
Should Extortion Be Fed Gov's First Choice in State Legal Disputes?

I wonder if the common Federal practice of extortion to force state compliance on controversial issues should always be their first choice. North Carolina has been warned of immediate and extreme financial measures if the Governor doesn't kow tow on the administration's will to power over access to public toilets for those that have had or theoretically are undergoing sex changes. If a Dallas Cowboy was to decide on a sex change and got the first shot of transmorphium to grow ovaries evidently President Obama thinks he should use the toilet with little girls right away instead of waiting till after he has become a genuine replica she with surgical mutilation.

There may be practical issues such as how law enforcement officials are to know if transvestites going into the ladies room have really had their sex paraphenalia removed or not, or if the bearded lady is actually a guy, and etc. Are those converted to the Obama religion of perversity to be required to carry I.D. badges stating that they have sex devices consistent with the toilet of their choice to disambiguate the confusion over who gets to pot with the women (I doubt if too many guys will care if lesbians want to pee with them.)

Camera face recognition technology that can screen out male from female skulls and faces would no longer be able to discern who is going into the ladies' room if virtually any male that claims to be in the transmorphic sex procedure is allowed in. For that matter Catlin Jenner would still have a man's skull though having undergone alien mutilation procedure. That probably creates real problems in keeping out perps from the ladies' room.

There aren't firm legal guidelines about how to deal with the child molester and kidnapper that dons a wig and fake boobs to troll for a vulnerable, unattended kid in the ladies' room. Will anyone wearing mascara be free to use the women's or are there some objective criteria policemen can get so as not to be accused of discrimination.


Instead of resorting to instant financial extortion the government should let law take its due course to consider the issue rationally. It is useful to consider that law does not for-itself make good laws, nor lawyers good laws. Lawyers are designed to work with existing laws rather than make them, for when they do tyranny often follows.

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