
The Fate of Mud, Bugs and Man (poem)

The bug as vexatious tyranny of intent
complex evolving composition acting for-itself
flying in leaps for plant designs
of rain-born forms stretching toward the sun

Leaves waver in a breeze pushed by clouds
swirling thoughtlessly gathering strength
growing ample numbers tornadoes won't disturb
scattering flowers with seed forward in time

Where the field of starlight, dry lines distant
living terms breathing for-themselves
transferring continua of actualized genes
forms with decisive ideas

The fate of mud is of all things concerned
with compact shedding structure dissolving
to entropy's average shape
of an unshaped soundless medium

The potter works
purity of purpose
vessels of wrath
assemblies of grace

To be and not to be with a million questions
remaining like a life of ideas finding new expressions
parallelism of Aristotelian successions
bugs and man each actualizing life

A realm of forms encased in life itself
contrasting with a realm of forms of ideas
flowing in temporal beingness
space-time actualizing all-too-human uncertainty

With the end of speculation
a cosmic microwave cloud of beginning
c.m.b. pattern to Earth,
distant and remote in time

Metaphysic of forms of ideas abstracting
shapes and logic of the for-itself
and the cloud of unknowing
flowing after the word to start

Uttered light into darkness
being and becoming
concentrates of ideas
actualized as thoughts of Spirit

In faith Jacob's ladder of transformation,
ideates a Platonic, temporal realm of forms
given themselves unto eternal spirit
leaving the mud for Jesus Christ.

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