
Ten Points about Trump and Asia Policy

Ten Points about Trump and Asia Policy

Some criticism has been directed at Donald Trump's Asian policy. Generally the critics are pots calling the kettle black as it were, as if the U.S.A. usually has had good Asian policy since the Vietnam conflict.

So I will supply some of my own ideas about Asian policy in order to illustrate the point that it isn't difficult to form a practical executive Asia policy.

1) China is OK. and not much of a threat for war. China is vulnerable militarily from numerous angles and will remain so yet is, alternatively, not in much danger of being attacked.

The Chinese economy may change regardless of global attitudes to China, in ways that cannot present be foreseen. There is no necessary course of economic evolution the Chinese have a course of destiny upon except the environmental constraints facing all of the people of the world today.

If China were the first large economy to adapt to ecological economic policies of low entropy and sustainability through selective, democratic capital review qualitative growth innovations it would be somewhat antipathetic to external old-style capitalism and contemporary global finance infrastructure though not in conflict. There is no probability that China will take the way of the emerald sword rather than that of the worsted dragon of global warming and viscous capitalism reinforced with semi-socialism.

2) With so many globalists seeking to exploit and be exploited by Chinese consumption and production phenomenalities of potential U.S. Congresspersons are reluctant to put U.S> national interests before those of Wall Street and Chinese trade and investment. Trump can pursue more national advantage policies for the U.S.A. without exploiting China or creating military conflict with little effort though panic stricken politicians worry about their Wall Street contributors wishes.

3) China in its new era of swagger has expanded in the South China Sea aggressively creating some military issues for the Philippines and Vietnam as well as damage to the environment, yet global warming and rising sea levels may render those investments to King Canute status eventually. Worst about the Chinese land building in the ocean is what it says about that nation's environmental attitudes; that entire area should be off limits to resource use at all in order to let fisheries recover that are already overstressed.

4) Taiwan seems to have a better relationship with China these days, yet drone aircraft can help them keep a lower-cost balance of power to prevent Chinese invasion, as well as to provide a counter-strike capability on the Chinese mainland. Cheap hover-drones and mini-fast-smart-torpedo-submersible drones can attack Red Army assault boats in the Formosa Strait and sink invading forces after they are manufactured that will help keep U.S. naval forces from needing to be involved in regional disputes de guerre.

5) Vietnam does not allow enough philosophy and religion books to be marketed and has inferior Internet access for ordinary people yet what can Trump be expected to do about that?

6) Indonesia is too Muslim and that isn't Trump's fault. In some respects Indonesia and Malaysia shouldn't be thought of as really Asian at all. Instead they are more islanders as is New Guinea and Australia (the big island). China cannot be a threat to islanders or that could involve a just war with drones filling the skies like a zillion mosquitoes. The islands including the Philippines would be ruined by Muslims and improved by environmentalist Christians although all face the threat of capitalist scientism represented by godless atheists. Godless atheist probably don't like Trump even though he hasn't been seen swaggering around with a copy of 'God, Cosmology and Nothingness'. Trump can call on the island nations to be environmentally improving and good Christians with good neighborliness with more literacy. China could help instruct in the theory of environmental economics, but even the second edition of the Daley, Farleigh textbook on environmental economics runs about 80 bucks.

7) Japan isn't a problem. They just need to keep working on refining technology and increasing its efficiency while improving the environment as best as possible. They should also stop whaling and renounce it as a pagan, heathen, uniformed bite of savagery they regret, yet its unlikely to occur. One may worry about the Japanese soul that isn't usually saved and isn't well-informed about Jesus Christ. A priesthood of believers might help with that, although that hasn't even got started in the U.S.A.

8) Burma or Myanmar seems to present some problems for itself. Working with security issues and promoting religious and sectarian non-violence as a norm would be useful. For any of the Asian nations it would be a good idea not to use foreign policy to promote homosexuality as the Obama administration has.

9) Trump could stop Wall Street pursuit of globalization of trade through free trade agreements that can tear up the local economy and advantage globalists far too much. Ecologically speaking it is better-because of lower added entropy-to produce things locally consumed locally. Three-D printers making goods in localities are better than making them in one part of the world and shipping them to another.

Because it is a smaller world now with large aircraft and fast large container ships global trading will continue with or without trade agreements; the question is who will benefit most-ordinary people or the one percent of plutocratic globalists, and will it help or harm the environment and local political sovereignty.

One wonders if Asian algo dark pool traders buy up planetary bulk goods for instant profits too as globally as Wall Streeters, and how that would be a problem for long-range demographic economic improvement as well as environmental prospects; if profits are skimmed off the top that could make people more environmentally desperate at the bottom.

U.S. help with educational tools at low nominal cost with cheap tablets full of language translators, math tutoring, philosophical thought, geography and history could be provided in solar-recharging, waterproof and break resistant presentations that would let people help themselves better. A library of practical, diagrammatic how-to guides could be chipped in (build a better hut, desalinate water, etc) and provided by the millions-maybe with a cell phone or wifi included in a new kind of piecework corps for Asia's poor.

10) North Korea is the 50 pound guerrilla in the room of Asia developing a career as a nuclear steroids bodybuilder with ambition to be a 500 pounder. Bill Clinton's food for nukes policy evidentially sustained them through the hard times until they could get their first crop of nuclear weapons to grow to maturity. So now they have several and are trying to make their typo dong missiles bigger and able to reach Boston and D.C. Democrats have appeased them. Its hard to say what Trump or anyone else can do with that. Maybe science needs to evolve some new tricks for dealing with local nuclear proliferation problems.

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