
Rafael Cruz and the Oswald Connection

The National Enquirer reports they have identified an unidentified man with Lee Harvey Oswald in 1963 as Ted Cruz's father Rafael. Neither of Cruz's parents or himself were born in the U.S.A., and Rafael initially supported Communist dictator Fidel Castro before turning his coat over to a new leaf of anti-Castroism.


In the intrigue of espionage of the height of the cold war years many interesting stories were never told. Its sad that Ludlum is gone.


This issue reminds me of the theories about G.H.W. (aka '41') Bush and the oil industry connections to the grassy noll. 41 was eventually C.I.A. chief and previously owned the Zapata offshore oil corporation. The relationshiup of L.B.J. to Kellog, Brown & Root, as well as that of Cheney and RUmsfeld to that corporation and the early Vietnam War defense contracts that continued through the oil axis of no-competition contracts to their successor and parent corporation Halliburton and the Gulf Wars of 43's G.W. Bush (II) period.

J.F.K. needed to be put down for the oil services and construction contracting businesses of the insiders through the Vietnam war to roll. Ted Cruz's father might have been part of the Cuban ex-pat shadow world the C.I.A. used, and of course the Bay of Pigs fiasco brought a lot of antipathy toward the Kennedy administration that pulled out support at the last minute letting the Cuban ex-pats take the fall. Ted Cruz's might have met Lee Harvey Oswald who was the nominal shooter though there are theories about that too.

It is known that Ted Cruz was financed by the present insider New World Order corporatist players 'Goldman Sachs' in his U.S. Senate campaign, and his wife is employed there. It is difficult to say how deep the New World Order Bush I people run through the U.S.  Government and top of the Wall Street food chain. Plainly electing a Canadian born subject to frag and put down the last of U.S. Presidential qualifications requiring citizenship rather than being President of the World Bank would be trifling for them.

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