
Tom Cruse Could Play Ronald Reagan

Actor Tom Cruse might be the right guy to play Ronald Reagan in a semi-biographical film if not Will Ferrell. Cruse has the right kind of optimistic outlook on life shared with Reagan. Ferrell on the other hand, from Irvine California has a comedic, cynical worldly disposition that seems a little obtuse.

In an election year Ferrell's interest in producing the film seems antipathetic to Hollywood as a propaganda industry. The Guardian of England wrote that America is to shame for 'elevating Reagan'  rather than Ferrell being to blame for exploiting Alzheimer's, yet they were wrong.



Reagan's affinity for 'supply side' economics has been taken as the role model for irresponsible politicians since that have made Keynesian pump priming with government debt and free loans for big bangs, government bail outs for large corporations and flim flam derivatives schemes the rule since.

If the joke is on the American public it is for reliance on globalism instead of American invention and production, on British financial flummery with Wall Street and Footsie quantitative dark pool high speed trading rather than on secure borders, and sovereign economic resolution.

Ronald Reagan as President brought an amazing grace to the office that no one can duplicate. Instead they take the wrong lessons from the financial side and disregard the grace of ending the cold war that was not done in any sort of conventional way.

Some believe that the vast second and third world market consumer desires means that inflation cannot happen with a lot of currency and bad debt issued. There is also the factor of mechanical production that make's workers wage demands less critical. Those factors may be so, yet reality still has a way of intruding an upsetting the designs even of the 1% concentrating planetary wealth.

Donald Trump seems to have the kind of charisma without the Alzheimer's that Reagan brought to the job. It is hard to imagine what he or anyone can do with an economy that is so f'd up and ill founded. It needs to change toward lowest entropy ecological economics, pure-electric vehicles and a new building structure grid and zoning model updated from that used in 1776.  That is very obsolete in regard to environmental habitat loss and evolution of human structure design materials now available and underutilized.

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