
Evolving a Dictatorship of the Proletariat in the N.W.O.

In the political system known as corporatism the government and top corporate leaders are in effect a tight kickback and support unit steering profit, power, and control unto an elite that owns the corporations. It is sometimes challenging to discern the nature of the beast dominating the global financial and power networks when it is above so many billions of comparatively unempowered people.

When the cold war ended former Soviet leaders Yuri Andropov’s political protégé Mikhail Gorbachev was left without a political portfolio to manage. Lenin’s dream of an ideal dictatorship of the proletariat seemed to collapse with the withdrawal of Soviet troops from East Germany in December 1988. The International monetary fund that met in Berlin that year would not recognize the financial policies of the west in the Obama years as credible. With vast issuance of free loans to big banks and financial bailouts of failed financial and even automotive firms inflation has still been held down. How was that possible?

It seems as if the comparatively low unemployment rate in the U.S.A. of 4.9% reached during the Obama administration following the 2008 financial collapse and its following high unemployment rate has been accomplished through stopping the increase of the workforce overall and retiring or putting on government programs surplus labor for who no jobs in the private sector are available. Direct federal state and local government employment and other government offices along with the nearly 50% of Americans (I believe that’s the number) on some sort of means-tested government program and/or social security is possible and even temporally sustainable if p0eople are willing to work on an annual basis for about half the minimum wage averaged over the theoretical ordinary 2000 hour work year.

Corporatism silences political speech of its executives and employees. So does government for all practical purposes. How many government employees can loudly ask for cutting the size of government? What corporate execs can agitate for higher corporate taxes? How many oil industry workers can demand transition to purely electric cars to curt down global warming caused in part from automobile exhaust?

A dictatorship of the proletariat wherein each receives according to his need-and you just might find that if you try some time you can get what you need even if it isn’t what you want- and produces according to his ability, and wherein the majority are uncreative consumers concerned most about being well-adjusted lizards in a herd of lizards slithering about in a cluster f ck without moral concerns-just might be the actualized ideal dictatorship of the proletariat under supervision of the 1%.

That was the point of this essay-to ask if the evolving New World Order isn’t headed towards an unAmerican society without a regard for individualism and independence, creativity or invention, moving instead toward actualizing the corporate-communist synthesis of a controlling dictatorship of the proletariat as the global shop foreman.

Old categories of political economy from the cold war era are misleading tools for accurate analysis of current political morphophology. Computer networked communications have transformed the ownership and location phenomena of ownership and management as wealth as production and consumption classes. Preferred network insider locations snare wealth through every franchise outlet.

The dictatorship of the proletariat should be attractive political direction for the masses of former affirmative action classes to be drawn towards perhaps mislabeled as a new democratic majority. It is remarkable that each major American party may support the trend as it reinforces corporate profits with a majority of consumers vaguely contented.

1 comment:

Sue Scott said...

Americans, We the People, do Not want NWO. How could so many of our Polititions betray US, America...just doesnt seem possible.
Trump is the only one to come out against NWO. Special attention must be made to only be surrounded by Americans who put America First.
Thete are many Politicians that need Replaced, #1 Those who want NWO. Then the ones we fund whom are corrupt. Pray for America....

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