
After Six Years of Support for Civil War Obama's Syria Policy Emerging

The true form of the Obama-Kerry Syria policy is finally beginning to emerge from the mists of uncertainty after six years of stimulating civil war to remove Assad- it's a twin towers demolition plan with the other towering strong man being for Assad being the late Muammar Gaddafi. It is probable that a time of troubles would follow a removal of Assad in Syria as it has in Libya after the removal of Gaddafi with more direct U.S. military intervention.


There isn't anything about a homeland for the Kurds, or a expansion of their Iraqi homeland, into Eastern and Northern Syria mentioned in Obama planning. Perhaps they would get the squeeze after their usefulness is reduced after regular non-Sunni, Muslim Brotherhood affiliated Sunnis were to take over much of the power in Syria. Very likely Hamas would send advisors and Hezballah and Iran would be unhappy. No more smiley faces attached to emails to the west.

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