
An Unoffical Long-Term OIl Price Forecast

I got the crash in oil prices forecast about a half a year before the drop considering the effect of all that fracking. So it is rather simply to predict that oil price per barrel won't recover to former levels at all with Saudi Arabia, Iran, the Baku oil fields and every place on Earth with running down oil reserves able to frack and recover former reserves available quantities if they wish (going on the American experience). That would include Mexico and Pemex and African nations too.


Thus oil price may be effected more by the design of oil companies and governments to increase the cost for revenue streams. Even so the steady increase in alternative electronic-solar and super-conductor technologies will offset short-term oil price increases through war and other supply disruptions. If global warming continues to affect shoreline economies and actually increases pace public opinion may decrease the value of oil per barrel too as alternative transportation is sought that is renewable and non-polluting thermally such as electric platforms covered with very efficient solar voltaic materials.

In present dollars I would think that oil should range from 10 to 60 dollars per barrel for the next half century. There is a lot of oil to recover, while engines are increasing in efficiency, alternative power supplies also, and public opinion about the effect fossil fuels have on the environment will balance out the increased yet untenable demand from second and third world consumers for gas-guzzling ground transportation.

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