
Pro Football Greenhouse Gassing Nodes

Pro football events besides being irreligious clusters of decadent secularists are clusters of global greenhouse gassing. In the 1960s cities like Dallas had the excuse of ignorance for clustering thousands of polluting cars and trucks at the stadium. In 2016 people are supposed to know better and act responsibly. That would require riding bicycles to watch greatly over-paid and over promoted athletes entertain a hundred thousand souls without any meaningful or socially useful thing to do and with a lot of money to spend on frills while people are starving in Bangladesh and South Sudan.

The auto and SUV cult gang-banger nodes are cancer site promoting issuance of greenhouse gassing. It would be far better if NFL stars quit the corrupt game and climbed Mount Everest and K2 instead in a competitive league for minimum wage yet with corporate sponsors. Camping out in zero degree weather would be good for the lads, and being relieved of so much cash and bling-stepping away from the mansions and sports bars, would enable those hard-wroking on useless activity souls to think about actually producing potatoes or something, perhaps putting themselves in teams to the harness and plow to trudge through fields for a sense of satisfaction.

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