extortion the government should let law take its due course to consider the issue rationally. It is useful to consider that law does not for-itself make good laws, nor lawyers good laws. Lawyers are designed to work with existing laws rather than make them, for when they do tyranny often follows.

Broke Branches (poem)

  Dialectic clashing of evolutes- trees left right and center political arguments following guide paths in the dark through the snow and hil...