
NPR Promoting Racism Anti-White in Politics

N.P.R. is a well-known leftist, Democrat party organ, even so promoting anti-white racial organizing is not an activity that should receive any federal funding.


The majority of Americans are still white, and have been so since the founding of the nation. It would be stupid to think that the political interests of the majority have nbot or shopuld not shape national politics. It should do so fairly.

Sure with a black President and hordes of non-white illegally invading the civil sector taking jobs there are better prospects for a non-white majority arising. Non-white internal and external proletariats have a poor tradition of being founders of democracy or defenders of equal civil rights. Mexico is a drug-trafficking nation where tight gun control has let drug traffickers enact more murders with guns than American soldiers killed in the Vietnam and Gulf wars combined-and in just a decade.

Andrew Jackson-unpopular with those native Americans displaced to forced out of the S.E. was a great warrior for American democracy of which non-whites were not then included. Thus the Obama administration was happy to drop a Harriat blood-bath tub on Jackson's $20 bill portrait as if he were the wicked witch of the west killed by Dorothy's landing. Will that removal of the victor over the British in 1812 bring more prestige to America as the founders are replaced by non-whites?

Instead of cutting down Jackson it would have been better just to make a $30 bill with a Tub on it apropos for a bath oil bead with bubbles era of the Democrat party. Hillary Clinton would probably like her own portrait on the dollar bill---God forbid that should ever occur.

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