
Feds Bully N. Carolina Over Right-Handed Urinating

North Carolina's law requiring use of the right hand in urinating has been challenged by the Bamako administration that will withhold billions of kickback dollars if a left-handed only urinating policy in male toileting isn't implemented. Gay transgender neutral lesbians have file amicus curiae briefs to compel toilet switching across from their originally endowed genetic idemnity and that pissed off state legislators to. The governor would like to wash his hands of the affair of course, yet is caught between a rock and a hard place with the time pressure from the Bamako administration.

Plainly segregated toilets should be outlawed and just one kind of equal squat and/or stand hole implemented for individuals only. Men traditionally keep their toilets cleaner than women. And have complained about the change. President Bamako said change is good and that the nation stinks generally and anything to outrun the way it is has got to be an improvement; youth should not be recalcitrant about change of any kind the philosophy goes.  Isn't it another form of apartheid just like six figure incomes for men at three times the rate of women in Alberta?

Global Conspiracy Consulting Services informed its subscribers that the Federal plan is to eliminate gender differences progressively on the road to preventing unregulated procreation and eventually halt in vivo fertilization of inferior eggs. Taking a page from the science fiction classic 'Attack of the Carrot People' starring Natasha Eastwink, planned reproduction will be scientifically managed in vitro with computer designed zygotes only.

In spite of the fact that there are more ways to change than to let things remain the way they are. It is tempting to break things in order to fix them up better when one has parts to sell I suppose. Thus the one-toilet-for-all, pay as you go plan is the most democratic possible, and private showers may damage the coach child molesters opportunities of course as at Penn State, yet showers are in-themselves a luxury over-used perhaps, as is the 30 gallons of water per. Rationing water would probably be a better policy-5 gallons a week for all purposes for any individual or billions would be with-held in federal kickbacks of Federal Reserve zero interest loans to the big banks.

Each toilet use could be sold for a quarter that would go to pay for Bamako care.

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