
Post-Cold War Abomination; The Spiritual War

The end of the cold war with Ronald Reagan's inspired Christian leadership and a willing, bungling communist leader accomplice brought an age of new hope. Irrational exuberance saturated the stock market and President Clinton signed off on every sort of Wall Street scam for global profits with dire results. President Clinton was also known for moral failures.

President Clinton began with burning a rural farm of Christian cultists at Waco Texas with the A.T.F. and F.B.I. growing impatient on the 52nd day of their siege. He followed that up with the notorious Monica Lewinsky lip service peccadillo that got him impeached by Congress for lying. School children started shooting their classmates and the grunge era was followed by deeper, darker, satanic musical and media trends. President Obama has taken the post-cold war immoral tangent to a deeper level of hell.

At the start of his administration I noted that his was likely to be an abomination administration morally speaking ans so it turned out to be. The President has built a homosexual atheist immoral ascendancy creating a spiritual war within the nation; one leftist atheist and anti-Christian plan to win.

Replacing the external threat cold war with an internal threat spiritual war with the aggressor side employing traditional satanic methods of personalized and mass spiritual attack was a double failure of leadership. It was possible to avoid the conflict; just as it was possible to avoid the Syrian civil war simply through not supporting its build-up with cash, weapons and advisors.

Homosexual civil security wasn't endangered without the usurpation of traditional heterosexual marriage unto themselves. It probably would have been possible to end the homosexual deferment from military service over time too if they really desired to kill rather than suck their military foes.

The spiritual war is a way that insider, scientific atheists can attack the people of the United States that are Christians and traditionalists. President Obama repeatedly calls for change and has placed a homosexual as Secretary of the Army and threatened lawsuits on states that are recalcitrant about keeping bathrooms separate for men and women along traditional lines without the blur of undefined 'trans-gender' right to go anyplace they want, perhaps on the same day. The spiritual war seems to fit with the President's pro-Muslim immigration policies and transition to waging war upon Christian cultures wherever they are through spiritual means of homosexual, drugs, immigration and Islam.

American is a tolerant nation on the foundation of independence and personal individual freedom. It never has supported government coercion though, and the spiritual war is essentially a war on the soul for the possession of Satan.

Science and evolution are great things. Contemplation and research of the Universe are wonderful. Curious human beings seeking a better life inevitably work in that direction-just as they would invent blankets to stay warm in winter travel. It would be a tragedy if those drunken with the power of science and materialism further their attack on the human spirit, religious liberty and philosophy in their blind quest for power for power and believes in error, that a particular configuration of dimensions and relativity can explain creation of all, that space and extension paradigmata finally account for the set of all things and that there is no God.

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